Erock just one-upped The Candy Kid

26  2014-10-11 by drunk8gods


ME: The mob used to give me these pills to sell for 75 cents a pill. I got to keep 30 cents!


People knew...

I can't remember how I got long ago

Shhh they might be listening..

Wheres lil chippy d when you need him

Erock is a god damn pimp.

Oh, you did this, too, Erik?

Leave it alone

It was the perfect crime, too. Nobody would ever suspect Erock of being a caffeine salesman.

He posed as a bouncy castle

One time in high school a friend and I decided that we might be able to catch a nice buzz off of caffeine pills. We took about three pills each and waited. Oh boy, was that a disappointment. The next few hours were spent shaking, sweating, and holding back vomit.

Fatso should have traded them for some Zantrex-3.