Patrice and Borat

82  2014-10-31 by [deleted]


RIP Chocolate face

Lol, look at Patrice's face.

too cool for the room

nah he hated to smile because he was self conscious of his teeth, he talked about it a bunch of times.

He hated to smile because he was black.

Oh man this was great. You have to be an incredible character actor for Patrice to play along and Borat did it.

I really was shocked at how well Borat did on the show. Sacha is great at improve.

"Why ain't I famous?"

Has he been on the show as himself? The only thing I remember from the Borat appearance was him saying something like Patrice would make a good circus attraction back in his home country so people could touch his hair... goddam, I remember laughing like a maniac when I heard that.

The only time I've ever seen him out of character was on The Daily Show about a decade ago. It's irritating in that I want to like him, but I hate his characters.

I died laughing when borat said something about swinging like tarzan but he paused before saying tarzan, patrice laughed and said even borat knows

He doesn't like white boy fun!

Can that fucking silver back just smile once?!

He said he doesn't smile in pictures with white people because he would look like a slave.

(source: OandA with bobby lee and patrice in studio)

God, I miss Patrice logic.

He was fucking nuts.

Fuck that just made me laugh out loud, must have missed that comment

"Mannnn. lookit dis goofy ass motherfucker. Why ain't I famous?"


Just listening right now to the Patrice vs. Dr. Z segment. Goddamn is Patrice brilliant and practically made of titanium... and holy shit does Opie need to shut up!

I was trying to figure it out. If Opie didn't take her side, it would have been a brutal 4 on 1 attack, which makes shit radio... but the fact that he kept bringing it back to "So how does a guy get anal?" and "How can we get ass to mouth?" is so fucking amateur. The listeners want to hear Patrice! Back up her points, support her arguments, but don't fucking keep derailing the conversation! What the fuck is he doing? Even TJ Miller turned on Opie by the end!

That picture looks like it was taken at a wax museum. Neither of them look real

(in the middle of Borat killing) Opie: so you know we're shock jocks, right?


Jesus fucking christ. Can we have one post where people just shut their mouths about opie?

No, needs to be pointed out what an IDIOT he is. Now get back to sucking on his asshole.

You're sad. I never liked the douchebag to begin with. But this shit is getting ridiculous. This whole subreddit is pathetic now. Eat shit

Yeah, not like when Ant was still on the show and everyone on here was bitching and complaining about how lazy they both were, and how they weren't trying anymore or how all they did was complain about how much better Howard was treated. Not like now. Now things are super different.

You're right. I should have unsubscribed much earlier

Then GO THE FUCK AWAY. Why cunts like you insist on posting and whining like bitches about reddit is beyond me.

The sub has passed you by

That's actually a good idea. I'll unsub now. Feel free to stick around and continue discussing something you hate. Miserable shitstain

Nice try Opie

Nice try, Opie.

His stupidity and awfulness is too overwhelming and prevalent to not bring up each thread

On the side of the road, cart sells fermented urine and horse throat.

Were they on the show together? Does anyone have a clip of it?

The exchange with Patrice is the best.


2 of my favorite people

unamused Patrice is unamused

You're right. I should have unsubscribed much earlier