"No...It's this fucking...I'll show ya after. I'll show ya after."

43  2014-10-31 by kristal010

  • The simpering of an older man trying to keep his 30% raise


Referring to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UtP-TzTkI4&feature=youtu.be&t=2h53m15s


Like I said in another post it's kind of weird to hear normally quick witted Jimmy stumbling to say something.

Yup geniune "ON NO" reaction

I'd agree completely if you replaced "an older man" with "a delightful young boy".

That's how I reacted when my Mom walked into my room as a kid and I scrambled to turn all the porn off.

You'd show her after?

It didn't matter, she was in it.

Did /u/im_not have two broken arms?

How much porn did you have on?

What, you don't have a million separate tabs open when you look at porn?

how old are you? back in my day our browsers had one tab, it was all we had and we liked it, we loved it.

Back in my day there were no browsers....a magazine was thrown across the room if mom walked in. If dad walked in we jerked each other off.

I'm 23. Tabs were definitely around back in 2009ish

Yes, but they are all in one window so it still only requires 1 click.

He had to take off all of his pants before he started crankin'.

He had that mortified embarrassed tone to his voice.

Someone has to call in and ask about this

Someone should call in and play the video over the phone right when he goes to the call.

"no it's this fuckin video"

"what video... the one... the one that I just tweeted?"


I think he realized what it was as he was saying that sentence

Sort of like blueberries aren't a standalone fruit

I don't think even Fez can make me cringe this much.

I do not think Jimmy has to explain the video so much, as the laughter Mr. Norden was holding back on air.

Jim cannot be this fucking delusional, he knows he works with a pure hack.

Could you picture Opie at the "table" in the Cellar?

He would get fucking eviscerated, and most likely commit suicide.

No wonder people who work with Opie only keep it "professional" and not personal.

Not including Ballwashing Vos, he is obviously an attention whore, who has sucked dick for drugs, now sucks Opies dick for podcast play and attention for his gigs.

I bet Opie's face got all red when he heard what Jimmy was watching on his phone. This is probably eating him up inside and he may be questioning Jimmy's intentions.

I bet before he realized what Jim was really watching, he had a hard on thinking that Jim actually clicked on the video he tweeted. The desperation of this FRAUD Opie trying to get viral videos is amazing. But there I go being a hater.

If it was a bit then jimmy acted very believable, that sounded panicked, that's the exact line someone would use when being caught listening to something, dismissing it like " i"ll show u later..., it's this fucking thing.....it's nothing....yeah I"ll show u later..."

Jimmy can't act that well and Opie's ego wouldn't allow a bit like that.

Good points

I wish we could of seen his lip quiver and blink frantically as Opie asked what that was

I could hear his blinking through the microphone

In no world do they have a video insulting opie as the lynchpin of a bit.


I missed this. What's it in reference to?

Jim played this video from his phone the other day and it was just silence in the studio for 10 seconds. It was pretty clear he didn't intend for Greggshells to hear it and then had to play it off like it was nothing. Jim's voice was really uncomfortable. It was the same feeling/excuse you would expect someone to say if they just got caught looking at porn by their mom.

Anyone have a link to the whole thing? I only caught a little bit of the show this week.


this is beautiful, jimmy finally subtly getting to that fuckin idiot

Thanks for the vid man.

Meh, I don't really care about this.

Holy shit, the energy in that video sounds like someone masturbating at a funeral.

The show fucking sucks without Anthony, god damn is that garbage.

Happy cake day!


Thanks. I tried to remember what was happening 2 years ago that made me join.

I still have no clue why I'm here except to waste company resources :D

what day was this? ill just download the show


Look back somewhere in the posts the last day or two. Jimmy accidentally (or so the rumor mill would say) played a you tube clip on his phone during the show with the volume up, displaying Gregg's impeccably terrible timing, stepping all over a good conversation with his I GOTTA ADD NOTHING HOLDITHOLDITHOLDIT "bit." Some say he got caught with his pants down, others think it was a passive aggressive move, as he had just done the same thing moments before (or so I hear; I've been listening to replays from 2011 the last few months, though I did listen to the clip on the subreddit)

as he had just done the same thing moments before

Clarify, please?

A minute or two before the clip played, Opie said "Hold on, hold on" cutting Jimmy off because he wanted to plug someones twitter. Jimmy wanted him to mention Pao's instagram directly instead of whoever tweeted it to Opie. Then Jim started singing "Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much" and then plays the clip of Opie.

It was a really strange few minutes of radio.

I think I was listening to that actual clip the other day.

It's where the are trying to think of a way to give Stalker Patti her rent checks, Opie chimes in with his "Hold on, hold on, I've got the bit" and goes on to say they should get her on all-fours with mouse-traps. Then Patrice goes "oh, that's genius!".

So, the irony is in this case he was actually adding something to the show.. Schinkel bout that for a second.

Patrice wasn't dumb. He knew when to make opie feel good about himself.

Moments before what?

Yeah, I agree. What was the clip? I stopped listening to the Media Destination early last week.

It passed you by


same here, but then again i havent listened to the show

dont know why im here, actually

Sorry I though everyone had seen it so far! Edited in link in

Jim will check twitter from time to time during the show, i think he clicked on a click he didn't know about.

On a site that EVERYONE knows bashes the new show. Jimmy is a liar as well....pretending to not care about "anonymous zeroes" while reading their opinions while broadcasting.

And then 'accidentally' hold it up to the mic for 10 seconds.

When I listen to shows from a few years back, I recognize a remarkable difference in Opie's whole demeanor and linguistic talents. For better or worse, when the show was in the heart of an incredible flow, with brilliant comics and pressing political matters thrown around with national response, Opie fit right in, and didn't reveal too much idiocy or arrogance.

It's just my opinion. I don't mind pre-2013 Opie.

He has become terrible quickly, but it started happening well before 2013. More like 2009-2010. I have also been listening to older shows now that Opie and Jim allowed themselves to be assfucked by Sirius. Shit like the HOLD ON HOLD ON was still there here and there, but not as much as now. But yeah, I do agree.....just that I think that his bullshit has been going on a bit longer. I can listen to most any old show from XM and not even get annoyed.



I think that was his replying to Soder's sexy voice comment before his. Sort of a way of breaking the tension haha

To be fair I'm sure Opie is driving him nuts

Mah.It sounded set up to me.

Why would they cut that from the replay then?

It's obviously a false flag operation.

That goes without saying.


Do you have the documents?

Haven't they specifically played youtube videos on the show highlighting their different verbal crutches in the past? I don't get why people find this to be such high intrigue.

Do you really need this explained in further detail?

You guys are all running around 74 threads all proud of yourselves saying "Ooooo! We really got him! Zing!!" when it's really not a big deal, and they've voluntarily brought shit like this to the show themselves in the past. Either that, or people are hugging themselves thinking "Jimmy was trying to send us a message! He agrees with us, and wants to let us know! ::sighs and stares dreamily at picture of Norton::"

I just find it funny that you're all acting like 14 year old girls at a slumber party about it.

I didn't say it was a big deal. I don't even listen to the show anymore. I just think it's amusing that Greggshells obsesses so much about "hater sites," and his own co host sitting 4' away gets caught red handed lurking on one. And then everyone on the show has to pretend it didn't happen, going to such lengths as cutting it from the replay.

Your initial point is wrong, because they did that knowingly or brought it to the show themselves. It never accidentally popped up on the air.

I think reddit's a little too big to necessarily be a "hater site" like wackbag, for example. I doubt jim would need to hide the fact that he was here.

I might be wrong...but did it happen while he was looking for some other video? I remember he was trying to find a video to show someone, but don't remember if that's when he accidentally played it.

Edited from the replay.

What does the "size" of a website have to do with anything? And to my knowledge, the only two that could even qualify are this and Wackbag. So as Sgt Hartmann says in Full Metal Jacket: "That kinda narrows it down some, don't it?"

Maybe dawgs too...don't really go there though, so I'm not sure how pissy they are. I'm just saying I don't think Jim being on reddit is shocking, or a betrayal. I'm sure Opie looks at this place all the time too.

It's not shocking, but it's amusing. That's why everyone is so tickled, and it raises a lot of interesting questions. Hence the buzz. (Which is why I started with "do you really need this explained to you?")

It isn't the content of the video that was interesting- its that Jimmy was browsing (or had been passed) a "Hater" video during the show in the first place.

And that Opie had it removed from the replay.

I never really saw anybody confirm that it was removed...so I wasn't sure. But yeah, if he had it removed, he's a queeb and a quay.

Yes, he had it removed. There is zero other reason why it would not be in the replay. Who else would have it removed? Really it is not a big moment. If you did not know what the video was as a listener, it would seem like a non-issue. But Opie knew exactly what the video was and had it removed. He is a douche.

He really should've just pointed it out and laughed about it. He's in a spiral of insecurity and trying too hard. Needs to fucking relax.

More like a major mistake that was made by Jimmy, that was awkwardly brushed under the table, never acknowledged, highlighted, or discussed then conveniently edited out of the replay


But...I thought opie doesn't pay any attention to "the haters", he's too busy counting all of his money, working on his new shirt "awkward" and reading his latest rock n roll biography: "the true story about john cafferty and the beaver brown band." Btw the keyboardist will be in next week (media destination!).

Haha, your comment fucking rules.

Lol that you believe opie's ego could take a bit like that.

Lol you believe that Sam the sycophant would be involved in the clowning of Opie

Is that why Opie had it cut from the replay?


Then why did they take it out of the replay, genius? People who think like you are such dopes.



Thanks. I tried to remember what was happening 2 years ago that made me join.

I still have no clue why I'm here except to waste company resources :D

Yes, he had it removed. There is zero other reason why it would not be in the replay. Who else would have it removed? Really it is not a big moment. If you did not know what the video was as a listener, it would seem like a non-issue. But Opie knew exactly what the video was and had it removed. He is a douche.