The Day Opie Was Human...

3  2014-10-23 by [deleted]

and actually really likable,was the first day back after Ant was fired. He was so different and you could actually connect with him and have empathy for him. Where the fuck did HE go...?? You obviously CAN do it,Opie. Just dig deep,into your soulless gullet and....TRY TO BE HUMAN AGAIN


"first day back after Ant was fired'. When that albatross know as Anthony was finally set loose? Now Opie's wings can fly.


He was just putting on a show because a lot of people cancelled and Sirius let him broadcast that show live on YouTube to try and win some subs back. It was all fake.


Yes everything Opie does is fake, made up, meant to stab someone in the back, etc, etc etc...... You people are reaching for anything at this point.

what do you mean "you people"?

Not stabbing anyone in the back but that day when he was acting all weepy he was fake about it because within a week he was back to yelling at people who criticized the show and being a douche and sucking up to management so he could sign another contract.

What is he supposed to do? Opie had to move on. What is he not supposed to defend the new version of the show? That's the dumbest thing you've ever said. Opie is doing the radio show he wants too. He's not here to please you and the rest of the other douchebags around here. Also Opie stopped arguing with management for like a year before Anthony was even fired. In fact it had been Jimmy and Anthony that bitched the most recently especially Jimmy. Opie said a long time ago he was going to quit bitching about things and Opie still wants to do radio. What was he supposed to do? Not try and maximize his money? Are you stupid?

I'm not saying that he shouldn't have moved on. I'm saying he shouldn't have broadcasted their show on YouTube acting all somber to try to win back subscribers. When did I say he should not have signed another contract? I'm saying he shouldn't have been a pussy during the youtube broadcast to try to make people feel sorry for him and come back to the show.

You're really good at fighting against arguments that I'm not even making, dipshit.

Shut up already. How in the fuck do you know how Opie felt during that broadcast? You don't think he was actually sincerely somber after losing Anthony a partner he had on the radio for 20 years and that bring his first show back? You're talking out of your ass and you are absolutely reaching. Despite his intentions of course he was going to broadcast the show to as many people as possible to win some people back. How do you think Opie felt after everyone abandoned ship and he still has to do a show? He was absolutely trying to get people back but that doesn't mean it was his only intention. People have have more than one reason to do something you dolt. It's also not been the only time he broadcasted the show like that so calm down. You lost this though when you questioned opies sincerity and you further proved my previous point. You look for anything... Small or big... Even if it's not there to bash Opie for. This being the perfect example. Going after him because he did a free show the first day back. Incredible and pathetic.

Yeah I really am going after him hard. You are a real defensive twat. No wonder you like Opie. You are just like him when it comes to mild criticism: Blow it way out of proportion and act like everything being said is unfounded.

And yes. He was definitely being insincere. He is always being insincere. The man is so full of shit that I wouldn't believe anything he says about anything ever. Remember when he said that Howie must not care about his show or his fans anymore because he stopped working on fridays? The first chance Opie got to take fridays off, he jumped at it. Does that mean Opie doesn't care about his fans or his show anymore OR does it mean that Opie is just a jealous, full of shit, disingenious bitch who says whatever he can on air to try to make himself seem better than Howard. I don't give a shit if he lies about everything. The reason people bash Opie for it is that he CONSTANTLY bragged about being the most honest show in radio and slammed other jocks for "turning on their mics and lying to their audience." He fuckin lies just as much as anyone. The only difference is, he is a hypocrite about it.

For a guy that doesn't listen anymore you sure do care a lot. Also his reasons for going after Howard were a bit different which included the fact Howard was taking an exorbitant amount of company money, while suing the company to do 3 days of radio. It's a little bit different but yeah okay... Keep ignoring th the facts.

So Opie is the guy who gets to decide who deserves what pay? He is making millions doing radio, maybe some Jock making 25k thinks Opie is taking too much money to do radio 4 days a week and he shouldn't get that money. He is a hypocrite because he says shit out of jealousy and tries to disguise it as taking some sort of moral stand. "Hey I'm here 5 days a week because I actually care about my show and my fans! What's that? I can have friday off too?! Fuck it then! 4 days a week it is!"

So you're basically attacking Opie for something he said years ago about Howard and then eventually did the same thing? I'd say that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to most humans. We all have opinions about things even if we don't know what we're talking about and then we end up doing exactly what we used to criticize. It's not just Opie. I'll bet at some point in your life you criticized exactly what you became. Proof your Opie hate is pathetic. Anthony used to go call Howard lazy too. He's only doing 4 days. Why isn't Anthony disingenuous? Also there's a difference between the amount of money Howard was taking and what Opie makes compared to some guy making 25k a year. Howard was literally bleeding the company and suing them to do 3 days radio. It's different circumstances. Enough with you hypothetical what ifs.

Howard wasn't bleeding the company. They offered him the contract and he took it. The company valued him at 500 million dollars. He brought in the most subscribers for the company. The company allocated their money where it would be best suited for their business interests. Just because Opie wasn't the top dog doesn't mean that Opie needs to lash out on air like a child.

I don't think you should go after Opie for acting like a child when you literally have spent hours upon hours of your life obsessing over him on the Internet.

And I think opies opinions of old Howard are warranted and if he felt the need to attack Howard for anything he could so be it. Howard acted like an asshole for putting a gag order on the show, banning Opie and Anthony from company parties, and not allowing them to even play Howard audio on there show despite working for the same company. Any hate Opie gave Howard was well deserved.

Then he should be hating on Howard for THOSE things. Not just inventing bullshit to be upset about. If he is mad that Howard is making 500 million his gripe should be with the company, not Howard. And his gripe did used to be with the company. He used to trash management for being stupid enough to pay Howard that much and for throwing him a party... but then, yet again, after the signed their new contract Opie came out with the "I know I like to rag on management but the truth is they treat us really well and we have it real good here and this place is run by some really smart people, blah blah blah.."

And I spend hours upon hours killing time at work by trashing Opie. When I'm not stuck at work I don't give a shit about that retard. I just find all of the hate on this sub pretty hilarious.

Nah you spend more time here than just work unless you're always at work which then means your life sucks.

And the Howard/Opie thing got personal between them and sometimes when things get personal you attack the other person for anything you can. It's a bit absurd to sign a 500 million dollar contract to do 3 days of radio a week. Opie doesn't make anything close to that and is under different circumstances. It's not even comparable so just shut up. I'm sure you can find better things to do than to waste your time at work obsessing over someone who doesn't give two fucks about you.


Nah he doesn't and yes his bitching has been kept to a minimal. I didn't say he stopped bitching but it's definitely been toned down and has been for rh the last year. In fact I seem to remember Jimmy getting more worked up over things like the boat cruise, lack of visual elements, the studio more so than Opie. I also remember Jimmy saying he was done. Why does no one call Jimmy out?


Nope. This is exactly what I want to do at work. Keep up the good fight defending the Opester. Explain away all of his lies. When Opie "reaches" to find something to hate Howard about it is OK. When people on reddit "reach" to find things to hate Opie about it is bullshit! You are the same amount of hypocrite as Opie too. You really must see yourself in him which is why you like him so much.

I think the fued between Opie and Howard is much different than what this sub goes after Opie for. Also it wasn't just Opie that went after Howard. I seem to remember Anthony doing it too and how many days a week is Anthony doing a show? Oh wait 4 days. I also remember Jimmy going after Howard too. How many days is Jimmy working? Oh yeah 4. The shows changed and so has its dynamic. Them doing a reduced schedule has nothing to do with what they went after Howard for. Completely different circumstances. Also Howard made it very personal by having a gag order against them. Quite honestly after that Opie should be free to bash Howard for whatever he wants.

And do you think you're perfect? I'm certain you to have went back on your word or something you said. The difference is we don't have hours upon hours of you speaking to catch you contradicting yourself. And I looked at your posts. There's no way you just do this at work unless your house is also your job. You sir are a lying sack of shit.

I work a swing shift job. Also I work 8-16 hours at a time when I am at work 7 days straight and then I will get 4 days off in a row. I'm not a lying sack of shit.

Because he was Gregg Hughes that day.

The day Opie tried to live!

He wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs!!!

Yeah! Singing one more time around...Might do it...One more time around.

Even on that episode, he and Jimmy were being pretty disingenuous with their BUT WE'RE LOCKED INTO OUR CONTRACT GUYS, WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE shtick, when it was obvious they wanted to stay because of the paycheck.


Every day for the past three years I have prayed that Opie would get leprosy, not in a bad way but because he needs to grow and understand the world around him.


Opie was a real human being because his own fate was still in danger as far as he knew. He's an extreme narcissist. Whenever you have to ask why Opie does or doesn't do something, just think of a robot who is programmed to only absorb information that relates to itself. It does not compute anything else. He has no empathy, no sense of injustice and no interest in non Opie subjects. The latter is the only one that he has self awareness, so he tries to pretend he has hobbies and interests.

Once management assured him that they would re-sign him and Jim a couple days later, Ant being fired had nothing to do with him anymore so he defaulted back into robot mode.

I thought the exact same thing that first day. I thought wow, this guy is talking like a normal, humble person. Why cant he do this everyday.

They had Ronnie B there that day. All Opie had to do was stop trying and it was good. They were also trying to do damage control knowing that they were at risk of losing most of their audience without Ant. So it was all about supporting Ant and reiterating how much their hands were tied and they HAD to continue the show without Ant even though they wanted to leave so bad.

He was a person after river child #1 was born as well and right around then he did the best radio of his career.

I had friends who stopped listening to the show because Opie was such a radio abortion and tried convincing them to try listening again. They didn't but Greggshells did stay well for a time.

As someone who isn't a father, river child made me HOWL.

As a father I too know the temptation of giving your children names that make you look clever and different.


Opie is a boring, middle-aged dad. He knows that he doesn't have an interesting perspective on anything, so he tries to compensate for it by building the show around his goofy little bits. If it weren't for my special angel boy Jimmy, I wouldn't listen at all.

no way everything he said was full of shit and clueless. you're nuts.


Check out the empties, maannn.

Not stabbing anyone in the back but that day when he was acting all weepy he was fake about it because within a week he was back to yelling at people who criticized the show and being a douche and sucking up to management so he could sign another contract.

what do you mean "you people"?
