Why is Erock's show so much better than Sam's?

32  2014-10-08 by frostyswirl

Sam has been trying to craft a show for so many years now, and has spoken on air way more than Erock, and yet Erik's been absolutely killing Sam in terms of quality. What's going on here? Is it because Erik actually knows the theme of his show?

If I weren't an O&A fan and came across Sam's show, I would never listen to it. On the other hand, It's Erik Nagel seems like a show anyone could listen to and enjoy for what it is.


Because Erock is likeable and his enthusiasm gets the most out of his guests ie. The Al Jean interview was great.

Sam is an unlikeable cunt-biscuit with a punchable face, punchable hairdo and a voice that makes me want to punch him in his hair and/or face

And Sam's laugh. Yuck


Because Sam has no business being in radio whereas Erock was a FM radio DJ prior to working as a producer at SXM.

also E-rock is just better than Sam and is more relatable to the audience, and actually has good content. Kills me that E-rock only gets a fucking hour a week, absolute bullshit


Don King hair, bad accents and phimosis are practically universal, right?

I agree. Sam was an intern that shouldve been let go years ago. Opie is the only reason he is still around. I think he is trying to be his Brother Weeze. The show jumped the shark when Danny left the studio and Sam took over.

Because he pulls more weight

Oh shit! Swim walk.

Erock shares the studio with real-life friends, only discusses topics he is interested in, is respectful but firm to the callers, asks insightful questions to people he interviews, and doesn't laugh at or endlessly repeat his own jokes. Sam is trying to be like Opie.

Sam is truely the fucking worst. We all hate morbidly obese Roland Campos, but to be honest, he's never approached the level of douchiness that Sam has and that's a fact.

Sam is one notch below Opie, he's just horrible. His fucking cocky persona, his annoying voice, his shitty arguing, his childlike obsession with Wrestling, his love of Jay Z, and his pessimistic holier than thou attitude is enough to make a man wish aids upon his entire family.

Fuck him, his cuckold dad, his mud shark loving mom, and his average to ugly girlfriend.

Erock is a saint on earth, a true light in the darkness, a beacon of hope for those who are lost, and a guide for all mankind and he also happens to be fucking good at his job.

Erock is likable, down-to-earth, intelligent, humble, and funny.

Sam tries way too hard and has questionable tastes/interests.

Also Sam's opinions on stuff he doesn't have any idea about are infuriating. Hates store brand food but doesn't even eat the type of food they are talking about, store brand or not.

I think part of it is that Sam is like, constantly at the office. He's an obsessive careerist radio nerd. Boring artists make boring art.

Because Sam is an awful person

E-Rock seems to know what makes good radio. About a decade working for O and A along with his past experience in radio it seems like he knows how to put together a show. Having a theme helps. Sam might be the better personality but he needs to figure out exactly what his vision for what he wants to do is.

Go back and listen to the opener from E-Rock's first show. His knowledge of radio stems from a love of it, and that's what makes him so genuine and such a good broadcaster.

Sam doesn't give a shit about anything other than getting airtime and getting promoted.

I think Sam cares and works hard. I think thats why he has gotten as far as he had. That just doesnt make him entertaining. I like him more than most here but Erock is just a more entertaining person. Anthony is one of the most entertaining guys alive and hes lazy as all hell.

If Ant is lazy, what does that make Opie ? Ant is the complete opposite of lazy. He has created ( on his own ) exactly what Opie was crying about doing for years. How many times over the years did we hear Opie say we gotta do this and we gotta do that. He just never did anything about it. Ant has created a video and audio combo that the O&A show shoudlve had years ago.

Opie is also lazy. Anthony has admitted to being lazy many times his whole life. Lazy kid lazy tin knocker lazy radio host. He's still very talented.

He's done good work getting his show up and running but let's be real here he had a lot of help. He can't do all that on his own. He writes checks.

Of course he doesnt have the technical know-how but at least he is making an effort to get something accomplished. Even if it is writing checks. If you want things done right hire the right people to do it.

I wrote a check for someone to fix my sink because I'm lazy

I don't think Sam cares about making good radio, he cares about getting on the radio. I would even agree that he's a hard worker - some of the old Jocktobers are my favorite things O&A did - but putting in time doesn't make you a good broadcaster. Try as I might, I'll never be good at math, no matter if I spend the rest of my life trying to do math problems.

Of course he cares about good radio he just has a different opinion than we do. Think of it like the food he enjoys. He eats garbage food because its all he likes. He has his moments on the show for sure and I dont wish him gone but he cant carry a show by himself.

I guess we have different opinions of good radio. As for whether or not he cares about radio as much as promotion, I think back to Special Delivery. On one side, you have ESD who went in to debt and hauled himself into Manhattan on his own dime for the chance at two hours of radio. Then Sam, who threw a fit for more money and walked off, leaving Dave alone for a few weeks and ultimately getting the show pulled (until ESD could save himself with the sports show). Dave loved radio, Sam just wants to get ahead.

But what do I know? I don't have a show at all.

For sure Sam has to dedicate his time to the craft of building a show. Sam has spent his time on O and A building a good personality (Which is important) but he has been very neglectful of the fundamentals of programming. You can go on the air for an hour and have a loosely constructed show (Which is why I think Special Edition worked). But if you want to do more than an hour weekly, you are going to need that other side of things.

For all that E-Rock gets shit on the guy knows radio.


Erock doesnt care.... Sam cares TOO much and is too insecure to ever succeed. Kevin Pollack hit the nail on the head with Sam. Nice kid...treats everyone with respect...but is still so incredibly unlikeable. Literally brings NOTHING to the table to offer anyone, other than his loyalty to Opie.

treats everyone with respect

Who are we talking about again?

In real life maybe Sam is an excellent guy around the office and a good guy in general. His on air persona is a weasel though.

His voice doesnt help. Yowsa. Worst radio voice ever.

Erik actually knows the theme of his show


If you're a wrestling fan, Sams show is great when he has a wrestler in, because Sam knows wrestling. When Sam is talking about "just whatever", it blows ass, because Sam's good at talking about what he's interested in and is boring as shit trying to make a show work.

I'm an admitted pro-wrestling fan and I hate Sam's show. It meanders, seems contrived and his voice is beyond grating.

Erock, on the other hand, has a show that flows more naturally. I also agree that his show has set topics and isn't set as a 'casual hang'. Sometimes structure is a good thing.

Because Sam is annoying, his voice is horrible, tries too hard, and in general is hard to listen to. Erock on the other fucking rules.

E-rock is basically a radio expert. The boys used to make fun of him for listening to all of those other shows but in the same way that reading helps make you a better writer, listening to radio helps make you a better radio host. Sam seems to have modeled himself after Opie except without the over the top risky stunts that Opie used to pull and without an eventful childhood. I think Sam could be alright if he ditched his on air persona and just talked more honestly.

Sam is just BAD on radio.

He's an instigating little weasel who's constantly scampering around sniffing out drama like a woman. When was the last time Sam ever brought up a topic that didn't somehow degrade someone else?

Sam trying too hard is the right answer. I actually like Sam, but he does come off as trying too hard and forcing himself sometimes. Erock is more natural on the air and he's been with O&A for over 10 years, in radio even longer. He might come off as a dummy, but he knows his shit.

E-Rock doesn't take himself too seriously. He has a "go with the flow" mindset and it works.

Every time you hear Sam, you can tell he's trying way too hard. He forces jokes and topics where they don't belong. He was fine doing "What's the happs" - a 2 second interview, with one question.

Lastly, I know it has been said 100 times, but Sam really does not have a radio voice. I can take a NY accent, I can take mispronunciations...but holy hell - a nasally, mousey voice/laugh is really irritating.

First of all, Opie is right when he says that most of america relates to ERock. We do. He gets shit on a lot but he's a pretty regular dude. Likes stupid snacks, watching TV, looks for ways of not doing work. Sam is annoying. He's smarmy the entire time.

Opie blocked me on twitter when i told him that he was being an asshole for making Erock do the cinnamon challenge. "You almost killed Erock, but anything for radio gold, right Dick?" Then he blocked me. Does anyone ever recall a time when Sam had to do these stunts ? That cuz he never did.

Because erock tries to be appealing to a slightly wide audience. I really don't give a shit about wrestling, it's bizarre and mostly what Sam talks about

Sam tries a little too hard to do "radio," I mean he has this cadence sometimes where he'll go like five steps too many to set up a joke, or he'll speak too slowly and unnaturally. It's too radio-like, and I think it's a result of his mentoring from Opie.

That Nagel kid has a great show

Sam doesn't even want to improve either. How many times has someone mentioned his annoying voice or his annoying hair, and he just refuses to do anything about it?

The hair is simply to hide his Danny-level receding hairline. Sam wants people spending so much time wanting to take a buzzsaw to his Sideshow Bob gimmick that they don't realize he's a 30 year old man that is half bad.

Apart from enthusiasm, knowledge of topic and overall likeability, all categories Erock has the edge on Sam, the voice! Sam wants a career as on air talent career and he has a terrible voice and a tortuous laugh.

I don't need a guy to have the bassy, boomy, put-on of a "radio voice" but I think a broadcaster at a minimum shouldn't be unpleasant to listen to. A voice like Erock's is just fine. Opie gave Sam the worst advice of Sam's life when he told him that he didn't need to work on his voice and that he should disregard people who told him to work with a voice coach. Opie either set Sam's career back by years or killed it outright.

Edit: Also, everybody says Sam tries too hard because he's the biggest tryhard in radio. He's a "hard worker" and wants you to know it. If you don't know it, his parents and Daddy Opie will tell you that.

I've been reading similar comments since E-Rock's show started and I was very skeptical. I assumed that the positive comments were motivated by this subreddit's disdain for Sam rather than a reflection of the show's quality. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I actually gave E-Rock's show a listen.

E-Rock does a great job. The show is entertaining, engaging and well run. Nothing seems forced and he manages to get me interested in things that I wouldn't normally be interested in (e.g. his doll collection). Well done, Nagel.

The real question is why are both of them better than the main show, and why they get better guests?

A serious answer to a non-serious question: They get better guests because they record whenever they can and playback during their shows. Opie is only willing to talk to guests between 7-10, and it ends at 10.

Was kinda serious lol. I forget that the interviews on Sam's show are pre-recorded.

Does anyone else here actually like the Friday show? Idk, maybe it's mostly the whoo kid that I enjoy.

Erock is charismatic and funny. I never get tired of his fake enthusiasm for whatever cheesy shit he is explaining to them, it's seriously the most endearing thing on the show for me.

Erik Nagel's talent was being held back for our amusement.

I am masturbating furiously.


you're joking right?

Names for Erock's show: Toy Story, Ages 3 and Up or The Man-Child Show. Any others?

Babe 3: Pig in the Studio.

Is there any way to catch Erock's show online?

Sam's crutch is that he likes throwing people under the bus, constantly pointing out everyone's (near him) issues and faults. It was fun at first but now its just enough already, yes erock is fat/lazy/dumb/etc.

Erock's show sounds more professional, you can tell his style was heavily influenced by classic radio show hosts.

Because having air time doesn't mean you have talent. Most of us drive cars but very few of us would be successful race car drivers. Same goes for talking.

Sam just comes off like a weasel to me. i wished when erok smashed his tv it was over sams stupid head

Because Erock is likable. He's a lovable oaf.

Meh I like both shows

Erocks show is not one anyone can enjoy. You have to like the same things that Erock does, same with Sam.


Sam's show is funny.

Erock's isn't.

Erock's show is shorter and has more prep.

You guys are relating to Erock because of the content of his show, whereas hearing Whoo Kid and Nicole talk about sex confuses you all.

I'm an admitted pro-wrestling fan and I hate Sam's show. It meanders, seems contrived and his voice is beyond grating.

Erock, on the other hand, has a show that flows more naturally. I also agree that his show has set topics and isn't set as a 'casual hang'. Sometimes structure is a good thing.

also E-rock is just better than Sam and is more relatable to the audience, and actually has good content. Kills me that E-rock only gets a fucking hour a week, absolute bullshit

I agree. Sam was an intern that shouldve been let go years ago. Opie is the only reason he is still around. I think he is trying to be his Brother Weeze. The show jumped the shark when Danny left the studio and Sam took over.