Opie Grace

52  2014-10-30 by Brooks___Was___Here


Are you a graphic designer? That's fantastic.

I would say yes if I didn't think your message was sarcastic. I screw around in Adobe CS6 a little in my spare time.

You must be extremely busy, seems like you've had about 4 seconds of spare time.

Thank you for your service.

I've never seen the show. Well I've seen the show now and then I'll take just a peek. I'll peek in on it just to get a taste.

Jimmy would do her/him.

"she always has one eyebrow up like she caught YOU in a lie"-bill burr

I'd love to see them both fall of a bridge, then rescued and raped by ebola and Aids infested Somali pirates, with bloody violent assrape in their hearts and souls.

I hope they tape it, would be a great watch.

Get your lube out boys.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON, let me get this on video for my youtube channel. This thing is gonna go viral!

"A celebrity acquaintance of mahne was touched by a sexually abusive criminal! Tewn in fer more on TysonGate!"

Was this meant to be Soder impersonating Nancy "hashtagchildrape" Grace? Because that's how I read it.

Bitch got some jacked up choppers.

Right click/Save As, /u/TheToolMan

You're gonna need this.