Since we're here stupidly debating apples and oranges... What is the best TACS show that's been on?

0  2014-10-27 by AChansSemenFilledCnt

I honestly have tried watching a couple and I'm bored in minutes. At least O&J have guests on and Jimmy etc..

Any dates or youtube links of anything that sticks out?


Just listen to the podcast. It's the best segments of the week.

I don't think the show is that great either. It's not bad, but not worth the time and money when there is so much other free shit of equal quality. I'm glad it's working out for him though.

I enjoy the podcast a lot. It's a quick hour+ of decent material every week and I get my Anthony fix (movie references and a quick wit from an alcoholic man-child). Check out #8 or #9 with Florentine. They talk about banging younger girls and it's fucking hilarious

I didn't see anyone debate apples & oranges. Ironically, the best TACS so far is the one where Ant juggled apples & oranges, and Kevin Pollak watched from a monitor going "Don't do it Ant...Jesus, he's juggling!!"

(Im running out of Casino references today)

From what I heard, Ant recently challenged him to a debate on that program and Commissioner Pat Webb declined

(I will never run out, keep em coming)

When Anthony tells you "maybe it's time you should watch his show," it's like a Papal bull. Not only should you watch, you should RUN.

"It cannot happen it would not happen you fucking Bobo, you didn't see that you were being setup on the second win?!?!"

"I'm not Loying!!"

"You might regret this Mr Cumia, AWRITE?"

"Have you read this? It's about Mr Cumia. It says: "I THINK ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE N%@@R SAVAGES!!!." You believe that?"

"Did he really say that?"

"Why, of course, he really said that. It's right here on his Twitter page. Has that man even filed for his FCC license yet?"

"I don't know. We'll have to check the files."

"Well, without gettin' your shorts in a knot, would you do that? And kinda check closely, 'cause we may have to kick a Wop's ass back to Long Island"

Ol Bobo is as useless as tits on a boar. But he IS m'brother in law. And I'd look on it as a personal favor if you thought some more about bringing him back to the Compound™.

You have made me heartily chuckle and even inspired me to stream Casino for the 80 thousandth time.

For that, I say thank you!

I'm sure you know about this app but just in case, it is the best app EVER!

Rad, thanks. And no problem; I've seen Casino probably around 70x. It was a life changing movie for me, in a lot of ways.

Episode 2 with Dice is still my favourite

Agreed, that dice interview was amazing

My favorites were Vos and Soder.

CQ, Jimmy, Vos, Soder, Big Jay, Dice , Florentine, Stanhope, Blobby.

east side dave was great too edit: and the first shaun bergin appearance

CQ, Jimmy

Yep. Soder too.

Really, any where he has a comedian on. Even Florentine who I have grown to hate on O&J was great on TACS because Ant didn't make him perform like Opie does.

i stopped listening or should i say watching because it's mostly visual.Aint got time for that!

You can't go wrong with any of the comedians. I liked Colin Quinn's first appearance (with bonus soda-spilling action) and Jimmy's appearances the most. Rich Vos, Dan Soder, and Jim Florentine also were great.