1  2014-10-13 by Irony_Dan

Really. Enough with the gay.


But he's got a big pieceeeeeee.


Lamar's peckah! Goin' in and out and in and out and in and out of my muddah. TSSS

The revisionist history of it is so bad. Opie said he always hated showering with other people, the tell-off that a guy has a big case of dick-shame. He also said he was short as a kid and didn't have pubic hair until he was 19. Now all of a sudden he's Johhny Wad? Jim actually does have a big cock and he's a sex addict and he talks about his dick less than Opie talks about his 5 Irish Inches.

Ant being the one with the big cock was talked about for years on the show. The main story I remember is Ant showing it to some drunk women in a parking lot after an appearance in probably Boston and them all freaking out about it being huge. Then suddenly in the last couple years Opie started going on about his big piece and how he "put up numbers" in college, which actually means nothing when you compare it to the 0 he had in high school. As he gets even more lame and insecure with age he lies more and more to make himself sound like the man he wishes he was. It started with him lying about his age and having that california surfer accent 20 years ago and being a PSYCHO. Now he exaggerates everything about his youth to make himself sound cool and makes up complete stories about confronting people in public now and coming off like a total badass, which he's too passive aggressive to even do face to face in the studio, let alone in the street.

Is this the penis discussion thread?

TIL : 5 out of 12 readers of this thread really like talking about dick size.

Opie has an 8 you jealous hater

Wha happen?

opster is very talented down their, if ya know what i mean. hehehehehe
