Bro-Joe taking it to the next level.

0  2014-10-28 by snoopkhat


Seriously, he should not be getting the clicks. That is what he is looking for. His whole reddit and twitter "tirade" campaign the last weeks is to get exposure. Lets not give him what he wants, its not even amusing in the sense of cringe.

Just ignore the fucker, that will hit him the most.

It doesn't matter that we are giving him exposure, he doesn't have any radio/podcast talent , he's boring and uninteresting and has no chance of getting one genuine Joe cumia show: guilty by association fan who will sit thru a 2nd show his that is not a close friend who just pretends to sit thru the whole show. You can tell by his Facebook comments by his friends who just tried to make him feel good with dis-ingenuine supportive comments.

Let him have his exposure it can't equal anything other than us on this sub giving him views or his friends giving him views. He thinks he can use are hate to help him but its just not possible for him to get 1 genuine fan.

I get it, but if he has even "ironic" viewership, even though it might seem meaningless, he can turn around and monetize his views in a variety of ways. Thats what I dont want to happen.

A couple hundred views in YouTube monetization is fractions of a penny and even less cause they also judge the quality of the content to determine how much more or less they get. And letting Joe do a show and showcase his personality could only bore the shit out of anyone who might wanna hire him for a music show. And no one else would advertise with him cause it wouldn't bring 1 new customer in other than his friends.

Hes not going to be able to do anything with these terrible videos that have like a 85% dislike rate and nothing but comments full of people pissing all over him and his "career". A couple thousand views means nothing and even if he were able to make a few i cant imagine any one in this subreddit doing it but if SOMEONE were to REPORT HIS VIDEOS for COPYRIGHT ISSUES to google... since you can bet hes going to be playing other peoples clips on his show / videos and hes proven to be quite the thief ...then i believe they can take the money he earned from it or at least stop him from getting more.

Brother Joe lifting material from Bart Simpson.

Hugh Jasshole?


Why did the guy say "I'll call u tomorrow" at the end?

Because that's funny. He knows joe just fucked with him cause he's a pesky telemarketer so instead of getting mad he just laughed and said "I'll call you tomorrow" as in "you don't like my calls?? You'll keep getting more." It's almost like Joe's theory of making YouTube videos and podcast episodes "you don't like my videos? Ill post another one tomorrow."

We got a fucking wild man over here! LOOKOUT!!!

What is this fucking 1980's humor?

Reminds me of this:

He's following the Jim Florentine model.

bullshit man, sick of jim getting a bad rap because of opie, nobody ever seemed to hate him before.

plus you cant tell me that some of those prank calls are hilarious and clever as fuck.

I clicked off the video as soon as I heard him tell the guy his manager's first name was Hugh and then spelled it. I remember when Bart Simpson did this bit in like 1990.

Am I the only one that thinks Joe is a satire of Opie?

This man is a threat to the established order. First, paying a condo fine just BARELY on time with the bills WILDLY out of order and now hes usin the A word on the phone.

We're all gonna have to tune into GUILTY BY ASOCIATION to see how this madman can say i dont give an eff to conventionality yet again!

ugh can you just picture him making these stupid cartoons? and i hate how he's trying to take jabs at himself and thinks we're gunna stop trashing him.

Whose brother is Joe again?