Get a life all you loser morons

0  2014-10-14 by DocSense

I've listened to O&A since 2005. All three hosts have their strengths and weaknesses. If you read this SubReddit since Anthony got himself fired for overestimating his importance you'd think that everything that came out of his mouth was flawless humor and Opie (and now Jim apparently) were just noise until Anthony spoke again.

Seriously losers, its not normal or healthy to be eaten up by something as insignificant as a movie, TV, radio show, etc. Just f*ck off and leave the forum to people who still enjoy the show enough to continue listening.

For f*cks sake.


My family has told me to get a life numerous times and I've rebuffed them all, but you think you're gonna change my mind?! Fuck you, I won't do it!

Stay with your strengths sir.

So...This is definitely that redsox(numbers numbers) douche right? He slams someone for 'stealing from Jimmy', responds to every fucking comment and created the account about 30 minutes ago. Jesus dude you need a hug

It's okay sweetie, you can curse here. We're all adults here. Keep your chin up, I'm sure you'll find your testicles soon.

He has to censor himself or ViralSpiral gives him demerits. They only deal with good natured humor.

Yeah, I'm sure you know all about finding testicles, dont you dick-repository. Try again without plagiarizing the Jimmy 'sweetie' horseshit and have an original thought ... that doesnt involve my testicles (or cock or whatever else you want shoved up your ass.

You are quite the homosexual comedian.

I listened to O and A since WNEW so I fucking win.

We do not enjoy bashing Opie, we enjoy sucking stupid faggots like you into us.

We are a spider web of hate, and you are an insignificant fly who stuck itself into the web to be eaten by us.

Have a nice day you disillusioned faggot. What size is your droppin hammers shirt?



Err, yeah ... you win :-)

Damn, I hate when they are good sports. ;P

Cool deal. Do you hate sarcasm too?


Just because they all have strengths and weaknesses doesn't mean they are all of equal talent. People are willing to give Anthony more leeway because his strengths far outweigh his weaknesses, can't say the same for Opie these days.

Its a fucking radio show. Its better in current form that local radio. Listen and enjoy the parts that are decent or fuck off, but get a grip.

Being better than local radio is some sort of achievement? Are your standards that low?

Err, yeah ... its a radio show. The Opie and Jim show is better than the local 'Boner in the Morning' show or that syndicated 'Johnboy and Billy' redneck douche fest. Let it go champ, and spend your money and time watching Cumia drink beer and feel up high school girls.

He is a funny fucking pedophile though, isnt he.

Boner in the Morning and Johnboy and Billy are basically what you are hearing now. Opie Radio is no better than a bad hacky morning zoo. And are you usually this much of a douche? Do you have any friends? Just stop and go away. Wackbag, and their three posters, would love to have an awesome dude like you.

Depends on who your are talking to. If its me, I'm going to lunch. If its your mom, most likely the teamsters if the football team is out of town.

Homerun Chippason!

Oh good, never gets old. Moron.

So does ViralSpiral pay you hourly or by Reddit posts? Or is it a tiered pay plan by karma?


Dude, you leave. There is a reason somebody started /r/OpieRadio because it's a different show now.

or /r/opiewithjimshow. Whatever ship you'd like to go down with OP.

Or that one.


Haha!! The point of this forum is to discuss the good and bad of the show (mostly bad of late) so if you don't like it, you fuck off!!

Cool deal. Do you hate sarcasm too?