OandA with Jeffires and Vos, discussing a dissatified so-sitch customer.

22  2014-10-30 by Threkin


I have always loved this bit, fuckin fat farmers lol. Thanks to Yarsh29 on youtube.

I still say "saus-ich" like this guy.

This was great. I really like how JJ doesn't know what the "tube" sausage is.

"a woman who is a little plump"

"couple dozen eggs"

I like how JJ comes at it after the guy says "fried eggs and T-bone steaks." JJ: "I didn't know they had T-bone steaks!"

JJ: "He's angry... but by God (the sausage) it's good!"

Then Mush-Mouth Vos chimes-in not understanding, thinking it was one "tube" of sausage per person, and he lives in the US. Even JJ was aware enough to realize that wasn't the case.