Colin Quinn's Halloween Tweet made me feel so depressed for him

29  2014-11-01 by Peter_______________


That's what he wants you to do. Don't believe his Neil Sedaka-laced lies

Kids these days just don't give a care ...



It's nice to know there's at least one stupid asshole out there who takes his tweets seriously, though.

Plot twist: Colin just bought a bunch of candy for himself.

Those are some really safe, "right down Main Street" choices.

I expected better from him.

Since when do kids go trick or treating at 530pm?

Since the past 10 years probably. Most townships have curfews of like 9pm on halloween.

This is far more hilarious than it deserves to be.

Who gives out York Peppermint Patties?

Who wants his candy after this

Kids don't go trick or treating anymore.

I haven't had any in the past three years.

Registered sex offender joke

Doesn't he live in an apartment in Manhattan? I am pretty sure this is a joke.

It's too real though

york peppermint patties are gross

Damn kids

Those damn kids... THEY'RE TELLIN LIES! I didn't do none of that stuff. They lied about my friend Jerry too! They was all lies!


Who the f eats candy anyway I'm not a child I'm not fucking six years old har glrrh i.. I err why err why don't you fucking put some fucking ketchup on it you hack

I haven't had any good trick or treaters in years. The kids come up to my door and say "trick or treat!" and I always say "How old are ya?" And if they say anything 6 and up I yell "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE but tell your younger friends to drop by!"

Some Halloweens I cut a hole in the back of the candy bowl and tell all the trick or treaters that the good candy is at the bottom.

Well maybe if last year he did not invite the kids in for "pictures and alcohol" he would have had more visitors.

Plus that Megans Law thing kinda interferes, as parents are getting smart on that these days.

It's alright, after seeing the tweet Bobby probably raced over to Colin's house to eat the treats. It was CQ's plan all along.


2014-10-31 21:20:54 UTC

Thanks kids for making me waste $$ buying candy and none of u rang the bell. I feel like a real jerk. [Imgur]

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