If Ronnie B. And Florentine are in studio at the same time, how does Opie decide whose shtick to steal

7  2014-10-08 by TypeOpieNegative


If you don't like obscure bands then you're a child and I hate you!


mash up

Ronnie wouldn't call him out I don't think, but he would definitely stop feeding him.

He'll just combine it: I'm not four, I don't eat crab leggggssssssss.

Toss in tom sizemore too to get him lying

I don't listen to Ron and Fez but I loved him everytime on OandA show.

But I am curious what is Ronnies shtick or flow chart?

But I am curious what is Ronnies shtick or flow chart?

Making up fantastical stories about his past, pretending to be a puppet master. In denial of his breasts.

Fuck. Too late.

In all fairness - Ronnie is a smart guy and great interviewer. That is where he and Greggshells part ways.

Ask someone a question -> any answer they give is wrong, let the coolest guy in the world explain to you why

If he steals Ronnie's gimmick he's going to need a bigger bra with a quickness.

Sure, Ronnie is a fat midget, but he's a radio legend. National treasure.