I kept listening every day the past few months, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm out.

7  2014-10-29 by [deleted]

The show has passed me by.

Ever since Ant left, there's 60% less funny. They keep going on and on and on and on about boring shit. lol. And then when there is something that's a little bit funny, they laugh way more than it deserves. It's fake laughing.

The show these days is seriously not that far off from "The View".

Then when ya get celebs in there, they brown-nose and suck-up to them kissing their ass. And the celebs don't respect them at all. So fuckin boring the fuckin celeb ass kissing.

You just feel a hidden vibe going on that this whole thing ain't workin out, but they keep going at it anyways.

I just can't do it anymore, man. Trying to hang in there and still listen. It's like watching golf every time it's on, and being a big Tiger Woods fan. Hoping for him to win another championship and every fuckin time you get let down bad. Meanwhile he hasn't won since fuckin 2008. Time to let 'er go, give up already and get real.

This show is fuckin washed-up and enough listening to Opie and Jimmy blowing each other all day long. I'm done with this shit.


Why did you delete your account thermitepaint? Oh well, glad you came to your senses though bud.

Ok great. Somebody will send you out a windbreaker.

Celeb interviews were always pretty skippable.

i think the bella knoxxx one is the worst, can someone name some thats worse than that?

You did not enjoy the totally serious interview with Gaffigan?

Interviewed him like they would Neil Degrasse Tyson, and not a comedian.


I think all the has beens they have on now are way worse than a stupid porn star.

I gave it another shot this morning, after a month of not listening, and I just couldn't do it. As soon as I heard Opie making stupid noises over the end of the opening allman brothers song I was ready to give up. Not even little jimmy could save it. It's sickening. I had to turn it off. Ant's got me glued everyday tho. If you don't subscribe already, ya should.

i skipped all the way up to when soder came in and the show was tolerable until they started to get into news topics and no one knew anything. Opie just brought up 3 topics and had none of the stories in front of him and sam was as useless as ever on the computer for any updates, then he went to his bread and butter the callers for updates. And Jim is just as guilty for the lack of prep, he, if he likes it or not, is now co-host and should atleast be up on some of the stories in the news. But i guess the show has passed me by and ill continue to only check in when someone worth it is in studio.

I've always hated their Celeb Interviews...

However, I gotta hand it to them, their last couple podcasts had great interviews

That Tom Sizemore interview (where he apologizes for the 1st interview) with Florentine was fucking awesome. At one point, Sizemore has to do another phoner, so he leaves, then comes back 2 minutes later with "I just hung up on him...I don't know what the fuck he was talking about." Just so he could hang for longer

Even the Russel Brand/Chris Jericho one was pretty good too. Had me laughing

Jimmy kept that Tara Reid interview interesting

As long as Opie doesn't talk (read a list of facts from the guests' material), it's usually alright

Wtf took u so long.

without a doubt, Anthony was the best interviewer. He could really talk to the person and have a real conversation.

Opie's interview skills is to steer the conversation into talking about himself. And I absolutely LOATHE Jimmy's interviewing. I find Jim's interviewing skills to be painfully dull and unnatural (unless its a friend).

None of them were really good interviewers. Ant could just hang with someone he didn't know and make it entertaining. None of them ever did a bit of interview prep unless Jimmy had a flight and read some of a guests book.

Ronnie B is by far a better interviewer than anyone on O&A

See, I don't like Ronnie Bs interviews at all. I find it boring and ass-kissing and ultimately just no depth beyond whatever the guest is promoting. I really liked the vibe of O&A when the guest would hang out and just be part of the show. But since Ant went "bye-bye" that dynamic is gone forever.

But if there's a guest that I was interested in being interviewed and I could choose one show for them to be on, it would be the Classic O&A show

Then you just might not like interviews- the classic O&A "hang" with a guest was certainly good radio- but it wasn't an "interview" in the traditional sense.

The O&A hang would be phenomenal when it worked and god awful awkward when it didn't- when the guest either had no chemistry or if they came in expecting a traditional interview (or when comedians came in expecting to just do their canned material)

Anyone know any audio of comedians bombing on their show?

I have to agree with you, I was a daily listener, and even now I put it on out of force of habit and I just turn it off. I have been listening to the Kidd Chris podcast instead. He is at least funny.

In my mind, I read this in an old coal miner's voice. (From the way you typed it.) Nice to meet you, corn husker.

When I found myself changing the channel after 2-3 minutes every time I stopped on 103, I realized it was time to give up. Just nothing going on unless they had a good guest. Even then, so much Opie adding nothing and Jimmy trying too hard to be host and resident comedian.

I think OnJ is like watching a Jets game. Never Fails to disappoint

I just can't do it anymore, man.

Check you on the flipside brotherman.

you'll be back!

and yet no one cares

How are you going to participate in the circle jerk now? People all over this sub endlessly bitch about Opie, then keep listening. They're clearly just looking for reasons to jerk off the other listeners who hate the show on this sub. I can't think of any reason why so many of you keep listening.