
1  2014-10-30 by blazertrpt87

Is he trying to be Howard?


In some past OandA shows, you can clearly hear Howard in Anthony. More than anything, when he copied his talking patterns at times.

I know this post will get downvoted but it's the truth.

Everyone knows Anthony was a huge fan of 90s Howard Stern. He learned more about radio from listening to classic Stern than sitting next to Opie.

That's why he was funny. The Curly bit from the Penn State schedule was, obviously, lifted from Billy West.

And nobody else does a Larry Fine impression other than Billy.

He's "still workin things out". Whatever the fuck that means.

He's got "vision" maaaaaan

I love both shows but Opie is pushing me away. If sweet sweet Jimmy left I'd be out so fast. Uncle Paul makes me laugh so hard!

Howard apparently is a talent-less hack. So yes.

Yeah, it's the new bit he's trying.

An unauthorized biography. Somebody write one. Sell the movie rights....then release Jocktober the Movie on lasagna *hat leap year day.

Shhhhh... That's my idea. The working title is: "Gregg 'Opie' Hughes: The unauthorized biography of radio's most notorious bad boy."

And it will be filled with every one of his "life stories", like how he had to carry his lunch in a brown paper bag, and how his dad made him plow the backyard with his bicycle, all the way up to his XtReMe shock jock antics, like DESTROYING pinball machines. All of his stories combined will make for a great biography. And since he's already stated them all publicly, they're public domain. The only thing is, it seems like a lot of effort and work for a short payoff.

kickstarter this

I've thought about it. I need a sweet public pic of the Opester to make a book cover.

Anthony has a lot if Howards better on air traits. Opie has all his bad on air traits.

Very well said!