Joe is still going insane on Wackbag

22  2014-11-04 by asteadystreamofpiss


Wackbag... now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...

It's a graveyard for dinosaurs...but even they know ol' joe is a douche.

Fuck wackbag, I got banned from that dumb shit years ago, and for what reason? I have no clue because I never made a single post



Here's the thread from Brother Joe's first post. Apparently he really likes waving at internet windmills.

If he can't even win over wackbag, he's truly fucked.

That thread has been funny for a while. Im surprised no one else here was monitoring it. Its quite funny how even a community as splintered as the o and a one unanimously comes together to tear this useless piece of shit to shreds relentlessly.Most of it until now has been that roided up ...hopefully soon to be dead from liver failure xxtreme douchebag joe pietaro posting and everyone else devouring his soul with angry keystrokes. Now coattails himself is posting in there? O this is just too great. Maybe he can tell us all yet again how him and ANTH are together at the compound and none of us reddit haters can stop it.


Then prepare the lube.

Oof.. that's really embarrassingly cringe.

There isn't a sleeve between brother Joe and his "producer", other Joe.

Somehow, they've got each other believing they're going to make money doing this, even though Joe has more Youtube dislikes than indiegogo dollars.


Haven't written a parody in years. There was one good one though. Way back in 94, or so...when most of you were still shitting yourselves...It was a stupid little song called "Gonna 'lectric shock OJ". I stood at the back door of a little local radio station called WBAB out on Long Island and wouldn't leave until a then unknown DJ named Opie, doing the 7-10pm evening slot came out and took the cassette tape that Anth and Painstakingly recorded into his hands and told me he'd play it.

We'd done several parodies between '90 and 95 for Stern, Soupy, Bob Buchmann, Chaz on WPLR, Steve Aprea on Z-rock and a few other DJ's, but that one ended up making millions of dollars for Anthony. He was always funny. Since we were kids. I was always the one with a mind for business and the drive that he never had.

Bottom line morons: it was a concerted effort by Anthony and I to GET THE FUCK OUT OF WAKING UP AND BUSTING OUR ASSES EVRY DAY FOR A LIVING. We did it TOGETHER, as brothers and as a team. Neither of us could've done it alone.

Ask him if you doubt me. Call His Show And Ask Him.

I'm not deterred by critics. If I were, I'd be a fucking bum. The entertainment business is one of the toughest fields to succeed in. Your Mommy's and Daddy's weren't bullshitting you. They told you to stay in school, most of you did. We didn't. I certainly won't quit doing what I love because a few assholes tell me I'm "bad at it". My brother was bashed DAILY whenever he started at a new station. Why? Because he was BAD AT IT. He and Opie were goofing on their early selves practically right up until "D-Day".

As for all of my detractors and critics and douchehats that want to see me fail...and I don't believe there are that many of you, I've already won. I've benefited from a partnership and a mutual agreement that was forged when Anth and I were getting free lunch in elementary school and being raised by a single mom that taught us how to say "fuck you" in the face of adversity. Do you really think ANYTHING you say (write) can deter me?

Say what you will. Be ignorant of the truth to suit your own agendas. For me, Anthony, and anyone who really knows us, and the incredible story that runs much deeper than the tip of the iceberg that 99% of you think of as gospel truth, you're just fodder for a good laugh over a few beers before we head to the bank to deposit the checks that you afford us. It was our plan the whole time. Just ask my brother...

You forgot to tell us douchehats how bad we want to go to the compound but we will never be invited.

"'re just fodder for a good laugh over a few beers before we head to the bank to deposit the checks that you afford us..."

So if Joe is literally laughing all the way to the bank, then why is he internet-begging for $10,000?!?

that don't make no sense

They've already raised $223!!! So really, he is just begging for $9,777 now.

well $9,977.

Let's not pretend that $200 wasn't Joe's or someone he personally knows who felt sorry for him.

Weren't the 2 $100 donations within 24 hours of each other?

I'm pretty sure they were. If not, it was close to it.

It's so believable that two people on this planet woke up and exclaimed to themselves "I must kick brother Joe a C-note today!".

You know it was the one Joe with the one C-note, and the other Joe with the other C-note.

"y' get the ball rollin'"

it was 2 $100 donations within like 1 or 3 hours of each other no more than that which is amazing given that no donations were received for several weeks before that and Joe reads reddit and at minimum 99% of those donations before hand were obviously joke donations.

I'm concerned that all this attention to reddit is gonna have a negative effect on his 'music' career, shouldn't he be studying The Edge's latest look?

"We head to the bank to deposit the checks that you afford us."

How does Joe directly get paid from us?

Trickle down theory nigga

That theory should be debunked asap. It disgust me to think that some of my member money goes to him.

That's a whole lot of crying for someone who allegedly isn't bothered by the people on reddit.

"Look, first of all I don't give a fuck..." - Common Preface to an Impassioned Essay

Why are you posting pretending to be Joe?

He is reposting what Joe wrote.

Don't I feel dumb.

Now come here and tongue my asshole

In fact, no compassion, tell me what happened? For me, I have lost, and more than 300 people have been released from the stool war, there are a lot of training. Company, I agree with you for a long time is a gorilla. The goal is required. But my dog stayed in the world, I am reminded of the words in the world can not. I will tell you what you're about to get a kill, you have used? But the appeal. Your own IP reaction, the rain data and create a network that was met with told us that the United States, and now I can do for you. Contact us pirethrum less affected by the storm. First child. I, for the time, seven, you kill stuff and dance. As I got into the full power of a poor man, not only you, use the power of the United States Navy to open the tour divorce. If you know a little bit of a security, if you want to know, "smart", you will see the results right here. But if not, you can sink your feet you know the bank.

I bet that soliloquy sounded a lot better in his head...

The funny thing is nobody's questioning he helped Ant get his start. The point is, I don't think there's an audience who wants to hear his show. 60 years old is not the time to try to start being funny on the radio.

I certainly won't quit doing what I love because a few assholes tell me I'm "bad at it". My brother was bashed DAILY whenever he started at a new station. Why? Because he was BAD AT IT. He and Opie were goofing on their early selves practically right up until "D-Day".

Hey, maybe in 20 years, when BroCum is in his 80s, he'll be a good broadcaster. What do we know?

Wow i just got to read all that out. So let me get this straight... Coattails goes on wackbag to defend The primary problem people have with coattails is that hes an entitled blood sucking parasite white trashy nigger what does he do to respond? He brings up the fact that the TEAM of him and ANTH made millions because of the situation they were in and ability to do song parodies. What a delusional entitled cocksucker. I bet he calculates out a percentage every year how much hes owed out of ants check and sends a bill that includes maintenance and transaction fees.

Geeze he really is kind of taking half credit for Ant's success.

Now I see why the hate is so strong.

"So by millions you are referring to all the money Ant has made? Bullshit, maybe it got him the gig but the song didn't keep him employed all these years his talent did."
Are you that fucking ignorant? OF COURSE. What I'm saying is Opie and Anthony NEVER WOULD'VE Happened in the first place. This fucking stiupid board wouldn't be here, and you'd probably be worshipping someone else.

So..anyone here still think this faggot is being sarcastic? He thinks he made a song that has earned millions!

Pretty much all Joe has convinced me to do is not buy Anthony's show because I don't want to contribute to those beers he drinks. Unless a stretch goal for his beg-a-thon is a cyanide chaser

Some backstory pls? From what I can tell it's not just this sub fucking with him?


Jesus Joe....

Joe thought he would get listeners from plugging there.

I am sure all 5 of them and their sockpuppets will tune on in.

Why didn't you plug here you 2 earring fag? We would have treated you better....

You may want to actually read the thread there...We tried to have a semi-serious discussion with him about it. When he posted the above screenshot, I knew we were dealing with a truly broken soul.

Shut up, you fucking sockpuppet!

I'll just sit in the corner here by my jacuzzi...

We would have treated you better....



You mean everyone doesn't get all fired up over an, "OMG you guys Jimmy must have a trucking company now because I just saw a truck that said Chip on it!!!!!" photo there?

Norton also has a CAR DEALERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hate those


what is he, some sort of faggit

Now come here and tongue my asshole