Someone called into Anthony's Show and played the "HOLD ON" clip today

13  2014-11-03 by EskimoEscrow

It was the first call he took, and he hung up after about 10 seconds because the connection was shitty. I don't think Ant recognized the clip.


I wonder if Anthony will cut it from replays?


This sentiment will be downvoted for the next month or so. But it'll prove out true.

What an original idea by that caller. Wow are you fucks repetitive.

As are cocks like you.

good one

Thank you.

buried that piece of shit

what a bunch of gossiping hens you fags are.


There is no "and", stupid.

He's saying we don't care. And isn't this like the 10th time you referred to the fans as "hens"? How much of the show's lingo are you going to steal, autist?

Ummm look at your username haha. Asshole

First time dummy. You just made yourself look like an idiot. Congrats!


and then what?

And, stupid?


People using a show discussion forum to discuss something that happened on the show isn't gossip. Gossip would be talking about shit that goes on outside of the show.

Benny 72 is that the number of peckers you can fit in your butt or something? Tsssss

Hey faggot tits. Gossiping is what you and the fat broads do when you're not not fingering yourselves. The man is commenting on something that happened today. Leave him be.

Deal with it bitch.

You are the bitch. Look at your comment history, that's all you do is whine.


and then what?

And, stupid?

He's saying we don't care. And isn't this like the 10th time you referred to the fans as "hens"? How much of the show's lingo are you going to steal, autist?

good one
