
52  2014-10-19 by [deleted]

Who else would kill to see this? "Greggshells and Coattails in the Morning"! We could keep the phallic shape of the OpieRadio logo and emphasize the "JO" in the middle to represent the circlejerk of lifeless banter this everlasting Jocktober trainwreck would be.

He could have been a model, and he could have been a rockstar!

catcall whistling, then crowd cheering

Hear what having kids is like! It's so cute! It's different when they're yours!

baby crying--record scrape

Get the scoop on all of the latest haters from the top social media sites!

toilet flushing

Hear the latest BroJo ebola song parody, featuring Todd Pettingill!

"EbolObamaaaaaaa..."--record scrape--raucous, fake Opie laughter, "BAWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAWH"

BrotherJOpieRadio: The Biggest Name in Frat-Chat! cartoon fart noise

"Promotional consideration by ViralSpiral."


Are you the first person to say Greggshells? That made me chortle.

Certainly not, but I was an immediate adopter when I saw it. Someone came up with it a few days ago here, but god damn it's perfect.

So youre all in with greggshells?

ME: New shirt coming soon

Lil bit, lil bit, lil bit......

Leave It Alone!

No. I'm not 4.

I know you're not the first, but god dammit if that isn't hilarious every time I hear it, and good on you for recognizing a good thing.

This "greggshells" name is TAKING ON A LIFE OF ITS OWN!!!!

The greggshells virus, spreading across America

I'm all in!

Not exactly what you had mentioned, but it may work

I think Opie would be better off dedicating the first half an hour of every morning to shitting all over Blow'Joe and his shitty show.

Jocktober style.

i chuckled

Upvote for greggshells....never gonna call him anything else now

Thank you.

New show name "Walking on greggshells with Jim Norton"

Reading this made me shit blood out of ass in fear.


I think there's still an opening since Sal left, you got the job.

And then a new show stars with OJ. We've come full circle people.

And here's scorch with weird news !

Well I laughed. Thumbs up.

I dont even dislike brother joe but his charlie sheen level break from reality is fuckin hilarious.

This is the definition of trying too hard.

BrotherJoe is fucking great!

I don't know why the haters are going after him, how about a little positivity.

I like your attitude, Fletch. You're positive like my HIV status!

Is this Fletcher from WB?

You guys are fucking pathetic. You haters are now becoming the joke.


I don't think they mind being the joke now.

They'll settle for anything, so long as they can get something out of being a fan.


We're doing a fffffucking bit here! How in the fffffuck can you ffffuck-heads not ffffffucking know that by now?! FFFFFFFUCK!

I mean...let me ffffucking break down for all gives a fffffuck.


It's not trolling, dumbass.

Certainly not, but I was an immediate adopter when I saw it. Someone came up with it a few days ago here, but god damn it's perfect.