Opie on Howard 'He sees everything as trashing him' - we become what we hate. (6:30m)

5  2014-10-11 by HugsMcbear


Opie is a howard emulator. Always has been.

To be fair, everything is kind of trashing The Opster.

I dont get these posts of "we become what we hate". it infers that opie wasnt always the loathsome douche he is now.

Nobody wins with this one. Shelby made an off-handed remark that was vaguely negative towards O&A and Ron lost his shit(this was the beginning of why Ron treats Shelby like garbage now). Anthony got wind of that when he was doing the show by himself the next day and sorta pretended to be offended. This must have been the day after that. Of course, Opie acts like a cunt because everybody is a "hater".