Dishonorably discharged veteran Joseph "AWOL" Cumia

0  2014-11-02 by [deleted]

Anthony had alluded to the fact that his brother Joe had joined the Army in the '70s. He never gave any more details beyond that. My theory is that this sleeveless piece-of-shit pussied out in basic training, deserted, and got a dishonorable discharge (much like Lady Di).


Ask him on Youtube,he answers every single fuckin comment made on his vids.

He really thinks of himself as some sort of psychology mastermind, with his claims that every single hater "is jealous because they're DYING to hang out at the compound."

I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't mind, but for me, yuck. Just looking at it gives me vibes of that party they had in American History X.

I think everyone should make sure to thank Brother Joe for his service next time he pops up on Reddit.


Pretty sure Anthony mentioned him being a paratrooper and being stationed in Germany on the radio a while ago.

You're describing Ant's fantasy, and it takes place in the 1940s

I heard his grandpa died in Germany during WWII.

...he was a mongoloid Sicilian gypsy pedophile that got gassed.


What happens if you join the army and then completely fail at basic training? Like do they kick you out?

They cut your sleeves off and give you shitty tattoos

Those monsters!

You're given a choice - recycle in a couple months (redo boot), or get a conditional discharge, it's like the whole thing never happened. People wash out all the time, it's no big deal, other than to your ego.

AWOL is another matter - you guys are accusing Joe of potential felonies, you better be careful with shit like that.

That'd be hilarious. Mommy and daddy kiss your forehead, both proud and nervous of your first grown-up decision. There's a going away party with a cake and even pop-pop has been dragged from the old person's home to say see you depart.

A month're back because your ass couldn't do 20 fucking pull ups.

Well, yeah, I guess. Boot is hard, it's supposed to be - also, people wash out for medical reasons. My ex was in the military, was all lined up to go through boot and then into a special program in Monterey for intelligence ops, and then 3 weeks in blew her knee out, to the point she couldn't get back in. She would have been a badass, trained in weapons.

The only time someone dropping out has bothered me was a guy I worked for, who went around talking about being a Marine, and a Vet, with "Semper Fi" shit all over his office. We found out he washed out of boot, and left on his own decision, instead of recycling, and we found out because a real Marine found out and chewed his ass, telling him, "You're not a Marine until you pass boot, maggot." Funniest fucking thing I'd ever seen up to that point.

We're merely speculating...what's your take?

I don't have one, I don't recall any mention of it at all. I'm just saying, be careful with what you throw around, since you know he reads here.


No, they throw you into an active volcano. Of course they kick you out. They might also station you somewhere as a pencil pusher. I don't know exactly. I was never in the military.

Sounds legit.

Was he not in the Air Force?

Chair Force

He gives us more than enough rope to lynch him with without people inventing shitty theories.

Typically AWOL does not get a Dishonorable Discharge but a Bad Conduct Discharge, especially for fresh enlistees.

Pretty heavy charges to be levying.