Our sweet little Jimmy debating a SJW on free speech

13  2014-10-22 by Phantas_Magorical


Her anger at the end when Jimmy suggests that to resolve the issue they should make out makes me so goddamn happy.

I despise this fucking whale. There's a lot of areas SJW's have absolutely no business sticking their noses in and right at the tippy top of that list is comedy.

sips drink whilst darting eyes around

yeah that felt good.

What a boring, unfunny, fat ugly bitch. How can she dictate what's funny and what's not. I couldn't even finish the video because of her.

I wish he tore into her on the jeff goldblum thing even more...total hypocrisy on her part.

Stand up comedians never get the benefit of the doubt that they may be playing a character or adopting a persona. Even somebody like Daniel "Larry The Cable Guy" Whitney gets no slack for the allegedly racist and bigoted things he says, boo hoo. The guy is a soft spoken college graduate who loves to day trade stocks but he still gets personally attacked for things he says as Larry The Cable Guy. Come on!

It's Billy the Bassman! Whurr we goin, Billy?

He's apparently not stupid, because he found something that sells and has sold the fuck out of it. Same with Jeff Foxworthy. Look at his fucking educational background. Magna Cum Laude at Georgia Tech following into his father's footsteps at IBM. Found something funny and profitable, and rode it.

You're absolutely right. Doesn't mean we can't view his humor as barrel-bottom greatest-common-denominator comedy, though.

He totally dismantled her entire argument.



there is nothing worse than a fucking applause break, you know she peppered her friends in the audience.

jim slayed her, she kept going back to stupid points without answering jims points, PC cops are going to bring down this country.

does she strike you as someone that only peppers? that parade float slathered the audience with crusaders.

What exactly do you mean by peppers?

Unfortunately, she didn't need to stage personal friends in the audience. Colleges produce millions of young liberals that think exactly like her.

She is so fucking hateable that it's hard to get thru the whole video.

Thankfully sweetheart little jimmy is so fucking loveable that I made it through.

God that chick was awful. Booooo! She absolutely sucked.

Manatee - "The penalty to making jokes that I dislike is that I will write bad things about you."

Fancy, important, handsome man - "Yes. That is your right. I only have a problem with it if individuals who dislike something a comedian says calls for his/her job."

Whale - "...stand up comics make rape jokes all the time!!!! They perpetuate rape culture!!!!"

It pissed me off to no end that it was cut short right before jimmy was about to stop being nice and completely eviscerate her argument.


That is how deep her feelings on the subject goes. She's committed to making people that she doesn't like look like dicks, thats all. She's a miserable fraud. Has absolutely 0 business debating anyone.

"Six million Jews walk into a bar"


Jimmy fucking destroyed that monster. This is probably the most articulate I have ever heard him be in a debate.

Jimmy really has been working out. He handled that elephant/sperm whale hybrid without breaking a sweat.

Isn't this a pretty old clip?

Shows been cancelled for at least a few months now.

Jim's always calling himself "chin-less," why didn't he ask the fattie for one of hers?

good one chip

She's such a fat fucking bore.

I want to know where all these jokes where a comedian talks about how they rape people.

Well there was that one daniel tosh time and then...uh...well you know like all the other times I guess.

End even then, he was attacking someone who attacked him. So not really the same thing as she was talking about.


This is just like George Carlin saying that people are opposed to tremendously ironic things. "The people opposed to abortion are the people you'd never fuck in the first place! Why do people who don't believe in evolution look so fuckin' unevolved?"

The people talking about what is unacceptable in stand up are the unfunniest people on Earth.

It makes perfect sense that Lindy West and all these 'feminists" who are such monstrously uptight and unfunny bores would think they are in a position to tell stand up comics what they can and cannot say.

And the ones who complain about rape jokes are too fat and ugly to have the priviledge of getting raped in the first place

he just 1-2s her with a strong woman and Jeff goldblum at the end, and its fucking beautiful. And you can tell that Jim wanted to note how every comedian is 90% dick jokes but couldn't get his last point in

Damn. On tv, there are usually enough dumb applause breaks and interrupting hosts to make the winner sort of ambiguous, but Jimmy OBJECTIVELY fucking crushed this lady. It's fucking rare to see something like that honest to God.

Why would you try to make every point with sarcasm? Her goofy ass just proves that her outrage is fake. Makes Jimmy look like the most articulate man in the world.

kinda makes me laugh that gavin mciness takes credit for originating and paving the way for hipsters only to have it become a mutated SJW hipster that censors his opinions and has him fired.

Jimmy vs. one of the most unrapeable women ever.

She's at least three.

hundred pounds

Fawkin double chins!!!

Does SJW stand for Slobby Jezebel Woman?

One of Jimmy's most mainstream moments and I mean that as a compliment. It's a clip like this that can make strangers a fan of Yimmy, he's 100% reasonable and logical.

this bitch is fucking hate-able we should tell her how much she doesn't look like farm animals

Best line was from Jimmy:

"If you get mad at a comedian for telling a joke you don’t like, people are like “you go girl!” It’s either all ok, or none of it’s ok. I understand why rape is a offensive awful thing. No one is saying it’s not. But sometimes comedy does trivialize what is truly horrible. The roughest set I’ve ever seen a comedian do, is Joan Rivers, at the Cutting Room a few years ago, and I think she’s one of the most underrated comics ever, and she did a brutal set, and I say that with affection, a brutal set. She talked about 9/11, she talked about AIDS, and I mean it was ROUGH. She had zero respect for the boundaries of society, and we all knew why we were there, and we all knew that she was just taking everything that hurts us, and everything that’s sad, and everything that’s miserable and just turning it upside down and looking at it, and we all walked out of there the same as when we walked in. Nobody walked out thinking AIDS is hilarious, AIDS isn’t sad and terrible, 9/11 is irrelevant. We all walked out feeling the same about those subjects, but the relief of comedy is that we take things that aren’t funny and it allows us to laugh about them for an hour and we have the rest of the day to look at them as horrible and sad as they really are."


I've seen cunts like her who claim to be "comedians/comediennes" too many fucking times. ALWAYS the first to complain that there aren't enough women in stand-up yet almost never performs in anything more than the safest clubs they can find, usually some kind of feminist comedy night which is exactly as funny as it sounds.

Their set is also, without exception, taken from chapter one of "Stand-Up for Bitches". Talk about your pussy, talk about fucking, talk about boys, talk about feminism, repeat. It's as funny as a puppy with cancer

I'll never get tired of posting this article. She wrote an article about her purposefully acting like a cunt toe everyone around her because she was too fat to fit in an airplane seat.


Ugh. What a big fat monster. "Staff writer for Jezebel." She is exactly the fat obnoxious, self-righteous pig I expected her to be.

She writes for Jezebel about how rape jokes are bad. BOOM she's a fucking cow! Least surprising reveal ever.

"6 million Jews walk into a bar..."

Fucking shit Jimmy, if I had a drink in my mouth I'd have choked and died. Good thing it was only smoke.

Is there an episode of O&A where he discusses this appearance?


End even then, he was attacking someone who attacked him. So not really the same thing as she was talking about.

What exactly do you mean by peppers?