Opie Appreciation Thread

0  2014-10-09 by AChansSemenFilledCnt

Fuck all you H8ors...

The man has:

  • Made a baby (TWICE niggaz!!)
  • Discovered Anthony
  • Discovered Jimmy
  • Given Club Soda Kenny steady employment
  • Hung up on all kinds of faggots
  • Steered a ship that has entertained me for over 20 years

Yea... What the fuck have you done?

What other miracles has the Opester brought to this small blue rock?

flame on below:


I'm finally admitting it, he sucks.

I appreciate Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

okay faggot... what's next?

You might be Opie. Clues: "h8ORS"...only the Opster would spell it like that; "discovered Anthony AND jimmy"; "steered ship"

Can people stop comparing a radio show to a ship? Jesus christ, it would have hit the iceberg long ago if it were.

ts ts Opie must've been steering the Titantic and that's why it hit an iceberg or sumthin.

Guys Hold On, Hold ON, HOLD ON.... PAUSE!!!!

You're not getting the spirit of the topic!

This is supposed to be a place of celebration, not about ships and icebergs!

And no, this isn't Opie... It's Sam you freakin morons. SAM!!!

He's not good without Ant . . . and Ant isn't all that great on his own.

Ant's actually pretty great without Opie. (Besides the fox news view)

Opie sucks no matter what.

What this guy said.

He's talentless, boastful, and has made the show worse most of the time he spoke.

When people were saying awful things about everyone in the room, they avoided him because he has tantrums.

At best you can say Opie was a decent talent scout. He's shit as a broadcaster though. When the show was great it was usually great in spite of Opie's ineptitude.

when you're below maggots on a chart of therapeutic use you need to take a long hard look in the mirror so you can make sure you're holding the gun at 45° instead of 90° that results in embarrassing suicide survivors.

I appreciate Opie's massive tits which I would like to put my penis in between and titty fuck Opie and cum on Opie's tit's.