Brother Joe is so embarrassing

26  2014-10-12 by GRIZx



I wasn't doin' NUTTIN! All these people are harr-issing me and calling me bad names like dirty old man. Can't people just mind their own business!? What's wrong if I want to get my video camera out for little Leyla and start filming her. She wants to be a movie star is all! I WAS HELPIN' HER CAREER! She's gonna be famous once I send the tapes to my file trade buddy Dr. Steve.


Fluids uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The worst thing is he made that, had a look at it, then said "nailed it" and put it up for all 12 people who will see it (obviously that number excludes those who watch it purely to mock it.)

I know brotha(man) Joe loves to mimic his little bro and his penchant for prepubescent broads, but that girl on his lap is waaaaay too young

She's a mature woman in the prime of her sexual exploration. Don't get in the way of their fully consentual relationship!


They're not mimicking each other, they're mimicking their traumatic experiences with their incompetent boob of a father.

Don't you be a tattletale.

He's an audio guy and the audio here is crap.

Only comment, posted by Joe:

"Joseph Cumia

3 hours ago

Add a message to your video"

I looked at a few of his 2U videos and over half the comments are him.

It's all him defending his cover band, like "we don't suck, U2's manager said we are good" and "I guess you're entitled to your opinion but we make more money than most cover bands!"

The fuck did I just watch?

As stated before, the David Cross resemblance is so uncanny, it's borderline creepy.

I can only imagine Joe is going to do something terrible soon like start his own subreddit. I do not see it working out well for him, especially with all the comments about that hot little number on his lap, right gang? Shuuuuure

For all you Opie haters, Brother Joe makes Opie look like prime Stern and prime Ant combined. He's that bad.


You seem confused. That's Brother Joe, not Opie.

Ant met opie through brother joe.

So fucking what


It's relevant to the conversation. Come on get with it here.


"Can't he just think of his own thing to do instead of copying people?"

Well, since his career comes from being in a cover band, the answer is, no he cannot

Hopefully someone picks up his show.

And throws it into a volcano.

Ant must be so annoyed at this lol

Fawk yeah

I can't watch, too much cringe.

Worst part is he kept in the 30 seconds it took him at the end to turn off his camera.

let's see what fake edge has to say

Could you shitbirds stop shitting on him for a little while? I know he deserves it, but he's going get discouraged and give up all together--then we'll have nothing. I want to keep hating him for at least a few more months.

Fuck you and fuck Barnacle Joe

The part that made me cringe most was when he got a boner and it startled her...

wow SO CRINGY!!!!! thanks for posting this


Fluids uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh