Are all 20 - 30 of you loser douchebags still here bitching about a radio show you wont stop listening to?

0  2014-11-03 by DocSense

From your mom's basement no doubt, cunts.


I'm an educated, successful professional. "Nice try on the hate, tho."

Hi Opie (1). I am also a well-educated, successful professional.

I've stopped listening because it's...well, unlistenable. I think there are others like me that are going after you because you attacked radio hacks when you've been one all along. You're a thin-skinned hypocrite and a narcissist, and you can't stand that we keep pointing our your double standard. No hate. Just stop being a hack and keep your ego in check.

(1) Looking at his account (, some of the comments have Opie-isms. There are 2-3 other accounts people have called out as Opie, and they no longer posted. Plus the account appears to be only 19 days old.

Doubt it sparky.

Oh, you DIDN'T just go there!

I'm just as God made me, sir.



I love the from someone's basement joke, im willing to bet A whole 5 dollars that most of the guys here bitching are more successful than a cunt like you

Define success. You morons spend hours obsessing about a radio show that is just slightly more shitty that is was before Cumia's arrogance got him fired. I dont. I win.

you just proved my point. I love cunts like you who think you are better then all of it. You really are a clown

"I win"? What next, an "I'm rubber, your glue" comeback?

Your hacky, mush-mouthed hero would be so proud of your tired prose.

Define success

In your case this would be like describing color to a blind man...It's an abstract and wonderful concept that you'll, unfortunately, never experience.

This is the Opie and Anthony sub. Go use the Opie and Jimmy sub if you don't want to discuss the legacy of the O&A show.

Hi, Opie.


I'm proud to say I have no idea what that means ... but I'm sure its something fucking stupid or you woundnt have posted it.

I'm sorry, I meant Reddit accounts. How many reddit accounts do you have, you dense shithead?

To be fair, my mom's basement is pretty fuckin' boss.

He's not lying. I've seen it.

Hey buddy, I know this isn't the time or the place, but I've been meaning to ask how you feel about Sam Roberts.

Hate him.

Calm down, satan.

I merely come here for the entertainment at this point. I quit listening a couple weeks ago.

I'm as calm as a loser long island pedophile trying to screw high school girls after softening them up with jesus juice and gifts from amazon.

Calm enough to throw coherency and basic grammar out the window, it seems.


another brand new post from the same nobody who created a brand new account to waste more time complaining about the complaining than we do on complaining.

I check here every week or two so see if you losers are still being losery. And the answer is always cuntastically 'yes'

'your mom's basement'?

I think you are confusing this place with WackBag good sir.

It's a term he picked up from his dad who uses it when discussing their sex-life.

I'd like to punch you 20 - 30 times until you stop bitching.

Look at the tough guy wow i guess you could get your sad assperger ass over to where he is and have a stern shotout match with him when you realise you dont want any kind of physical altercation.

I am 30 and in great shape, and am taller than Opie, and I know how to fight with my hands and guns - I'd be happy to have any "stern" shootout.

What else dangerous guy do you wear a trenchcoat and a fedora also, and let me remind you if u use a gun outside of your badass fantasy world ur ass is probably going to jail for a while, and let me guess ur pasty white ass is more than ready for some unsolicited "love".

I leave my house covered in cheetoh dust, you forgot that.

thats not cheetos thats cum you dummy

Now I'm scared. Help.

It's more for the visual of you getting your head knocked back like a punching bag and a joke than an actual threat.

It's always cute how "the haters" are dismissed. You know why we listen to the show? Not for Opie. We listen for Jim, Vos, Bobby, the guests. People that are funny or entertaining and don't derail the fun. Opie has been a cancer since XM and people are finally waking up about it.

We're not haters of the show, we're haters of Opie.

Opie is a douche. But the only reason you've heard to Cumia or Norton is because of Opie.

Get a life.

Right and what has he done after that? Brought a never ending stream of complaining about Howard, management, his kids, anything he can think of. Oh and also couldn't land a joke in 10 years, made everyone in the studio uncomfortable, couldn't take a beating like everyone else could, was obsessed with things going viral...oh and tried to use someone's molestation to get internet hits.

What are you justifying exactly? Other than something he did 20 years ago? The show has passed him by.

Yes, because people bitching about this POS Opie Show is any different from us Jocktobering some other shit Morning Zoo station. Same fucking deal, shit show that we spend hours researching how fucking shitty it is.

It looks like the bit has passed you by...

Stop with your harsh words, it's really hurting us Sam

Who says we are still listening?

u mad?



I do not enjoy being called a cunt.

Yes I am.

exactly, thank you

Lol the 20-30 comment really nailed it on the head. It's the same 20 people with 2 accts each circle jerking each other whenever "THE BOYS MIGHT READ OUR REDDIT COMMENTS". That's like the proudest times of their days


Now you are actually talking to one of your alts.

He's not lying. I've seen it.

I'm sorry, I meant Reddit accounts. How many reddit accounts do you have, you dense shithead?

I leave my house covered in cheetoh dust, you forgot that.