Opie can't handle a line from ant and cries

42  2014-10-18 by jakebell93


He says "enough" like he's been under constant harassment for hours. Man up, bitch tits.

He probably had to block three people that day on twitter. Between being a father and dealing with haters it's a rough life.

It's so sad how many times jimmy has had to calm opie down because he couldn't handle a tiny joke

Yeah. Jimmy basically replied the same exact way when Otto made a joke about Opie during that Bill Maher/Elizabeth Hasselbeck on the View argument.

Here is the reason: Opie sees himself as a "professional." He is academically educated, he paid his dues, he put the work in, he sees himself as the engine, he discovered Ant, he is a company man, etc. If Anthony couldn't be in Radio anymore, he would find another lane. He got kicked off O&A and made a new thing for himself. He could do it again if he lost that.

If Opie lost radio, what could he do? How many people would follow him? Anthony has viewpoints I don't agree with but I can listen to him, same as Rogan. Opie, what is his viewpoint? Does he have any? What is his lane? Can he be a standalone personality? Obviously not, so here we are, a man defending what little real estate he has left.

Yeah Opie's politics really annoy me. "I just don't care about any of that crap" - oh, interesting.

I just get annoyed at how he doesn't have any opinions of his own and has to ask other people what they think about a certain topic so he can agree with them.

"How do we feel about _____?"

Then he will adopt that point of view. When it comes up later in conversation with a guest, he loves throwing it out like it's his own unique perspective

He's just a liar.

ME: THANK you!

how can anyone be friends with a guy like this, what a fucking bitch.


He said "friends with", not "married to".


I will always love Erock for pointing at Opie's wife (at their wedding!) and saying "see that, thats the paycheck".

The fucked up awful blond girl face is the paycheck? Yuck.

Fucking brilliant


I like how Ant then points his jokes at Sam, and Sam gracefully takes them as somebody with—albeit unearned—confidence and poise.

Yeah, I think it was Sam's way to defuse the original "insult" by Anthony on-air when they both realized Opie was truly butt-hurt about it. Sam knew he needed to take the next one in stride when he noticed Ant backpedaling.

That is how the guy responds to one minor little joke at expense from somebody who worked with him for 17 years at that point.

I cannot believe people who entertaining the idea that Opie would permit himself to be roasted. Andrew Dice Clay said Opie is "the most insecure male I've ever met." No kidding!

He said "enough" like he was in the barrel for 20 minutes. It was one soft line.

He was clearly bothered by that.



The more you look into the case against Opie for being a whiny no talent pussy the more he looks guilty. He mocks Denny for having a weak voice but his isn't great. How about listening to older clips Ant sounds pretty much the same, Jimmy pretty much the same, but Opie was using his "radio" voice. The best part about the show is the honesty from Jimmy and Anthony about their flaws, but Opie is just a phoney.

A big fat tits phony.


Clips like this are probably the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his hair trigger defensiveness.

Dice wasn't bullshitting when he said Opie was the most insecure guy in radio.

Please tell me they were making fun of Opie for the previous 15 minutes relentlessly. If that was response into the ONE joke, he's even more horrible at this than I thought he was, and I didn't think he could be more of a talentless, humorless, uninteresting douche. God. I'd give anything to know what Ant and Jimmy think of him, and I can't imagine being those two and having to drag this absolute burden for so many years. Save the "WEL WIF OFF OPIE DA JIMMY AND ANT DUNT GET DERE OPE DA SHIP STEARER ACNOR RUDER!!1!" shit. I don't care if he started a TERRIBLE incarnation of the show two decades ago. He's been nothing more than a burden for 10 years now...

Please tell me they were making fun of Opie for the previous 15 minutes relentlessly.

Not really. There was just a lot of tension around that time.

God. I'd give anything to know what Ant and Jimmy think of him

The way Jimmy said "He was making a joke!" to Opie right afterwards, it sounded like he really was pissed, even knowing Opie's low/no threshhold for jokes.

I'd love to hear what he and Ant said to each other off air. As great as some fan jokes about Opie are, I'd bet that Ant and Jimmy have years worth of frustrated, secret inside jokes about him at this point that are some of the best material they've ever come up with.

Fuck, I forgot how good this "Debacle" was. There goes my afternoon.

It really was fucking brilliant, one of the rare times where I was genuinely hoping for them to start trashing someone.

God, if Opie could take a joke, much less make one, this show would have been a million times better from start to finish, and I don't mean this individual show, I mean the entire thing. That's why the Nopie shows are so great. It doesn't have shit to do with "steering the ship" or being a glorified board op or whatever. Sure, Greggshells is good at those things, but they take a distant back seat to not being a fucking wet blanket. It's like jumpin from trampoline to trampoline and tryna avoid the one that's made outta concrete or sumthin.


soft as tissue

Prime example of Walking on Greggshells

Wow. Shameful.


It's timecoded into the link.

I'm on mobile, it just starts from the start.

What was the line?



Leave it Alone comes to mind.

So basically all you're doing is complaining that he responded.

Something something Opie sucks, women aren't funny.

throws his own shit at the wall

I didn't hear any crying...

A big fat tits phony.