Origin of the Tinkle Lord bit?

0  2014-10-31 by Sentinel_Event

Was there anything to the Tinkle Lord / Piss King stuff or is it merely something to make Denny the tackhead squirm?


That part is fake obviously, but the sucking his own cock, is for real.

But even that, was there ANY backstory or did they just think of something gross that would make it awkward? Like did he make some comment offhand that they twisted? If not it's more hilarious that they just decided to conjure the Denny the pee drinker out of thin air.

Opie made it up as an insult one day, Roland and Sam laughed, so now he just keeps bringing it up.

I believe Sam was the one who just said it one day to make Denny squirm.

One of the few bits Sam has come up with that makes me laugh. Mainly because of the way Denny tries to deflect it

He doesn't work blue.

I thought that when they were talking about his fucked up feet, Jim brought up how funny it would be to see his feet dangling in the air while he's trying to blow himself and then it took off from there. I could be wrong.

I do remember the leg brace convo, is there a clip about the self-sucking? THat would be a funny turn.

I wouldn't even know where to start looking for that clip. I think it was spring 2014 though.