Brother Joe's band "2U"

4  2014-10-18 by Anton_Lemieux


I love how brother Joe is our new target while we wait for more Opie material. Let's keep it going. I hate this fuck.

It's Joetober!



I'll take it.

He may wish to reconsider ever being photographed in profile. Bitch looks 7 months along.

Ive been giggling like a child at the unrelenting vicious cruelty unleashed on this fat titted faggot the last few days. Hopefully we can make him conscious of what an irrelevant unlikable untalented parasitic nobody he is before he dies in a couple of years.

The singer is way worse than I would have guessed.

Yea i can objectively say he sounds NOTHING like bono. Oddly enough he kinda sounds like hes doing a douchey fake radio voice. Maybe he can do the intro to the joseph cumia show.

/hay evrahboday! Stay tuned for GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION on the XTREME DANGEROUS NIGHT TIME ATTITUDE HOUR! Sponsored by anthony cumias pity and avoidance of confrontation.

At first i was thinking, yeah he doesn't really sound like bono but has a fairly similar look from afar. Then he hit some of the higher notes and sounded kinda like them. Then he moved into that crouch position and i'm there, oh yeah how bono moved. So fair job but lower type range doesn't sound too much like him. What they should do is like what journey did and scout around youtube for a more similar sounding singer, even if the look ain't there. Can't have it not sounding like them. I rate it a "good" but kinda goes to "fair" sometimes. As for joe's guitar playing, it was sounding like the edge. But you know, that's fairly easier to replicate. However, playing guitar is a bitch and he's doing allright, i suppose. To remember all those notes of the songs, that's not easy. Also, must get hot with that tuque on, holy fuck. lol.. Basicly, maybe try doing your own shit instead of copying people.

That guitar store blues vid from the other thread, i was going "oof" when i seen it. lol.



More like P.U

Rattle and Bum

Picture the kind of person who would be in a serious U2 cover band and imagine the routine of thoughts that go through their head on a daily basis.

Probably thinking that latest iphone U2 stunt is gonna be great publicity for his band. "GUYS, THEY'LL BE COMING OUT IN DROVES NOW!"

The guitar player was subpar.

that singer sounds absolutely nothing like Bono.

What singer?

When Joe is separated from his band he is weak like a single twig, but when they are together they form a mighty faggot!

That crowd though. Are they playing a retirement home?

That Bono ain't quite cuttin' it, is he?

I actually watched a few seconds of a few clips; Joe can play the parts, and he's got a reasonable approximation of the guitar tones used in the songs most of the time, but man, he's gotta drop a few 60-80 pounds.

Not. A. Good. Look.

But the whole "dress up like them" thing is so fuckin' pathetic.

You don't like Joe's man tits and dad jeans?


They actually were playing in Disney World when I was there. Disney is infamous for hiring crappy tribute bands and sad oldie acts. The only people who watch them are the hambeasts.

All the people in the crowd are ancient. It's like The Shoji Tabuchi Show in Branson.

Aren't you supposed to sound like the real band?

None of this does.

You're a goddamn adult Brother Joe, lose the Superman shirt you knob.

Must be bingo night, there's always a cover band on bingo nights

copyright infringers tolerated by the industry

Do tribute bands have to pay a license fee?

they are free to perform shows, but would have to pay to release recordings of copyrighted material.

not sure what the rules are when it comes to using the bands name in promotion of gigs, but they all seem to do it without issue.

I'm shocked they can get away with that. I wonder if Gene Simmons has ever gone after anyone for doing Kiss.

I know he owns a trademark on the make-up and costumes, which makes things a little different than your average cover band, but I still think it's perfectly legal.

Check out their demo reel. And this Youtube comment is totally NOT by someone related to one of the band members:

tlkshowhst6 months ago

These guys are amazing live. Seriously, the guitarist is better than The Edge. The definitely has Bono's swagger and vocal range. The bassist is better than Adam Clayton too. Love it!

Man,that singer sux.

Joe sux of course

Rule 1 of guitar playing:when you can't play guitar well you keep it simple.

So a guy that gigs at a Disney property has set up his Redditt home page with pictures of gaping asshole and mechanically shredded penises? That doesn't seem like something that the company would take kindly to.

Cover bands are embarrassing.

especially when the band they are covering is still together, recording, and touring.

Dark Star Orchestra is the big Dead one and they do a good job. better than any of the remaining member's bands.

You fuckers are going after the man's livelihood!

"jesus joe its 8am and youre screaming about youre livelihood?"

The problem is...this is exactly what he wants. He is playing the "any publicity is good publicity" angle. He pretty much confirmed it on his twitter. He has a dumb show coming out and he is looking for exposure.

Best thing to do is to put him on the "pay no mind" list. Dont watch his show even if its for the train wreck novelty, dont give him any attention. He new "management" team is a bunch of steroid saturated oafs (, who think this a solid marketing campaign.

He is already bragging about how his twitter follower numbers have gone up.

I think based on his rants that he's too pissed about "the haters" to take that stance. This shit is getting to him for sure.

Right, but the shit he is saying on twitt bragging about increased followship counterpoints that...

You might be right sure, but he seems like the kind of guy who'd try to put out that vibe to make it seem like he's "winning", but the wall of angry text doesn't seem like the response of a chill guy who's laughing at the morons who are trying to get to him.

its a 50/50 chance. Id err on the side of caution though and and not give him "clicks"

You're absolutely right, but it's much better to laugh at him with other people, some of these jokes are gold, and he's not going to get one 2U fan or someone to watch his shitty show.

The only reason I posted this is because I was surprised at how bad they are

especially when the band they are covering is still together, recording, and touring.

Dark Star Orchestra is the big Dead one and they do a good job. better than any of the remaining member's bands.

I know he owns a trademark on the make-up and costumes, which makes things a little different than your average cover band, but I still think it's perfectly legal.