Wait a second, when did this happen? Rich Vos, "unfunny comedian", on WWYD?

15  2014-10-12 by Xicor1


I think the most believable part was when the crowd began walking out en masse.

This show is infuriatingly patronizing.

Good god I hate this shit.

I'd hate to be at a show with that table of noisy spics.


"you meet at the buffet?' lol.

This is the worse audiences I've ever seen, just a bunch of sensitive white people.

Where did they get that hideous audience?

They put out an ad that said "See Rich Vos live."


"Don't try thisssshhh at home"

That drunk driving joke about the asian would've bombed at a klan rally. But this shitty show acting like it's "brave" to heckle a comic because you don't think they're funny is just plain gay. The right thing to do in this situation is to either not laugh and let the comic bomb or to simply get up and leave. Anyone who interrupted the show FAILED at "What would you do?" and I think Rich did his own profession a disservice by going along with it like the audience's duty in that situation was to vocally protest the jokes they didn't like.

I hate this stupid "shaming" word. Like making fun of a fat person becomes "fat shaming". Make fun of anything else and they don't call you a "shamer" they just say "Oh he made fun of a movie/song/news event/etc."

I liked when the last girl said that she was in the process of losing weight while holding a beer.


That was fuckin' great. Gotta love Vos on stage.

Looks like they told him to be less funny after the first show. If it were real it would be fucked up to keep cracking jokes on people that weren't going along with it, but they were still funny jokes on the first show.

Second and third shows were just mean. I think they learned that 'funny is funny'.

I remember watching these and was surprised when Vos was the comic they hired.

Pretty funny shit either way. The buffet line was so cheesy it was actually funny.

That mush mouth idiot wants a more outspoken audience?


Wait, why are they taping one of vos' regular performances? That don't make no sense.

Rich Vos is hot and funny.



I liked when the last girl said that she was in the process of losing weight while holding a beer.