Telling the punch lines to the audience from Dane's new special that isn't out yet.

15  2014-10-15 by THORGNASH

Why was he doing this?
Why didn't jimmy stop it?


I think he was more saying what topics dane covered but i see what your doing and your right Opie is a talentless cunt

I could very easily get opie hate points easier than this. I just don't get messing up dane like that.
There is a better way to talk about someone's set without using punch lines.

Did he really use the punch lines? If so, then his material is horrible anyways.

Shut up.

Not to spoil it but, spoils it.

And the threat? I'm gonna ruin your exiting joke at the end of the special! Haha, get it!? Get it? Face!

It's like he's putting himself in the level of the comedians in the room.

Edit other




He was basically doing Byron Allen's schtick of setting up a comedian

"So, I hear you've got some pretty strong feelings about EMOJI's!!!"

Only instead of going into the bit, Dane had to go, "Yep...that's in there."

Just mentioned that douche yesterday: The Black Opie.

I didn't remember this guy at all until you mentioned black and then it came right back to me...cheapest set up guy ever... "So, you fly a lot right?"

He's not a good interviewer. That's Anthony's job.

Well it's not like it's out and everyone has seen it.
Maybe he doesn't want opie getting the jokes out before it even releases.

Yes. That is the basic thrust of this entire thread.

Yeah Dane wasn't loving it. Just trying to brush it off.


He was being THE DESTROYER maahhn, OLD SCHOOL Opester.


I'm pretty sure he was mentioning the subjects Dane talks about in his special. No punchlines at all. ..but of course Opie haters have to blow up everything he says out of context.

I am an Opie DETESTER, but I have to agree; Opie didn't reveal any punchlines. He DID, however provide too much information about some of the "bits". He also douched-it-up by "playfully" threatening to give away a punchline if Dane didn't play nice with Bobby (or Jimmy?). Anyway, Ope's a cunt.

Odds on him ever being on the show again...

I wouldn't go back. That was some amateur shit


That was not only disrespectful, it was right to his face. I'd never go back if I was Dane Cook. They need him more than he needs them and if they're going to be cocks about it, why do the show?

They don't need 2014 Dane Cook.

have you listened to the show? they need anyone and seems like they take anyone.

If it werent for bawby being in studio i think dane would have laid into opie. Shit was fucked up.



it seemed like since dane had such a short time in studio that maybe his "people" wanted opie to plug the special good because whos watching a dane cook hour stand up in 2014.

dane didnt seem too into it but he was around other comics so maybe he had to put on like he didnt like it.

My opinion it was opies note full of spoilers rather than criticism that turned him off of it. I was interested in what dane had to say

Hate for Dane Cook is trendy in the way this sub hates on the show. Move along.

Dane needs all the help he can get at this point.

That's my point. If you want to help out comedians don't give out / threaten to give out the end of all his jokes after you invite him to your show.

If anything they helped dane out with the Opie and "Anthony"/Jimmy demographic that normally wouldn't give dane the time of day because in the past Danes comedy was for 16 year old girls. Opie definitely said this special was more edgy and darker which is normally what fans of the show like. It won't really hurt dane in the end considering we aren't his fanbase anyway. He's trying to appeal the new special towards something we might enjoy. Dane loses nothing in the end.

It definitely helped him but I feel like even when he is in there to strictly promote the special, you don't have to spend the entire time doing a run-down off of a list of material you compiled from the show. At least he did his research, but I was a lot more interested in the personal side of things, especially how he's been doing since his half-brother ruined his life.

I guess what bothered me was its the same shit opie would rail about all jocktober long. hacky morning zoo hosts asking dumb questions about jokes and material when comedians are on their show.

Because fuck Dane, that's why.

Dane isn't my favorite comic, I admit. But he is a comic, he writes his own material, and doesn't deserve it given to any audience before it's even really "out".

Hope Dane learned his lesson on the code he gave opie to view it.


Other than the stuff Louie CK wrote.