Opie can't blame us for all the hate, they trained us this way..

13  2014-10-24 by [deleted]

The show has always been brutally critical of everyone in entertainment. They'd brutally criticize actors, comedians, TV shows, radio shows, the media's mediocrity/insincerity etc. I honestly believe the reason opie doesn't want to do jocktober anymore is because it'll expose how much his show has turned into one of those shows, and how he now sounds like one of those guys. we've been trained by them to call BULLSHIT on everything. So that's what we're doing. this show is BULLSHIT. SO THERE. I think what angers us the most is how dishonest all of this makes them look. The ones we thought were the only honest guys in media.


That's the most infuriating thing of all. The show made its bones on negativity and meanness and now that it's THAT show and not THE show, they wanna be all sweetietime cuties. I say, to heck with those scoundrels!

I understand that not everybody likes Ant, he's a ranting raving dude whose opinions don't appeal to many, but if you can look at Opie's fucking t-shirt and sunset store and not wanna fucking break his shins with steel toed boots then you're stronger than me.

The show sucks. Lets mutiny

The show sucks. Lets mutiny

ME: Muttiny, mootiney? Sam is that even a word?

Opie hate is warranted. He's genuinely an asshole both on and off air. It's not like were attacking a good natured, decent person here.

How do you know he is an asshole "off the air"? Do you hang out with GH?

I've hung out with Lynsi. She has some very cringey stories about what an ass he is.

The Opster himself used to constantly say "I watch TV shows just to get pissed off. Does anyone else ever watch shows you hate just to get annoyed?" That's what we're all doing right now.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Elr5K2Vuo How many of you old fucks remember this when it aired? I wanted to punch the kid for not hiding his stash good enough.

You reap what you sow Greggshells, enjoy the ride you sub-Todd hack artist.

Unlike you, we will continue to be honest, hack fuck who I know reads this shit.


Nobody trained me sir. I'm not a fucking dog.

I remember when Billy Connely first came on the show, back in the XM days, and he made the comment "I've never seen a show attack it's audience the way you do".

The show also promoted and rewarded the pest army.

You reap what you sow.

You are still responsible for your own blind hate. Let go of your hate.

Hi GH.

Hey there Kenny.

It is not hate, it is frustration.

Ok, who the fuck am I kidding, we enjoy it because Greggshells reads this shit.

We love that we can just slam hate into our keyboards, and the fucking eggman will dedicate a half hour of his show indirectly addressing some of the topics we discuss here.

Anonymous shitheads bother him so much, he is a true old fashioned "lolcow". Just here for my sheer amusement at this point.

we've been trained by them to call BULLSHIT on everything. So that's what we're doing. this show is BULLSHIT. SO THERE.

You couldn't sound more like a obnoxious faggot if you tried.