Outsider's View

1  2014-11-03 by BVsaPike

The last show I've listened to was the first show that Opie & Jim did without Anthony. I haven't subscribed to Anthony's show. From what I've seen on both of their social media here is my impression of both shows:

Opie & Jimmy seems to have turned into the Sam Robert's Show. They have endless guests on that I can't see fitting into the dynamic of the old show. It feels like Opie is focused on posting more and more awful YouTube videos that he hopes go viral, most of which I don't really find funny. Jim seems to be doing the best he can to make the best of the divorce, weekdays with Opie and weekends at Anthony's. Looks like he genuinely cares about both but don't know how he fits in with Opie's new lifestyle.

Anthony seems like he's having a blast and doing his show on his own terms because fuck the bosses. It looks like he's doing the show he enjoys and doesn't really feel the need to have guests on unless he personally wants to hear them talk. Lots more guy nights at the compound.

It also looks like they've split up friends since the divorce, some have tried to be friends with both and some haven't. I've think seen Bobby and Rich and on both shows but Florentine seems to be a fixture on Opie & Jimmy while Rogan seems to enjoy talking to Anthony.

For those who still listen to one or both shows, how close or far am I from reality?


Florentine was on Ant's show last week.

im sure florentine goes on OnA more because jim is there.

Tsssss tsss what are you scott hall or sumthin?

Ant has the same guests O&J had on the day or days prior. It's a revolving door of rehashing the same stories over and over

i dont think anthony is having less guests as a desicion im pretty sure that if your managing mike tyson and some guy called keith the cop invites your ex world heavyweight champion to talk to some dude on a basement you would think twice about it.

And im not saying that the obscure opie and jim show is atracting better guests is just that is easier to make them come to a media building in manhattan.

Why even ask this? Listen to the shows and form your own opinion, stupid.

u contributed nothing