It's pathetic how desperate you guys are for attention from them....the neediness is outta control

0  2014-10-29 by maynardsabeast

I think they read our messages on reddit! Yay guys, the men we're obsessed with on a daily basis paid attention to us! Existence validated!

Omg the fucking celebration in here at the mere thought of it has caused quite the stir in here


Dear Kind Sir,

It's already been established long ago that the staff reads this particular sub-reddit. No one is celebrating that fact; However, we found it amusing that Jimmy played a video on the air today that highlights Opie's incessant need to steamroll over everybody with his trademark "Hold on, Hold on" phrasing. What made it more amusing was that the video was posted here to reddit hours prior to Jimmy playing it on the air. Whether Jimmy accidentally or intentionally played it is moot, to me anyway, as it was the most amusing thing that happened this week on the show.

we dont want attention you fool, we want opie to know how we feel about the show, and to try to take some criticism and try to make the show better, sure a lot of this sub is blind hatred but its coming out of frustration.

"Omg the fucking celebration in here at the mere thought of it has caused quite the stir in here" say in here again faggot.

we want opie to know how we feel about the show

You really think he doesn't know?

And why do you like the show ..........?


Why do all you stupid fucks talk about being obsessed, you are here too you sniveling little cunt. We do this for fun now go blow opie on twitter

well yeah

the attention you are seeking from us by making this post is pathetic.


ya big meanie!

But you are not pathetic, for wanting attention,...for pointing out how much smarter then everyone else you know,...because you are better then people seeking attention.....


Jimmy is like an old person trying to sneakily wach internet porn, fail