Do you think Jimmy intentionally played that clip?

0  2014-10-29 by EskimoEscrow


To me it doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. It was the most amusing thing that happened on the show this week.

Of course not. And it's kind of weird to hear normally quick witted Jimmy stumbling to say something.

Jimmy you're panicking...

I think we all know lil Jimmy is nowhere near good enough an actor for that to have been planned.


sounds like a bit to see how much shit Opie will get on the hate sites.

He's obsessed with Reddit

haha jim is such a dunce that was not intentional

jim got opsied

More importantly: do you think Jimmy ordered the code red.

I honestly don't know. If Jimmy's taking some kind of shot, it's weird and doesn't add up. If it's a bit, it's weird and doesn't add up.

I'm leaning towards bit though.


holy shit we already have 8 of these threads

and yes it is a bit you idiots, when does jim ever use the computer?

opie is trying to keep the hate going, keep the interest up in the show, and its working, he may be stupid but he knows how to make you hate him so much you need to listen, genius really.

Sounds like it's coming from his phone, not a computer. He checks his phone constantly during the show.

That's enough of this Palaver or somthin tss tss

Anyone who thinks this is a fucking idiot.

Is that why it was removed from the replay, you fucking moron? But at least you got to use the word "bit" like that fucking useless POS Opie does non-stop. Asshole.


Trust me, it's not. You are just one dumb motherfucker.

I agree that there way too many threads about this. Can't people on this make one fucking thread for specific hate?