Jocktober O&J

0  2014-10-07 by crookedmile

Let's go! How is this not happening?!?!


They've already preemptively locked their Facebook page from people posting photos towards the end of September, they aren't idiots.

That's one of the so-called 'Pests' fatal flaws:

They think everyone is as stupid as they are.

Opie locked pics on their page?? If that's what you were saying, that's so surreal! Who would have ever thought the rabid fans would turn on the ones they protected?

do we really need to post this discussion every day, with the same answer?


Everyone name the thing you hate most about Opie.


Because its an O and A bit. I doubt Jocktober is going to happen.

I just want a good old radio war between O&J and TACS. Is that too much to ask?

Too much effort.

I doubt it will actually happen. If it does it won't be nearly as good as before and they probably won't do it everyday

That bitch didn't show up today, PERFECT TIME FOREVER IT!

Why don't you make us a clip then?

I thought op meant why aren't you guys jocktobering opie and jimmy? Even when Ant was there, I always thought they were hypocrites for making fun of other shows, when they did shit constantly that was equal or worse than any of the people they were making fun of. Then the irony of Sam being in charge of finding clips and doing research was just too much. The O&A show was just barely listenable. To say it was a hilarious show is a fucking stretch. It's just pretty much all we had.

In his defense Can you think of Anyone more qualified than Sam, to identify Shitty radio shows?

LOL that was awesome.