0  2014-10-30 by randomcuntnumber6


This is kind of fucked up.


opies families personal info via a facebook screen shot.


Fuck off with this shit weirdo.

Did Opie do this to get the sub banned?

Delete this thread. Right the fuck now.

Yikes. Sayonara subreddit.

Jesus Christ. What is wrong with yall.

This is fucked up and should be deleted immediately.

Oh, I get it now.

Shit on his radio ability, shit on his shitty ego, go nuts, he's a grown man... but what the hell? doxing his fucking baby daughter? Why? That's like the one way to get me on Opie's side.

You give bottom feeding pieces of shit pests a bad name. Congrats idiot.

Cute kid, but you crossed the line.

And, you created a throwaway account to post this shit. Fuck off.

im tellin ya this place just got flooded by faggot 12 year olds who think they are being edgy, but it will all come back around when they have their own daughter and she ends up in porn.

Yikes. Don't post that stuff here.

This is seriously fucked up, what the fuck

Get rid of this.