Opie is oblivious as to how often he describes other people with the word "stupid". It's not a bit or a character; it's an insight into his personality.

15  2014-10-07 by ryanasimov

It's different from the way Jimmy says "Stupid Bob Kelley". Opie's insults occur when he tell stories about innocuous interactions with just about anyone: "My stupid doorman", "My kid's friend's stupid mother", "The stupid cleaning lady", "The stupid cabdriver", etc.

Maybe he thinks it's humorous or he does it in a casual, offhand manner, but once you notice it, the insulting nature become apparent.


Everything is stupid to him because he's so edgy and punk that he doesn't take SO-ciety's bullshit like the rest of you lemmings, maaaaaaaan!

I lol'd. For some reason "punk" made me laugh, hort.

Everyone is stupid compared to Opie. I remember after the Jesse Ventura thing happened on their show he said Jesse was afraid to come back on because: "He just can't hang with US intellectually!" Opie didn't contribute anything to the entire debate. Ant and Jimmy argued with Jesse (who actually isn't stupid at all) and then Opie had the balls to say "he can't hang with us intellectually" as if he even knew anything that Jesse, Jim or Ant were talking about.

I used to think Opie was joking when he said that line. I laughed. But after reading all the Opie "hate" over the last few months, I'm now inclined to believe that, no, he was dead serious when he said that.

Don't you get it? If someone hates Opie? They hate EveryBody collectively. And if someone implies that Jimmy is smart? Than Jimmy Opie & Anthony are way to smart for anyone to fuck with.

Is that you Fezzie?

"Want to say thanks to opieisafaggot for this comment? Give them a month of reddit gold." :-)

This was a huge crutch for him when OnA were on terrestrial radio. He would say "dumb" and "stupid" in place of every curse. He never broke the habit but if you listen to the CBS-FM shows, it was alot worse when he couldn't swear.

No it's just another thing he stole from Ant and Jimmy but didn't know how to use. Like linger longer, warsh, etc...

"Well...what do we have here?" "Ho ho HO!" "Tha FYOU-chah!"

He says stu-pit.

Ronnie Bangton's appendix got infectit

In Opie's defense, he's always been a cunt.

Wow wow hey, we're piling on Opie now?

When aren't we piling on Opie?

You just don't get it because THAT'S THE BIT!



Psychological projection:

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.According to some research, the projection of one's negative qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.

Image i

Interesting: Projective identification | Blame | Rationalization (making excuses) | Transference

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Hear when he says people hate "us" now... referring to Jim too? No it's just you Ope. The fans of the show hate you.

Stop trying to passively aggressively drag Jim into all the hate that you deserve.


The other day opie was bragging to jim and chris desteffano about how he doesnt watch the news and 'why should he?' It was telling: he doesnt give a shit about bringing interesting topics and an intelligent perspective to the show. That was anthony's job...and jim sorta half assed it but at least he was aware of the world around him

I was always impressed with anthony's intelligence and yet opies the college graduate. It bugs the shit out of me opie is so freakin stupid..but still thinks he's above others just because of a college degree.

He really is a different type of person than anthony and jimmy and all comedians that come in. I bet you before the show opie didnt try to act vicious

You guys are obsessed.