Gregg "Opie" Hughes, talentless radio hack. : punchablefaces

4  2014-10-27 by iamfromreallife


One of the worst TV appearances of all time

Or any times he was on Leno, etc he sat there like a grinning dummy while Ant did all the talking, and then looked around for validation the few times he did get a couple of words out. Kind of like when Opie was on Hannity and Colmes and said to Alan Colmes "oh, you can speak" after he was silent for a while.

ME: Doing radio since I was 18, riding coattails for the last 19.

"What about the ones with the brakes?!"

Holy shit. Never saw that one. That's beyond bad beyond bad.

he was noticeably flushed with nervousness during the Letterman appearance. He seemed very out of place for someone who had been broadcasting for 25 years

To be fair, I think their Letterman appearance was like one or two days after Opie's Dad died of disappointment

Much as I'd love to slam the Opester, television is different than radio. It's probably pretty nerve wracking being on a big set, getting interviewed by Letterman who he was a big fan of. I know I'd be pretty goddamn nervous. Anthony probably was too, but is just able to hide it better. "You panic on the inside, in your head..." - Mr Pink

This should be an easy one.

Opie, "Absolutely, you get to say what you want."

Do ya?

TBS very funny... NOT!



I love that he definitely thought that was gonna be hilarious and a great plug for himself and the show, and possibly even get him some TV work, but it was so bad that they barely even mentioned it on O&A. He has no comedic ability whatsoever and added absolutely nothing to his segment.

He has no comedic ability whatsoever and added absolutely nothing to his segment.

He added ...... The Opster.






RAAAUUGHHHH!!! Run away in FEAR!

hahaha. Chip does well in those threads.


I love when he talked about winning on the show and you could tell Ant and Jim couldn't give a shit...

He has no comedic ability whatsoever and added absolutely nothing to his segment.

He added ...... The Opster.






RAAAUUGHHHH!!! Run away in FEAR!