Grandpa Joe Cumia has a message for you. Prepare to be obliterated, haters.

18  2014-10-17 by [deleted]


If the majority of people do not find you entertaining, are your detractors still considered "haters", or just rational human beings?

if you specifically look for his videos just to shit on them (like most people in this sub) - then yes

Another Embarrasing, Hackey, Unfunny Vid

Cool, the author beat me to it

That made my stomach hurt. Ant has to be really embarrassed

I am no prize but damm if he doesn't look like an italian uncle fester. Pretty lame with motorboating the cut-outs.

Even lamer he was motorboating a green screen and not cutouts.

you're right. motorboating cutouts, always cooler than motorboating green screen.

It means he took the time to figure out on the green wall where to place his face.

good point... except when editing he could have a ton of ways to work around that. such as, doing the motorboating thing and then finding the perfect image of 3 hot chicks that matches the motorboating. he can also alter an image slightly if his face doesn't hit those luscious mounds of tit meat. trust me on this, myself and any other 14 year old with after effects can do a much better job than Joe.

Duly noted thank you for your service

Anthony really shouldn't allow him to use the greenscreen.

Brotha joe is SWIMMIN in da PUSSY raising da middle finga to all you lil hataz! Oh lord.

his wife is decent looking, especially for someone that looks like Brother Joe.

Let's hope it's a shotgun


i don't even want to type anything i'm that ashamed of what i just watched. read his own comments to the video, jesus fuck

I regrettably left a comment proving I paid attention to him for 60 seconds.

Please tell me 2U is performing at a ISIL gala in the near future...


This should be on r/cringe

Brother Joe Entertainment Inc

I don't have a joke for this, I just think that it's hilarious.

BJ Entertainment

He's a faggot.

This makes Opie look rational and like-able.

I know Im no Clark Cable, but god almighty is he one ugly son of a bitch.

TSSSSSS Clark Cable do like cable or sumthin? TSSSSSS

His company is called Brother Joe Entertainment. We should all sue him for false advertising for that last bit of the name.

I like the name; but then, I do love irony!

There was a show from 2012 i was listening to the other day where they were doing the rotgut reunion and joe texted ant something on the air and ant says "joe you worrying about the bookings and the music and leave the jokes to me." Opie says "jesus ant" and ant replies "its okay, joe knows hes not funny." Obviously not.

What was the show date? I wanna listen ;D

An old guy is pretending to motorboat pictures of bikini girls with slightly smaller tits than him while barely staying focus. Take that haters!! That sure showed them.

What the shit?

I feel sorry for Anthony.

Look what fun I am having on my brothers green screen!

I am glad he is pretending to nuzzle tits, because his tired old geriatric ass is not getting any puss close to that.

Doesn't he got a diaper to change?

Couldnt make it past 20 seconds. Summarize please

You pretty much watched the entire thing.

At the end you hear another shitty open note guitar riff while he uses some windows movie maker effects on his logo.

Why can't he just accept that he doesn't have to be like his brother to be successful? It's an unhealthy way to live.

He has a family, and making their lives as fulfilling as possible should be his goal.

The most embarrassing part is that he calls his "company" Brother Joe Entertainment. Talk about being relegated to making your identity part of your little brother's celebrity. Papa Cumia would have a word or two for Joe I'm sure. snaps belt

All I got from this was, congratulations you are Anthony Cumia's brother. He is the poor mans homeless dudes Dave Franco.

This is like what your dad would do with a green screen, thinking he was being funny and edgy. Anthony has to have been adopted.

Wtf did I just watch?

Joe's stupidity used to be kind of endearing and pathetic, but this video has transformed him into an intensely infuriating douche bag of the highest caliber.

I hope he releases a video each day, I'm loving this meltdown.

Holy shit the last one he put out on Twitter was amazing.

What's funny is the video is 1:12. It only goes on :11-:42 so of the 1:12 long video more than half of it is just stupid logos

It's still better than Loves the Internet Guy somehow.

It's like a lost "Tim & Eric" sketch starring David Cross

So, what was he trying to prove here?

This is both awful and hilarious. I mean, I want to hate it, but what in the almighty fuck?

I love "Brah Joe." He's fawkin extreme! Nah... he's just a lame piece of shit.

Did Opie produce this video? This feels like something we'd see on his channel.


Paging /u/thatsthebit.

Please swap out that background image so that he's burying his face in a dude's package.

Its like opie if he gained 50 pounds. Dem Jelly Tittzzz.

Fawk yeah. Hill AIR eeeyiss.

if you specifically look for his videos just to shit on them (like most people in this sub) - then yes