ELI5 Why every time Opie gets a "hater" call

4  2014-10-24 by clauge

he tells that person to go listen to Ant's podcast? It's been one of his go to lines since O&A ended. I don't know why Ant is always catching shrapnel because I've never seen him condone or encourage any Opie hate. In fact, when that dude called his show as Bam the other day, Ant shut him down immediately. Why does Opie automatically think that the people who hate him are Anthony fans?


He is an insecure asshole

He knows all his haters love Anthony. Everyone always loved Anthony.

Because he was always honest, he let his flaws be part of the joke for years, while Opie got red assed at any criticism, and shut down bits with his hypersensitivity.

Anthony is the radio guy he (greggshells) always envisioned himself as, when he was carrying marshmallows in his asscrack, and group showering with frat boys.


In a row?


'Anthony is the radio guy he (greggshells) always envisioned himself' You are absolutely right! Opie would have us believe he is the seasoned Jock with a 30 year apprenticeship- the best radio 'education' with 'Bore'er Wease'....Ant was/ is a rat-bag band alcoholic from LI! The difference- natural talent, you can't buy or learn it Opester!

Anthony is the radio guy he (greggshells) always envisioned himself as, when he was carrying marshmallows in his asscrack, and group showering with frat boys.

Don't forget doin sum tings for the mafia. Sum tings, just sum tings, y'know?

Why does Opie automatically think that the people who hate him are Anthony fans?

Because the best part of the show left, we know it, and he knows it.

because he assumes the ONLY reason you hate the show now is because Ant is not there, not that Opie is more hack than ever. the nerve of him to Jocktober anyone.

he says he doesn't want to do jocktober because its just not right with Anthony not there but he just knows we can all draw parallels to the jocktober bits to him.

The amount of lies Opie spews every 5 minutes is staggering he lies so much, he fucking cant keep track. I love when Howie Mandell called him out on his host bullshit. fuck you Greg.

ME: Nailed it!


What boggles my mind is that after all that went on he still thinks it ok to do zero show prep. When ant was there it was ok but this freckled cunt isnt good enough to riff everyday

He reads the "hater forums" and knows the people there generally still like Ant and his show.

Jim did this today as well.

I get why people enjoy commiserating over their hatred together like they do on this sub, but I don't see the point of putting in "hater" calls to the show. What's it ever accomplished? Who thinks he's going to suddenly see the error of his ways and make a change because someone calls him to tell him he sucks?

I never call into any show, but I'd imagine it's more for the lulz than trying to change Opie's mind.


are the O and A redditors stipulating there is such a group of "hater" listeners?

If so, will the wrath of the masses be quenched if Opie pulls a full-on whatley breakdown? Do you guys want him to cry?

it's feedback, it's a team effort to get some of our views up over the wall he's built around himself. He acted entitled to an audience, like this cunty outdated character. He's Dennis Falcone Jr. He knows he has to generate content but it's like he refuses out of sheer gall.

Anyone have any time stamps and dates for the hater calls? Would love to hear them

Probably because he is trying to do a different show where as Anthony is doing one far more similar to the old show but just form his point of view. Most importantly though it's the context of how he is saying it, leaving out the fact that he also threw out a handful of other shows makes is seem that he is saying it in a more resentful way than just plugging a guy.

Today was the only day that I've heard other shows mentioned.

Because they are all Anthony fans making those repetitive calls?
