Opie the "BASKETBALL FAN" caught in another fucking lie

21  2014-10-21 by [deleted]

Opie, please for the love of god. If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT!

He brought up basketball and the knicks to Sherrod Small, and Sherrod asked Opie what he thinks about "the Knicks new coach." Opie stutters and stammers and replies with some bullshit positive adjective and deflects by bringing up the Cavs.

It was clearly obvious that Opie who claims to be a super Knicks fan had no fucking clue they had a new coach, or what the man's name was for that matter.

This is what pisses me off about Opie and the show in general. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, yet attempts to discuss the topic anyway. It's insulting as a listener for him to think we're this fucking stupid.

Go back to smashing pinball machines, faggot.


He's like a real life David Brent. Just wants everyone to like him and will lie on end to make himself look better.

Remember when Florentine was on a week or two back and Florentine goes "and then they're bringing brooms into the stadium with them" and then Opie goes "oh cool! ....not cool?" as he awaits Florentine's ruling.

Link? That sounds awful

I think it was Florentine's last appearance before yesterday, and it came up whenever they were doing their inevitable "things grown men do not do" discussion.

Is there anything more pathetic than a grown man seeking the approval of another man?

You'd think he would actually make an attempt to not be so blatantly fake.

All he has to do is:

  • Watch Sports Center: Not even full games. Smarter people watch it for you, give you highlights, and break down the information
  • Listen to Music: subscribe to Rolling Stone, download albums of the bands you "LOOOVE", or have Sam play you music during breaks (we know you aren't doing any show prep)

It would take 2 hours from of his day, outside of his busy work schedule

I'm sure he has tried to do these things. Just like he knows the interviews blow so he's reading guest books for prep. He still can't absorb any of it because it's not about him or relates to himself at all. The rare times he seems to actually engage a guest like a human is when he read about them having a crazy mom.

He loves Pistol Pete because he met the guy once. He couldn't tell you a name of a 90s era Knick other than Ewing because he never met them and they didn't have a dad die in a car accident. He doesn't know what an icing call means because he never took it to a park to people watch.

I know he has been trying to get more info for the interviews, I listened to that Dane Cook segment and the Paul Williams podcast. You can tell he watched/read their shit and made an attempt

Like you said, the problem is that is the extent of his critical analysis. He literally ran down a list of Dane's bits and it sounded like Chris Farley's SNL sketch with Paul McCartney..."Remember that one bit you did?...Yeah, that was hilarious but I won't give away your punchline"...I didn't know if he wanted Dane to start doing material (which he always claimed to hate) or what.

He could have talked about how his stand-up has transformed or evolved from his peak, or anything other than reading his material of a yellow legal-pad and making him uncomfortable. But hey, what do I know? I haven't been doing radio since I was 18



Especially by trying to relate to younger people he thinks are cool through music and weed talk.

The weird thing was how Opie responded to the question.

  • Sherrod: What do you think of the new coach?

  • Opie: I DON'T KNOOOOW!!

It's as if Opie got mad at for Sherrod for asking him a question he couldn't give an honest answer to.

He's 30 pages away from finishing the game.

"he's motivated" - Opie

Breaking news folks. A NBA coach is motivated. What a safe broad statement.

It's as if Opie got mad at for Sherrod for asking him a question he couldn't give an honest answer to.

He does the angry guy voice with 75% of every thing he says. Ol' emotionally dynamic Hughes...

If listener disdain for the man carries over to the on-air staff, he's going to be all in for a nervous breakdown. Watching Greggshells go into a flat spin could be a compelling listen.

I'm all in with the greggshells nickname

I can't believe I'm just learning about it now. That's the whole thing, I know I'm not cool, it's just crazy that I'm just learning about this nickname that everyone knows about. I'm going to use it Wednesday in Brooklyn.

"and above all else, rrrrreal"

"you'll laugh, and then complain on the internet"

At least that's half right.

Opie is a liar and he's the worst kind because he lies about things that don't even matter.

Yesterday he was talking about how he likes pop music but when Sam brought up "Chandelier" he's like "Florentine I swear I have no idea what this is, I've never heard it" . Pop stations rotate 4 songs, if you have the station on for 10 minutes you've at least heard every popular song.

Stop with the needless lying, it's OK to admit that you don't know something or that everything you do isn't "cool".

I never understood that about him. He's one of the most insecure entertainers I've ever known of.

He also hasn't mentioned the Islanders even though they're looking decent for the first time in 30 years.

He will be the world's biggest Islander fan once someone reminds him they exist. Then Islander talk will be used to kill another 30 mindless minutes.

Caller: Remember how great a goalie Denis Potvin was?

Greggshells: Oh man he was amaaazing. And such a family man.

Caller: And Billy Smith - remember his 150 goal season in 2003?

Greggshells: I was at that game!

Op/jim/sam: they should just sell the team and move them to England.

J: Yeah why doesn't the nhl do that. Would be great.

O: Islanders are so bad their gm is bad the owner is bad.

Travis: Well they have the new arena deal and a new owner so things are looking up

O: I was so disappointed, I've told this a million times but bringing back again, I threw my tickets in the river. Remember that.

J: Vaguely

Travis: actually Islanders are looking good right now. Probably worth a watch.

O: I'm gonna get tickets and just burn them, I'll put it up on my channel Opie radio.

J: Sounds like fun

S: would be better than watching a hockey game. If it isn't wrestling I am not going to it.

Listener : click, boom, thud

Beat your wife, Potvin, Beat your wife!

To be fair to Opie, everyone forgets that the Islanders exist.

He used to claim to be a big Mets fan despite not knowing shit about any incarnation of the team.

The weird thing about his Islanders ignorance is that he actually attends a bunch of games every year and still seemed lost on any hockey talk with Dipaulo or Burr.

He grew up a mets fan and a couple years ago just finally said flat out he hadn't paid watched a game in like a decade and didn't know why he was still saying he was a mets fan.

Any other complaints about shows from 2006?

You don't get it, he was never a Mets fan. He got caught in a lie that he was a Mets fan, so he hedged the lie by saying he doesn't currently follow the team. He's equally lost when the 70s, 80s or 90s Mets are brought up. He was clueless when they had Strawberry or Gooden in the studio.

He's a pathologic liar.

Takes awhile for the bandwagoners to jump on. Can't wait for him to talk but his season tickets and getting them back

*his Islanders

He's the biggest Pink Hat in the world.

Typical Opie sports break: "Ugh my team isn't doing good, can't even watch them. Here's a story about how I used to pay attention to them during the 80/90s..."

It's the same for the Jets, Mets, Islanders and Knicks. He never has any real information about any of them.

this retard opie literally said a while ago that when his jets aren't doing good he'll support the patriots. BUT he "hates" when people jump from the jets to the giants, yankees to the mets, etc. I don't get this idiot, guys.

Jets fans hate Patriots fans intensely. Its an unfathomable thing to say, like a Lakers fan saying he switches to the Celtics during poor seasons.

Jets and Giants fan is more understandable to me. They play in different conferences. Patriots and Jets are not only in the same conference, but the same division. They play each other twice every year.



I'd tapped out by that point but before I did I heard Opie mention how many of the tapings of Carlin's HBO specials he went to. If you guessed that is a lie, you're correct.

He's a compulsive liar. That's all there us to it.

Yeah and he has a story for almost any story.

Which is better than the other person's story every time. Like when Nikki Glasser was in studio and trying to have a genuine discussion about her struggles with eating disorders and Opie complained at that moment about being "dizzy and faint" and having "low blood sugar."

What a diva putz.

Dont forget his tv deal from yesterday.

Christ that was bad. I don't always think he's lying when people on here claim he is (practically whenever he opens his mouth) but that was so blatant. How do you go through an audition process, get accepted, be offered a job and then.. not know what it is you're going to be doing, and not remember why you turned the job down.

And Jimmy sort of half-ass called him out on it. Opie started to scramble. So sad. Just Scorch with better luck.

Opie is a great example of how much easier it was to make it in the world 25 years ago than it is now, especially in media/entertainment/communications/journalism.

Back in the day, you really could just be a lucky jackass who fell into something great. Now you're competing against an endless stream of careerists who have been preparing for a future in those industries since they were 12.

Let's all be honest here. Jim and ant were just as bad about this when it comes to sports. Ant going to Yankee games when it was playoff time or Jim talking about the cowboys while lacking any depth to discuss them.

Also most of you faggots don't watch sports anyway. The show that does discuss them is a show run by a former drug addict and his stented up asexual, he'll even their big lipped producer discusses sports more than opie and Jim.

If you want a mix of life and shit men enjoy that's the show to listen to. If you want reality tv and 30 year old tv and movie references you listen to opie Jim.

But they said they didn't even like sports and rarely even watched them.

I remember fewer sports breaks when Ant was around.

There's always been a ton of sports discussion, in fact Ant would usually be the main guy to talk about the Yankees. There were just always enough people talking where you didn't realize how little investment Opie had in his teams. Which is fine, but then you have to own up to it.

Actually Ant went through a short stretch in 2009 of becoming a "Big Yankee Guy" at around 48 years old. It gave way to one of my favorite Burr rants ever on the show, calling out Anthony on being an overnight Yankee die hard in the middle of their World Series playoff run. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo_NMs_7sIg

i dont think anyone knows who the knicks head coach is, thats how irrelevant they are.

Very true. He is a fraud as a sports fan but to be fair I'm a pretty big basketball fan and I'd forgotten who they hired. I remembered they were after Steve Kerr but he went to Golden State, completely forgot they wound up with Fisher. He's just a Phil Jackson sock puppet so it doesn't really matter.

What?? Opines a fraud as a Sports Fan?? I didn't realize that during the Jerry Sandusky Drama, when Opie AND Jimmy asked if Penn State was a "Popular Football School"!!

Totally. I've never met anyone in my life who said they were a fan of a team, but didn't know details as well as I did. That's why I hate everyone.

Wow. 75% of sports fans are like Opie, they have their teams but don't know too many details or watch all the games. Who gives a shit?

If only that 75% of sport fans got their own radio show then lie about being a fan on air

I find that odd. I'm a Die Hard OSU Buckeye Fan! I'm pretty much Rain Man in every aspect of the team, ayers, and traditions. Now, I don't at all expect all other fans to know all that shit. It doesn't really win you extra credit anywhere.

But there is nothing that makes me want to throw a bucket of old fermented piss and shit in somebody's face quicker, than when you get the guy who wears OSU hats, sunglasses, shirts, ect... But they can't name any player, other than the QB, who's name is in the news 100 times a day.

Also, these same fucking guys are all pumped for The game! Around other fans, but barely watch the game when it's on. And they make up some shit like "I Only Like Watching Clise Games. It's Not Fun When Ohio State Is Up 5 TD's".

I'm the same way man, I'm a die hard New York Rangers fan. I spend so much free time reading everything I can see. I study advanced stats, salary cap and all that stuff, I live and breathe it. So I get annoyed when someone acts like theyre a die hard and can't name 5 players on the team.

Just saying, that's how MOST sports fans are.

He wasn't lying so much as he didn't know what he was talking about while discussing sports. Chill the fuck out. I've worked in sports bars back in the day. Opies not the first guy to do that.

Big difference between drunk talk at a bar, and hosting a radio show.

Nah all conversations work the same and typically someone gets talked over. Get out of the house more.

I wasn't talking about people talking over one another. I was talking about how he didn't know what he was talking about. Not knowing what you're talking about is acceptable at a bar, but not as a radio broadcaster.

Oh shut up already. Acceptable as a radio broadcaster? It's the same show that used to make porn stars shove a waffle ball bats up there pussies and has a comedian that plays a character that's a pedophile. The show lost its broadcasting integrity 20 fucking years ago you fucking whiny hen. If you want accuracy in broadcasting turn to NPR.

You're oversimplifying my comments. If you're talking about sports in a serious matter on the radio you should know your shit. If you're just joking around then it's fine to exaggerate for comedic affect, but Opie just didn't know what he was talking about. It's about context. You're oversimplifying things, and taking them out of context and applying it to a different context.

It's a glorified shock radio show that occasionally covers serious topics. Honestly relax. People talk misinformed all the time. Like you right now.

"honestly relax"

you're a hypersensitive liberal fag.

You're the whiny little pussy that won't shut up because opies not 100 percent fucking informed about everything he talks about like any one is. What does this have to do with liberalism? Hahahahahaha. Go wash Anthonys balls you faggot. How's that for liberalism?

Does Jimmy still do Unvle Paul?, or talk About Trannies and Hookers? I heard it was a different format now, that is intentionally less funny.

Settle down, sir. It's a radio show.

It's an "honest/non-hack" show doing that exact opposite. When you buy toilet paper then get sandpaper instead you'll be a little pissed.

Unless there was further discussion after Morgan Spurlock, this is not how this conversation happened at all. Opie brought up Phil Jackson (former Bulls/Lakers coach - now Knicks coach) on his own.


That's a good insult.

It really is.

Phil Jackson isn't the Knicks coach, he's their team president. Derek Fisher is the coach.

Haha, whoops - I suck.

You guys are still complaining about Opie? Really?

Find a new fucking show to listen to.



The show's gone. And der's nuttin we can do about it.

This is where the opie hate gets unreasonable. I was a huge pats fan for the better part of a decade, grew up in New England, friends were big into football so I latched on to my home team and got hooked.

Last couple years I haven't paid attention to football. Nothing against it, just lost interest. Does that mean all those years of cheering for the pats don't count anymore?

He was/is a Knicks fan. He clearly isn't keeping up with basketball beyond the headlines. I dunno maybe it's because he has two kids and has to actually do show prep as he can't rely on ant to carry him if he isn't prepared anymore?

Also he's on the radio, we expect him to be an expert on everything he talks about then rail him he deflects. Do you really expect him to just continually say "I don't know, next topic"? No, he's going to steer it to something he can talk about rather than throwing on the brakes.

I'm agreeing with this sub more that opie sucks and jimmy and him have awful chemistry. But you guys are overly harsh too often. I'm about ready to give up on the show myself and I think this post is just stupid.


People still don't get Opie's role all these years. He's the guy who leads the conversation then gets the fuck out of the way until it needs more direction. Now that ant isn't there opie is left carrying the load when he's gone 20 years without having to. So when he's left with no one to turn to, as jim will sit silent on pure sport, no social commentary topics (or goof on them) ant knows how to bullshit through getting the guest to do the work for him.

Opie is relearning how to walk after losing a leg. Right now the show completely depends on the guest and jimmy going off on a topic. If opie is forced to carry the show it's going to be terrible. But I can't fault him, he has to break 20 years of habit in a short amount of time.

They are wandering aimlessly trying to figure out how to do this. Really they just need a permanent third mic ASAP or the show will die a horrible death.


What you don't understand is that Opie was never a fan of the Knicks, Mets, Islanders, Nirvana, Alice in Chains or whatever else he says he is interested in. He says that shit because a program director once told him to pretend to like things that your demo likes so you connect.

You guys almost have me on the opie hating bandwagon, I'm almost there. Then I see these post and realize you guys are just looks for shit to hate about him. He's talked about going to Knicks games, how his dad was a Knicks fan so he became one, sounds like how most people got involved with a team. I doubt someone who was never a fan of the Islanders would have season tickets. And how the fuck is it unreasonable to think someone in radio in the 90s likes Nirvana and Alice in Chains? Don't most people who listen to rock like them?

You aren't looking for actual problems, rather just taking anything that comes out of his mouth, assume it's a lie then bash him for it. You aren't thinking logically, you're just a foaming at the mouth asshole who rather spend his time raging over a radio show instead of finding a new one you actually enjoy.