This video made me realize that Anthony has become the bizarro Jon Stewart. Even in appearance...

6  2014-10-27 by mcslizzingwie


I thought this very same thing during Anthony's impromptu cover version of "Fool for the City", which was really surreal, given that Stewart is a huge Foghat fan.

"We're not so much through the looking glass as we are rubbing our genitals up against it." - Richard Milhous Nixon

The difference between Jon Stewart and Anthony Cumia, is that Anthony is still funny.

Doesn't he look like a bizarro Jon Stewart though?

Kinda. But that's just because jews and Italians look alike.

The tumblr-types bend backwards with white privilege, but Stewart makes perfect sense.

To deny that things still aren't equal is silly.


Things aren't equal because black people aren't equal. People need to stop pretending we are the same and the end result should be the same.

It's always difficult to disprove this isn't it. I mean racists are dealt a decent hand when arguing their point.

The definition of the word 'racist' is thinking one group is superior to another. That is talking about groups, not individuals. If you aren't a racist when comparing the white race to the black race then you are a fool.

You give racists a bad name

He gives bad names a bad name.

You give people who know how to communicate in English a bad name. I don't think a single person on reddit in the SJW downvoting army has ever once attempted to even argue with me. Cuck porn must take a toll on the spirit.

You seem upset

le ebin u mad meme XDXD

You're teetering on sounding like you're into eugenics.

You are teetering on sounding like a child who doesn't understand reality.

Oh look out, someone started taking shots.

Well constructed argument. You are just full of wisdom.

I'm not interested in spending time debating someone who's going to start a dialogue with insults.

You are the one who proclaimed people who believe in eugenics are bad. To me people who think criminals nigs should be allowed to have and raise 19 criminal nig kids are bad.

You are the one who proclaimed people who believe in eugenics are bad

"You're teetering on sounding like you're into eugenics" is exactly what I said.

I didn't "proclaim" anything about the value of people's beliefs, silly.

It's a one day old account...Don't bother with him

Ah, thank you. I should really check these kind of people's profiles more often.

I don't understand what the issue is with what I said. I guess it is part of the SJW psyche that you feel you should be offended. Your whole fucking life does not have to be a big charade you know, no one but other SJWs actually believe it. You are only tricking each other.

You are only tricking each other

hahaha how fucking old are you? You think I run around playing tricks on other grown men?

You are teetering on sounding like a child who doesn't understand reality.


Very few grown men base their life around such white knight childishness. Most of those whom do write for gawker.

Well constructed argument. You are just full of wisdom.

Black people are not equally represented in society because black people are unequal in intelligence and inferior in almost every way. I am glad we both agree.

I don't think a single person on reddit in the SJW downvoting army has ever once attempted to even argue with me

Do you think that's because you have only existed for less than a day?

Or are you such a badass, they know not to mess with you! ohh boy

I'm just curious, do you think anyone is buying this? You made a troll account cause you are bored, I get it. But do you think it's working here? Maybe use your real account, at least I would respect you