Patrice: I liked how many skirts Tough Crowd pulled up. Opie: Hell Fucken Yeah

17  2014-11-02 by NiggaInABuick

Patrice was talking about how he loved that Tough Crowd exposed shitty comedians who weren't funny. Then Opie immediately chimed in with "Hell Fucken Yeah."

It's absurd how Opie always talks in these situations like he's some sort of comedy master. If Opie had been on Tough Crowd, he would've bombed the whole time while Jimmy fake laughed and tried to bail him out.


Jimmy: Can you imagine if I bashed Ozzy for an hour and his record sales plummeted? Can you imagine if I had that kind of power, what kind of a douche I'd be? Then I'd bring them back up to make him love me.

Ant: (In Ozzy voice) Thank you, Jimmy!

Ant: Haha, that's Jimmy's dream...

Stupid: (Fake laugh) HAHA I think that's an actual dream he had -- LET'S GO TO THE PHONES! SNOWY FROM MICHIGAN, YOU'RE ON THE AIR!

lol i love it when people call the pre-show to trash snowy

"Hey there guys. Haha I bet that really was one of Jimmy's dreams. Excellent observation Opie. By the way, how are the kids? We haven't heard a story about your kids in a few hours. Hope everything is going well. Love the new show you and Jimmy are doing. Take care."

Remember before Ant got fired and people were defending him by talking about how valuable he was to the show because he "steered the ship". Hey, fuck you people.

Hell fucken yeah


I've never done this before but I'm going to armchair diagnose Opie. I think he has Diabetes, he's spoken about how he needs his milk and other food stuffs to keep his blood sugar and energy levels up and not feel cranky and hungry on air.

I'm also going to do the right thing and debunk my own diagnosis. If Opie actually had real blood sugar problems he would quickly seizure and slip into a Diabetic coma, so it turns out he's just an every day douche.

Like all online diagnoses this has meant nothing.

He's just half-listening to everything that's happening in the studio because he's incapable of comprehending humour or connecting with any topic that isn't sports-related. The sensory organs are active, but the brain is off with the faeries, watching a pin-wheel spin. You'd have better luck reading the works of Dostoyevsky to a dog than getting Opie to spot the joke in a room full of comedians.

It's just a me me me attitude. Baby boy needs persistent sustenance. "I swear I have to eat or I will pass out." Said the man that no one has ever seen come close to passing out.

This is actually a very interesting point, Opie has built an image of hating on regular hacky radio and unfunny douches. He really believes he's the same as guys like Patrice and Collin, he believes he exists outside of the hack matrix, looking in on the world.

I do genuinely believe that what's contributed to his delusion is the fact no one trashed him all these years, the whole group knew that Vos and Bobby and Collin were gunny guys who can bounce back and add value to the show. When it came to Opie it would've been simply telling the truth which is that he is talentless.

This is for anybody that watched Tough Crowd regularly: Can you think of anybody who was really exposed, destroyed, or who just bombed horribly on there? Would love to see that.

Dennis Leary and Dat Phan

Him trying to go at Giraldo and getting destroyed was great. Leary was so butthurt.


Jeff Garlin

The look on Patrice and Vos's face after Lisa's joke.

Edit - After watching it again, notice how Lisa's first "blow" wasn't bleeped out, but the second one is.

Anytime Judy Gold was on.



Almost Lisa Lampenali(however ya spell it)

You don't have to be part of tough crowd to acknowledge patrices point.

Yes, and so would all of us, yet we also loved that part of Tough Crowd. I don't like hearing his dumb voice either, but come on

He gives me the same douche chills whenever he says "right on, right on" in response to some guest's comment.

Everyone, go to 1:15:40 to hear Opie get butthurt when Patrice jokes about Opie not calling him back

what in the sam hell