Ant's firing

0  2014-10-08 by [deleted]

So he was assaulted on the street, of course he was emotional. He gets assaulted and makes a personal observation about how our cities are at night. He gets assaulted and ends up being the bad guy? Fuck Joe Derosa and all these guys not backing up someone they called their friend.

How about you guys don't judge until after you start getting punched in the face over some bullshit? We'll see if you don't feel like ranting.


Cool man. What did you do yesterday for the 4th of July?

I was balls deep in your mom.

My mom died on the 3rd of July.

I think my grandmother actually did die on July 3rd

You're right, it was the 3rd.

The sad part is that she was even better than she was on the 2nd.


Ant got FIRED?!?!

For some reason I always feel the need to let someone on here know when they actually made me laugh out loud. So there ya go. Well done.

You're kiddin'?!

howdit happn

Gawd love im

I was jus talken to him

At a RITE AID?!?!?


Listen, I don't like Ant's racial views, but I'm going with whatever show starts doing Scorch bits first.

I remember laughing my ass off in preparation for Monday's show after I read those tweets. The only one that had me concerned was "they're not people", that was just so harsh and blatant and perfect for the media to pounce on.

Same here. I thought it was hilarious and was looking forward to hearing about it on the show but some of the tweets got a little sketchy and I thought it could be a problem...

Ant's amazing so long as he is confined to the O&A universe. You really have to listen to the show to not dismiss him as a psychopathic racist cunt, that's why a public forum like Twitter probably isn't the best place for someone like him to take to immediately after an assault.

I dunno, if I got punched in the face, I wouldn't necessarily go on a white nationalist radio show weeks later and talk about how the Apollo missions were a "white achievement" which proves that integration is a bad thing (despite the fact that non-whites weren't really allowed to apply for jobs until until 15+ years into NASA's existence). There has to be some end to the punched-in-the-face grace period.

People keep writing about this white nationalist show, but no one has revealed it's name. Do you have a link?

The Political Cesspool

"Even though Whites represented the vast majority of the American population, we had no mainstream voice. That would soon change. The Political Cesspool enjoyed a modest launch on October 26, 2004."

It's pretty common for these guys to go all in after they fuck up.

But that's the thing that made DeRosa stop supporting Ant--not the twitter posts that got him fired. He's always said he was willing to overlook the twitter posts because they were obviously made in anger immediately after an assault.

I like the part where you kept saying "he gets assaulted"

What poetry!

Yes, an assault consisting of several punches to the face which weirdly left no black eye or any sign of violence on his face... OP is a bag of rocks.

He was beat up. I saw him 48 hours later and he still had punch marks and stuff on his face. Unless he pulled a Morton Downey Jr.

Yeah, well, you have a small dick.

I like the part where you forget if the period goes before or after the quotation mark so you just leave it off altogether.

liiiiinger loooooonger!!!

assaulted, he shoulda been peppered or somethin tss

We feels you man, A bit late but we feels you.

Yeah, I'm just getting caught up as I am not a regular listener. Listening to Derosa throw him under the bus really pissed me off.

It's ok bud, Don't let the mutants scare you off. DeRosa is still a piece of shit oh and just so you know everyone here hates Opie so join in on the hate while it's still stale.

Did DeRosa say something that was factually incorrect . . . or are you just pissed off at him because he spoke of Anthony's racism as if there was something wrong with it (which there is; big time)?

For all his racial tirades, I honestly don't think Anthony is racist. I think he can be prejudiced, but not racist. For some reason he's especially hung up on issues plaguing the black community, and focuses (entirely too much) on it.

I just feel like it is pretty small of him to abandon someone he used to call friend in his time of need.

Time of need? Hadn't Ant announced, weeks before, that his podcast was making him more money than his work in legitimate broadcasting had ever netted?

You're acting as though DeRosa said all this on July 5. He didn't. He said it last month; long after it was established that no one need shed any tears over the fate of Anthony Cumia.

assaulted on the street (by a woman)...

start getting punched in the face (by a woman)...

How about you understand what the actual issue was before you troll for upvotes?

You got me man. I did this for karma obviously.

What is the actual issue? And why does being punched in the face by a woman make a difference? Assault is assault in the eyes of the law.

The actual issue is taking an event (which sucked that it happened, and the woman certainly shouldn't have done what she did) and using it to espouse your racial superiority nonsense is pretty much a guarantee you're going to get fired (especially when you decide that it's the right time to tweet something intentionally ambiguous like "they aren't people," and especially when there's record of you discussing the merits of fucking eugenics on your national radio show).

It doesn't make a difference in the eyes of the law that it was a woman, I totally agree, it just made Anthony look like a bitch.

I get that Anthony put himself up to be fired but I just wasn't sure what you meant when you kept mentioning that it was a woman that was hitting him. That actually makes it worse because you can't even hit back without being called a woman beater.

Yeah, that's a fair point, I apologize - I meant that part as an offhand compliment and stated it totally wrong.

ah man.. now I have to reset the apology clock.

It's Ok... I've been watching the Dead Wrestler Clock and it just got reset too (Nancy Grace tweeted that a backyard wrestler just died yesterday from steroids at the age of 14).

I actually read an article on Yahoo the other day that The Undertaker is possibly dying. Apparently he is in very poor health and needs our thoughts and prayers.

Getting punched in the face is being punched in the face. Why you so sexist?
The actual issue to me is that people aren't giving him any understanding. If you get punched in the face you are probably going to be pretty pissed off, and might say things you never would otherwise. If you got attacked by a meth head with other meth heads around taking her side, you would probably be pretty pissed off at meth heads.

Honestly, if I got attacked by a meth head with a bunch of meth heads around cheering it on, I'd be mad at those particular people who did it; getting mad at meth heads in general gets me nowhere.

If he called the woman who attacked him a savage, then said the same thing about the people who cheered her on, he never would've gotten fired. When he decided to use something fucked up that happened to him as his platform to say racist shit (for the millionth time) is where he got in trouble.

I have a question for the smart people to answer. Everyone is hating on Joe Derosa for not having Anthony's back, after O&A turned Joe into a well known comic. That's great! I hate Joe too.

But do you know who else O&A helped get noticed when he was a nobody, performing in Bowling Alley Lounge Rooms, and turned him into an Iconic Legend to the Entire O&A Fan Base, and not only did he not talk shit about Ant to another Podcast, he just didn't even admit to knowing Anthony, and you guys are still drinking his Kool-Aid? BILL BURR!!

He knows God Damn good and well that O&A are a big part of the reason he started getting popular, and got people to notice him. Now He's huge! And I know a lot of people will disagree with me but its a chain reaction. One thing led to another for Bill, and yes! O&A were part of that.

As soon as the incident happened, Bill Burr developed Amnesia and forgot He had a friend named Anthony. All because he's an Oil Derrick, and he was afraid of his wife, so he couldn't support that RACIST!!!

But Bill didn't mind hanging with a racist, when he was constantly on the show back in the day trying to get noticed. But now that he's huge, he doesn't need to use that racist anymore.

Billy Burr is like a brother to the O&A Staff, until he gets big. Now, Bill heard that there was this new radio guy he's never heard of named Anthony Cumia?

He nothing but another Tracy Morgan! Both of them did the same exact shit! But that's ok because he's huge now. I hate Derosa, but I have more respect for him. At least he took time to call Anthony and apologize. Even if the make up fell flat

I admire your passion sir, but I think you're reading too deep into this. I don't think Anthony needed or wanted Bill to go to bat for him. I think Anthony had the situation handled, and Im sure Bill realized that. I don't know if you follow Bill on Twitter, but he doesn't Tweet all that much. When he does, it's usually something about sports, or a random aside every now and again, and/or dates for his show. It's not like he's a Kevin Smith who tweets every thought that comes into his head.

Joe not funny. Bill Burr hilarious. Riddle solved.

My assumption is that part of the reason he's been silent is because he is currently pitching a show based on this very topic.

Yeah, I'm just getting caught up as I am not a regular listener. Listening to Derosa throw him under the bus really pissed me off.

I was balls deep in your mom.

ah man.. now I have to reset the apology clock.