
36  2014-10-12 by arobben

I dunno, Im just fawkin riffin and rockin. DVVV DVVVVVVVVVVVV


You go and hit a home run like that and the rest of us are left here looking up

Through your tears..

Go to break E-rock!

you fucking farm animal

You know what to do fat boy.

Get fuckin' zooted. TSS

Fat boy on the scene. Bikini girls on the screen. Coke floats in my cup. Coke floats in my cup.




I used to rub coco butter on Lamar's feet.

Robben sucks

Hoo hoo

I fuck yo mudda in da ass

Chip, get out of the bushes, stop watching me and Lemar.

Go over to Uncle Pauls house while Lemar finishes fixing the floor.

Pull your pants up first!

Brilliant comedy, here. It's like when Jim Norton does it, except without the timing or originality.

I don't know why this guy gets picked out for criticism though. It goes on here constantly.

That's the bit!



Ants camera what are you a really fuckin' tiny camera or something?

Or no wait what do you go around taking pictures of ants and tuggin on your peckah or something?