What do you think is the real reason for the show's lack of focus, and why is it Opie?

0  2014-10-08 by ryanasimov

Calm yer tits... I'm just ’avin’ a laugh before the piling-on dies off.


his therapist introduced him to the concept of laughter being one of his triggers.

I don't know, but I think we should talk about music we don't listen to, sporting events we don't watch and television shows we've never seen for the next 3 and a half hours to get to the bottom of it.

Yeah and also let's bring up a topic but not have anything to contribute. Like what's his name? When was that? Why did he do that? What was it called again? I just don't ggget it.

Just cashing a check, fuck our product, fuck our brand, and definitely fuck any standards we had.

Mouth on the Sirius cock, and suck it dry, awesome company... Slurp...Slurp...slurp

Oh fire Ant and shoot it in our asses, we hate him and his views slurp...slurp...Gulp'

Sirius has always been good to us, and Howard Stern is a nice guy who we love.

money shot

Biggest fucking 360 in radio history from these 2 phonies.

I guess a 180 from the both of them would equal that so....ok

It's already died off compared to a month ago. Opie hate will probably hover around the same level it's at now for the foreseeable future.
