Why are we not giving shit to Jim Norton?

25  2014-10-25 by crookedmile

Why are we not?? He's a goddamn baby. Refuses to say how shitty things are. There's so much Opie hatred, but Jimmy has somehow skated by it. Jimmy should get the most shit for this garbage. Fuck him.


What bothered me most about yesterday was the revelation that they both did not meet with Greenstein after Anthony was fired? Did they fight for his job at all and was there any sort of real attempt to bring him back during contract talks. These guys are full of shit

Yeah, they both just froze, cowered, and tried to play dumb/confused while licking all the ass they could to get re-signed.

"I hate companies that fire people as a knee-jerk reaction to the outrage of an idiotic but vocal minority..........except the one whos cock I'm sucking to try to get a new deal!"

From a credibility standpoint, Jimmy capped himself in the knees with his actions.

"...and you DUMMIES never call these companies in support of free speech!"

Oh, right. The fucking fans did, but I guess these two mo's were too busy to save the show.

yeah, busy "figuring things out"

that was the biggest crock of shit this side of an actual, giant crock of shit; they were angling for new deals from Sirius the entire time, just trying not to look like the Benedict Arnold Judas-worms that they are.

I fucking hate that line. "We're trying to figure it out". what the fuck does that mean? You're doing a radio show and moving forward. What is there to figure out...

Norton straddling the fence like a goddamn professional bull rider? No way.

I finish Opies sentences in my head every time this monotonous twat bellows it out.

"The company is happy with the show" (Now that Anthony and his racism is gone)

They did shit for Ant, because Jim is selfish as shit, and the fagster is a fucking family man with a wannabe socialite wife who got bills, and divorce papers in her underwear drawer.

wannabe socialite wife

One of the most significant factors I think. Very underestimated. The more I listen to Opester steam roll the few good jokes that are left, the more I hear him specifically say something about blah blah family or blah blah my inlaws, etc. He point blank admits that his wife and her family dictates the show content more than the audience does.

I absolutely agree! Greggshells knows that the minute he stops making bank, Lynsi is gone. Unfortunately he doesn't realize that the only reason he got his trophy wife was because of the money he made with Cumia. If he never hooks up with Ant he'd be doing morning zoo radio in Mitchell SD.

When exactly did Opie get married? I like to imagine that Patrice would have saved him from hearing wedding bells without pre-nump in hand.

B4 Patrice is dead, I remember they made a bit out of it saying Patrice is the only you know what in his wedding

Holy truth bombs be flyin' on reddit today! If the Opester really did read reddit, I wonder if he could reply to these specific crítiques in any other way besides ME: (reference hater) (reference moving on)

Wait what? He actually has said on the show that his family and/or the Philly give him content?

So Opie lied when he said Greenstein told him he's left the door open for Anthony to return, god Opie genuinely is full of shit.

Remember the old line where they would say "The boys can't be broken up! People have tried but we know whats going on."

Yeah didn't seem to try too hard, they grabbed that cash and just figured they can find a replacement. In the past there were much lesser mgmt issues that were yelled about for weeks with more anger.

Wasn't it all Opie's bits that got them fired, anyways?

They're ALL IN, clearly just for the money though

How could they negotiate to have Ant re-hired AFTER the company has decided to fire him?

by threatening not to resign unless Anthony was able to return. Who knows if it could have worked but they never sat down with Greenstein to even try it

by threatening not to resign unless Anthony was able to return.

Why would Opie do that? He has a family and wasn't even friends with Ant. Why would he put his career on the line. Sometimes bluffs get called.

because of what is happening now. He has been fully exposed as a talentless hack. The show is unlistenable

Yeah it's pretty bad, but I don't think he imagined that Ant was doing so much of the heavy lifting. Or he doesn't give a shit and is just phoning it in and collecting his paycheck.

And yet you still listen

They called the company's bluff over apologizing for that homeless guy that wanted to fuck Condoleeza Rice. They stuck to their guns, and took the suspension like men. The community went to bat for them, to get them back on the air. A lot of people sacrificed a lot of time and energy over them getting suspended.

But once it was just Ant, Opie showed his true colors. "Fuck him, as long as I get paid." Jimmy followed. It's disappointing, but whatever, I'm over it. The O&A show is done, for good, it's never coming back. Opie and Jimmy have pissed the pool toxic in a couple short months.

Seriously, why is it so hard to understand? He's talked the talk for decades, but he can't walk the walk. Get a clue - Opie is a scumbag, always has been, always will be. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but he didn't even have the common courtesy to give a reach around. He's dog shit, and he and Jimmy are full of shit.

So what are you gonna do, spend the rest of your life crying about it? Find new shows, let them eat crepes and cockroaches in obscurity. One day, you'll walk into a Manhattan eatery, and one of them will take your order at the table. "Say, waiter, weren't you on the radio?" They'll take one look at your "Anthony Cumia Media Network" shirt, and say "No, but I get that all the time. Today's specials are..."

man they didnt tell greenstink to fire anthony they are being forced to into that situation and re-signing, also greenstink leave them alone and love the show now so hes cool

Ive stopped caring about him a while back, same old bs from little jimmy, intellectual jim is the worst. Through all this ive come to realize that the tin knocker was 90% of the show.

The worst part about intellectual Jimmy is when he's "debating" (use that term very loosely) and instead of bringing up more points, he just keeps saying the same thing over and over again with slightly different affectations on different syllables as if that's going to make them agree with what he's saying.

"It's the same thing. IT'S...THE SAME...thing."

"Horrible company. HORRIBLE...company."

"I'd never consider doing that. Never...Nev-I''D NEVER do that. Never consider it...never."

Why not just go through the basement like they did in 93?!

Without Ant, Jimmy doesn't work for me. Oh great, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, noted astrophysicist went on to say...HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!!! Lady Di let's take a caller!

He actually cared about it being a quality product. Opie it's just a pay day, and I think Jim has become to much of a professional for his own good. He sees it as a platform. I think the difference between Opie and Jim now, is that lil' Jimmy once gave a shit.

Why go after Gobbels when Hitler is sitting across the table from him?

All this Hitler talk just makes me miss Ant more.

Why don't you Gobbel on deez nuts cocksucka? Or sumthin'... tsss.

But seriously, it's Goebbels.

I love me a relevant Hitler reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgZhoCt0ouw

Are you seriously comparing Opie to Hitler because he's slightly annoying? Holy shit you people are so delusional.

If you imagine comedy as a bunch of Jews, yes, Opie would be Hitler, loading them into trains marked "cockroach" and "ketchup".

Settle down there, Sparky.

I can compare you to dogshit instead if it makes you feel better.

Or your entire lifes legacy to a miscarriage in a toilet.

Or your mother with a foot long black cock in her mouth while your dad gets pistol whipped and cries.

Get it, we like taking things to the most offensive way we can, because it is funny. The show is not, so this is what we do to justify its existence.

Opie oughta be grateful to us, and you too asshole.

We listen to hate him, he should be kissing our fucking cock heads for still paying attention to his corny ass..

Fucking Greggs sockpuppet, or one of Sams many accounts he uses for show prep.

You try way too hard, and fail.

Yes i'm sam. dammit, you got me.

I don't even listen to the show anymore. I just think you people are ridiculous and make mountains out of the tiniest things.

We overblow things for comedic reasons, but a lot of comedic premises are based loosely on real life events.

Most comedians exaggerate for effect.

Our bashes are based on real life things, clips we heard, shit we heard for years.

We are just having fun, we enjoy mean spirited humor, but that is what the show was.

I come from WNEW days, then the early XM days was the best radio they ever did!

Compared to this neutered morning zoo with f words shitpile....

We are still listening, even if to pick at it like vultures on a corpse.

Good for Numbahhhhsssssss.

Be grateful Gregg for us, that we acknowledge your existence still, go fuck your wife with a bag, each kid increases the child support payments.

You guys aren't comedians though. So your exaggeration just comes off as petty.

Speak for yourself.

I don't see how Tom Petty has anything to do with this.

Jimmy is a selfadmitted codependent pussy.

As he says, that's the beauty of Jim Norton! He complains but does nothing but sit on his ass when it comes to taking action.


I don't want him to take any action. I was just reiterating something he says all the time to show that it's silly for people to think he would have done anything. You downvoted me for having the same opinion as you.

do you think he gets nutty as a BF?

They can do whatever they want, I'm just sick of hearing about how they were forced into this situation, at the start they were but nobody forced them to re-sign. They did it for da MUNNI!

Opie apparently did everything in his power to get Ant his job back, and yet he admits to barely seeing Greenstein at all except for during negotiations for HIS new deal...

Good point Ope! Fuck Jimmy too!

How could you hate on Jimmy? I mean look at his little face. http://i.imgur.com/N0Ef7ur.jpg

B-but he was an alcoholic for a week as a teenager.

JESUS finally calls him out on that horseshit.

Yeah he drank alot when he was a teenager, him and the fucking rest of the world.

Alcholic my ass.

He's a goddamn baby

Pot, kettle, cunt

I assumed he meant that as a complement.

Because he's the one that contributes humor.

I feel sorry for Jimmy - He's taken his career as far as it will go with his style of humor and anxious delivery and now he is just trying to get paid and survive with Opie killing what little is left of the show.

I noticed there are no new episodes of his Vice show, did that get canceled?

He was always better radio personality than a stand up. After a certain point there is only so much you can do with sex addict, tranny joke, pop culture event. He's settled into a formula and now everything he does is derivative of that.

Let's all bash Jimmy. I'm sure this will get a lot of traction. People coming here to bash a sweet little boy.

He is TOO sweet and TOO little!

People coming here to bash a sweet little boy an attention whore.

Most def! His name is even on the show!


Because he's funny, smart, and self aware. He's self deprecating. He's in a really shitty position, fucked by his own loyalty. Comparing frat douche hallmark card Walmart dad moron "is this music good?" to Norton is insane.

"his own loyalty"?!? to who? to what? Opie, Sam, and Sirius?!?

And he's only self-deprecating about certain things. Him being a comedy-Judas is not one of those things.

At best, he was loyal to the wrong people/things.

At worst, he's a hypocritical, sell-out douche-cunt.

hes loyal to the money

A comedy-Judas? Seriously, you melodramatic dork?

He is loyal to Opie and ant. Show me on the doll where the radio host touched you

Jimmy still makes people laugh?

I give everyone shit when they deserve it.

I have trashed Jim for being whiny, self righteous etc.

But he is trying to hold together a show.

Jimmy is the guy down in the hull of the ship nailing boards over the holes, while Captain Cuckster steers into icebergs and shoals on purpose. Because doing shit radio and being corny on purpose is the bit.

Jimmy is like water. He takes the shape of whatever container he's in. It's hard to capture the essence of the chinless wonder, so one doesn't get a chance to criticize it very often.

One of Patrice's best lines on the show.

Jim is paying a high enough price for his avarice and disloyalty.He has to talk to Opie everyday for a year.

I bet he is counting down the remaining days on a calendar until he can fuck the Opster off for good.

I bet he is counting down the remaining days on a calendar until he can fuck the Opster off for good. sign on for another year to keep the easy paychecks rolling in.

He likes the job. Getting paid to talk for three hours with some jokes here and there. It's a solid deal. He doesn't care who's sitting at the other end. I wouldn't either if I was him.

Yep, he doesn't want to derail the gravy train.

Jim knows. He's not even getting remotely annoyed with any of the fans feedback. He knows, he gets it, he's the one who has to drag himself out of bed every morning knowing his co-host is a dunce.

Jimmy's not to blame for the garbage content they've been spewing.

Fuck, if he even brings it up, Greggshells will lose his shit and it's not worth it.

I've given up on thinking Jimmy has any balls.

It's really sad because I think he's a funny fucker. But he's delusional.

One thing that should make you Norton haters smile: If he hates the people who say shit like "Hi b-b-b-b-b-boysssss" and "Happy Birthday Jimmy" imagine how angering it must be now that those fucking people are the ONLY listeners left.

We all miss Anthony, but that's no reason to hate on the kid with AHBD (adorable huggable boy disorder).

Jimmy did not fire Anthony.

Opie did not fire Anthony.

Anthony fired Anthony when he declared he wouldn't apologize or delete his tweets at the start of a holiday weekend. The bosses decided it would be easiest to make the problem go away rather than ruin their entire 4th of July weekend. As much as we all miss Anthony, check out the Sirius stock price. Firing him did not hurt the value of the company one bit and was a quick fix for a national "scandal."

I don't see any reason to be mad at Jimmy or Opie for keeping a high-paying job with national exposure. What were they supposed to do? Whine, cry, pitch a fit ... and then quit to do a podcast where they'd have to do twice the work to barely make a profit?

Anthony was not fired for refusing to apologize, dummy.

No, not officially, but it's quite possible if he had left the door open to apologize - sincere or not - and deleted tweets (which he eventually did anyway), he could have saved his job. And I'm very, very hurt you called me a dummy (no offense to George)

Its disorder not syndrome

Dammit! I'll edit that and fix it!

I don't blame Opie for re-signing; he has no talent, and had no other viable options, and therefore no leverage. And he's got two kids and a high-maintenance wife at home. He had to tuck his tail between his legs, play nice, and re-sign.

But Jimmy could have went with Ant, and they would have made buckets of cash. Ant's doing fine on his own; if Jimmy had joined him, subs would have gone through the roof, which in turn would have landed them more and better advertisers.

And it would have been a comedy gang-bang of the highest order.

As it stands now, we've got a "2/3rds of an abortion"-type show, and a "kinda-sorta pretty good......most of the time" show.

It's not just about what is; it's about what could have been if Jimmy wasn't such a spineless sell-out wormy Judas-cunt.

No, you don't get it. It's not about loyalty. It's a job. He weighed the pros and cons:

Ant's show: No job security. Long commute to Long Island. Around a lot of alcohol

Stay on Sirius: Access to celebrities for photos

Calling him a "Judas" is really asinine, considering you just wanted him to make a different decision on who he would work with out of the two people who kick started his career. It would've been way more disloyal to go with Ant, because he was the one to cause the situation. Anthony was the one who made his own bed.

Also, an "Opie and Anthony" podcast would make just as much money as a "Jimmy and Anthony" one, so there's no reason to say it makes more sense for Opie to stay at Sirius. Either way, I doubt any combination of the boys would be making them more money podcasting than on Sirius. Plus, Jimmy actually wants to go somewhere in his career. He wants to find his way back on TV now that Leno is gone, and it's much better for his career to stay with the guy on Sirius who isn't a racist.

No offense to Ant, but I doubt he's taking more than he was at SiriusXM, and he's doing a lot more work.

Jimmy may need the money to get himself a nice safety net if he were to have to go back to relying entirely on comedy shows to pay the bills. Yes, his career seems to be doing well right now, but we all know the mob is fickle. He could be lucky to play a free show at the Kansas state fair in 5 years.

It is clear from the show, that Jimmy is still trying his best. Unfortunately that means trying to be more "serious" more often, and even more unfortunate, he may or may not have another funny person in the studio to work with. Opie is not that guy. Lines that Ant would have taken and ran with fall flat on the ground with the Opester.

There are different types of haters, sir. Some are out of their mind angry at the Anthony thing, and go on at length about retarded "traitor" talking points. Some hate Opie regardless if Anthony was fired or not. We hate Opie more now because he talks more now. More opie = more hate.

Jimmy is a sweet boy and can do no wrong.

Here Here! Kenny is a creep tho

He can do wrong but he can also do a lot of funny.

James has always been a coattail rider. Even if he is the best thing on radio. That faggy twitch unfollow drama really painted what he really is.

jimmy is just there to bring some personality to the show, he just needs someone better than his boss to play off of.

Jimmy is a sweet boy

Because he didn't pay us for it.

i'd never give shit to jimmy just because his talent more than makes up for anything dumb that he's done lately.

James Larvae was never expected to do anything but ride the safest coattails around.

I made a similar point in another thread, but what can he do, really? Only Opie can fix Opie.

Nice try, Opie..

Jimmy gets a pass because he's the one that is fun to listen to, period. I would have preferred he joined Ant, and it would have been an amazing show but he didn't want to commute to LI and Ant isn't going to be having celebrity guests that Jimmy doesn't already know. Sucks but that's what it looks like to me, not that I have ANY inside knowledge whatsoever. Opie is getting shit for being a top of the line cunt to the fans who got blindsided by this whole mess, for lying to the fans about the situation with Anthony and mostly for being completely tone deaf on the show and shitting all over what Jimmy brings to the table. I honestly think if Jimmy knew Opie was going to pull this crap (at this point I'm 100% convinced Opie is destroying the show on purpose) he would not have resigned. What is Jimmy supposed to say? "Opie quit being a fucking cunt"? That conversation might actually happen off the air for all we know.

Im all in for giving jim shit, his standup is mediocre his vice show is terrible and his career has been stuck in yhe same spot for years. Fuck him

I think his Vice show is alright. I'll keep watching it.

Sometimes he does shit I don't like but its usually not a recurring thing. People in this sub have patterned out Opes bullshit and the more they point it out, the more i notice.

I used to sometimes hate his weak devil's advocate arguments where he basically puts the ball on the tee, but those are over because its just him and Ope, and Ope "doesn't care."

Jimmy gets to skate, because unlike Opie, he actually has talent and has always served a real purpose on the show.

It's the same as how Ant's racism was always overlooked by the fanbase, due to him being a talented and funny motherfucker.

Anthony's racism is his best attribute and a large portion of the fan base.

I just realized the real reason Jimmy signed on again rather than joining Anthony. He has watched the new and improved Sjw Louis C. K. blow up thanks to his adoring fans in the liberal media. as Jimmy is still under the delusion that his career will take off soon, he probably believes that distancing himself from the racist leper Anthony will be great for his career.

that is imho the EXACT answer. gold Gold GOLD!!!

I don't think there is any 'new and improved' Louis CK. Louie was against Ant's 'racism' long before the firing.

I would love to hear Louie give his opinions on the situation one day, though. I think it's just difficult for him to talk about it right now because he's soo famous. People like Jimmy or Joe Rogan can talk about the firing and present a complex opinion, but if Louie said the same stuff it would make headlines as 'Louis CK hates blacks, stands by racist friend'.

Plus, I don't think Louis ever fit in with the 'asshole' quality that O&A had. I think he went on the show a lot because it was relaxed, funny, and honest. Anthony wants to be the guy that talks about race, and gets into that shit. Do you remember the time Louis said 'If black people want reparations then I think they should have to be slaves again.'? It was a [hilarious] joke but it made some lady call in and say that he was a racist who 'hides behind humor'. If anything, Louie was parodying an actual racist who seriously thinks things like that, but as soon as you're dealing with race everyone loses their minds and becomes unreasonable. I even read an article on gawker (or a similar website) saying that Louis is a racist because on his TV show the character of the 'bitchy ex-wife' is played by a black woman. That's right, apparently it's racist to hire black actors. It's no wonder he wants to stay away from this mess.

Post-script: I got the distinct impression that stupid Joe Derosa thought he was going to score big with the SJWs by bashing Ant on JRE. Ugh.

I even read an article on gawker (or a similar website) saying that Louis is a racist because on his TV show the character of the 'bitchy ex-wife' is played by a black woman. That's right, apparently it's racist to hire black actors. It's no wonder he wants to stay away from this mess.

Louis C.K. goes on the Opie and Anthony show and talks about his "racist boner", that he is not attracted to black girls. Then, on his show, he is seen trying to hit on a black chick and his ex-wife is suddenly now black, despite his kids being lily white.

His much lauded SNL monologue (also cringingly lauded by Anthony for reasons unknown) was all about how white people are bad, how Christianity is bad, how he wants to watch 12 Years a Slave, how "men are worse than women", that men "are mean to women today", how wife beating is bad, and how women have it so rough because they didn't get the right to vote until just 100 years ago.

Louis C.K. is a media darling because he has purposely crafted his comedy to push the agenda of liberals/Jews in a seemingly edgy way.

Louis C.K. goes on the Opie and Anthony show and talks about his "racist boner"

So you think he's a racist just because he's not attracted to black women, typical.

His much lauded SNL monologue

...was the funniest thing on SNL in years and years

was all about how white people are bad

Wow, he made one joke about 'white people' and now he's a racist? This is the very behavior I was referring to.

Christianity is bad

Why worry about Louis CK when you have a sky-wizard to save you?

he wants to watch 12 Years a Slave

He specifically said that he has not seen that movie. He made no mention of 'wanting' to see it.

how "men are worse than women"

He specifically said 'women are not better than men'. That is to say that women are just as, if not more, fucked up then men, but our culture defines 'masculinity' as basically the same as 'douchebag', as he goes on to joke about. Do you have any sense of humor at all?

men "are mean to women today"

is this an actual quote? I'll have to go back and re-watch it, if so.

wife beating is bad

Wife beating is bad.

women have it so rough because they didn't get the right to vote until just 100 years ago.

he didn't say that. He said that democracy in this country is very new because women didn't get the right to vote until 100 years ago. I don't remember him saying anything even loosely translating as 'women have it rough'.



Listen, I understand that you think everything is political, but you're no different than the people on the other side of the coin. Gawker/Jezebel commenters view everything as 'with us or against us' because they only care about their own political agenda. They have no regard for ethics or the truth. You can go on thinking that there are 'hidden messages' promoting 'the jews' in Louie's SNL monologue: I can't stop you.

[edit: I take the time to actually reply to every fucking thing you said, and what do I get in response? a downvote and no actual reply. Fucking stupid reddit. I'm right and you're wrong. How can you tell? Because I can back up my opinion WITH ACTUAL FACTS.]

Look, you completely missed the point. Promoting race-mixing, hating white people, hating God, being a feminist, that shit isn't edgy, it's as politically correct as it gets, and that's why Louis C.K. is as big as he is, particularly among SWPL/Hipster types.

Why worry about Louis CK when you have a sky-wizard to save you?

tips fedora

He specifically said that he has not seen that movie. He made no mention of 'wanting' to see it.

"I'm just gonna wait until it comes on cable!"

is this an actual quote? I'll have to go back and re-watch it, if so.

"ut that's why men are mean to women today, because we're TERRIFIED of them."

I don't remember him saying anything even loosely translating as 'women have it rough'.

"That's how... women had to have a rough time."

"It's called a white noise machine because it helps white people sleep at night." is just a joke, and it's funny, and not 'hating white people'.

"Millions of years ago women were in charge and they were mean. They were horrible." is not 'feminism', if anything it's misogyny.

Anyways, enjoy your racial 'purity' and have a good time in heaven, should be great for you.

how the fuck are you getting upvotes for that comment? Do people in this sub just hate 'the jews'? Also, isn't an insane comment like that significant enough to warrant actual replies, rather than just 'clicks the upvote button'? Exactly what part are people agreeing with, here? Are you guys saying that you were offended by Louie's political correctness, and would have preferred if he went off on blacks, jews, and women? You fucking sensitive sallys. You're just like Gawker; constantly worrying about your insane political agenda.


Jimmy turned into a fake pretentious ass kissing talentless worm piece of shit over the past 5-7 years.

I don't think there is anything he can do. You can hear him groan off mic when Opie steamrolls a topic or ask dumbass questions like "do u want hear about my crepes?" Jimmy said through his teeth "yes.." I mean fuck I don't expect him to say " no you dumb motherfucker I don't .." He won't say that to Opie because he knows Opie can't take shit like that thrown at him. Insecure little bitch .. Damn I'm pissed.

Im with you, after all that went down fuck him. Get some new material, we get it you like CUM and TRANNIES! Jesus christ do we need to hear it every fucking day


Jimmy is my special angel boy. Don't be mean to my littel jimmy.

No you're right. Jim should totally blow up on Gregg and make a shitty situation more awkward. You're a fucking fool...you don't shit where you eat, you moron.

unless, ironically, you're Jimmy.

You didn't really think that one out, did you, champ?

And isn't Opie's motto "the awkwarder the better"?!? I thought we were all in on the cringe humor.

No you're right i like going to work in a hostile environment.

I remember in the olden days when we were complaining about jimmy pretty exclusively. Especially after he went on that psychotic rant for an hour and a half because that girl was trophy hunting and he didn't enjoy that.

"Jimmy should get the most shit for this garbage. Fuck him"


He's got a fucking paycheck coming in, why would he blow that up? For this subreddit?

You people are aspergery idiots.

Dont you talk ill of Baby Jim.

Oh my god he looks like that faggot Kevin Scampoli from some wrestling podcast. I hope that is a photoshop because Jimmy and him had a twitter beef last year I believe.

No, its a picture from a bit Jimmy did on Leno. He was talking to Neo and said he doesn't look good in hats, and then he put a hat on and looked like that. He looked so funny I decided to isolate his beauty.

O&A fans are hypocrites.. That's why



Most def! His name is even on the show!

Look, you completely missed the point. Promoting race-mixing, hating white people, hating God, being a feminist, that shit isn't edgy, it's as politically correct as it gets, and that's why Louis C.K. is as big as he is, particularly among SWPL/Hipster types.

Why worry about Louis CK when you have a sky-wizard to save you?

tips fedora

He specifically said that he has not seen that movie. He made no mention of 'wanting' to see it.

"I'm just gonna wait until it comes on cable!"

is this an actual quote? I'll have to go back and re-watch it, if so.

"ut that's why men are mean to women today, because we're TERRIFIED of them."

I don't remember him saying anything even loosely translating as 'women have it rough'.

"That's how... women had to have a rough time."