you asked for it, so i'm gonna try and get some sound bite audio clips from your hero

0  2014-10-06 by [deleted]

I'm undertaking the mission to see if there's any radio gold audio clips from his stuff. But that means having to sit thru it in real time. double-ugh. Downloaded all the 13 shows from ustream. Converted them to wav. Taking a look at it, most of that shit is clipping past 0db like this.

He should go open up a pink floyd song in an audio editor and see what it looks like, it's not like that.

Normally when you get over-clipping, just turning down the volume doesn't fix it. I got this izotope rx's declipping tool which does salvage things but some of it is still clipped after max settings. The file is unsalvageable if its way too over-maxed. For that i'd have to do spectral repair if it's a good sound bite section. May just be able to get some stuff yet. Skipping thru it noticed some things, so be a few days.

Already noticed one, he's got the whole high quality Dara song with Ant at the end of an episode. Looked around for it online, seen he tweeted a link to buy the track at cdbaby, but uh, listening to the preview, that's clipping as well. ugh. So even if you buy it, he probably messed with it and it's probably over-maxed clipping levels. When you over-clip levels its like putting a piece of shit ghetto blaster to 10. Not sure about posting that cleaned up version, he might get excited but he does talk at the intro, so maybe. That one's iffy, if he's posting one for sale and i post a cleaned up high quality version, that's not cool. So you're starting to get into territory where he might get excited. Sounded good high quality though. The only other clip out there is this bad mudded up youtube version from the show.

I think he might be turning things up that loud because otherwise phone calls won't be loud enough. ugh.

Anyways, it's probably gonna be most of the week, but i should have some interesting clips. Anybody know of a good anonymous audio clip hosting site with no bandwidth limit, where people could listen to them streaming as well as being able to download them? The clip hosting sites i seen you can just click play. Ya gotta be able to download it, ya know, so the pests can use stuff for jocktober pestering.

Holy fuck is this ever gonna be annoying having to sit thru his shit, but i'm taking one for the team to try and get you guys some radio gold clips. You fuckers owe me a beer after this one. lol. You go sit thru his "thinks he's all that" shit for a week.. It's like trying to find some funny from opie. But we'll see if i can get some clips. Going in.


What in the ever living fuck are you talking about. This guy is insane. Where did you come from, I wanna know every detail about your life

What's the over/under on the number of severed heads in his fridge?

He definitely owns a clown suit.

With colored handkerchiefs to sop up children's tears


I 2nd this.

I am terrified. At first, I calmed myself down thinking I must have wandered into /r/nosleep.

This is like an intro to Criminal Minds. One of us will now receive one of Jimmy's severed fingers.

"Clearly we have a psychopath intent on drawing us into his game." - Aaron Hotchner

I need to know what your thought process was while you typed this manifesto.


Hey, by the way, what the fuck are you talking about?

This is one of Opie's shills, he's going to use this fake post as proof that Redditors are weirdos.

I freely confess that I don't get what the point of this is supposed to be.

I wish Opie was here to break down this bit for me. I'm honestly at a loss for words.

Did we ask for it?


I'm pretty sure this guy's trying to say he's pulling "Jocktober" style clips of Opie? Or... Ant...? I don't know. I'm just as fucking confused as the rest of you.


Numba, There is no Pepe Silvia. The man does not exist. Barney give Numba a cigarette.

Perhaps he can take it up with Carol in HR, Caaaaroooool, CAAARROOOOOL...

You're scaring me over here! Prodding at him like this is 60 Minutes!

What is he? Ed Bradley?

It's the "Cock n Balls" Opie Raquio logo guy!

who and what are you talking about? an introduction about your topic before steamrolling through your process would really help with a thread

Nigga what the fuck are you saying???

Good luck with that you wordy fuck



Signs of amphetamine abuse:

feelings of euphoria, excitement and a sense of wellbeing increased confidence and motivation a sense of power and superiority over others increased talkativeness repetition of simple acts nervousness, anxiety, agitation and panic paranoia hallucinations irritability, hostility and aggression headaches dizziness feeling more awake and alert, reduced need for sleep and difficulty sleeping abrupt shifts in thought and speech that can make people difficult to understand enlarged (dilated) pupils feeling more energetic

Honestly, does anyone have any idea what this man is talking about?



can you hear us?

This made me laugh so fucking hard.

what the fuck is this about?

Sound Cloud Gives You 2 Hours

Dropbox allows nearly unlimited streaming and downloading. But lacks commenting on files.


why not just use a fake email address? you dont have to login to listen to what's posted on soundcloud once its there



How high are you right now at this exact moment?

"cool, thanks"

-no one

you're clearly too insane to have a conversation with or a troll. either way, im done with this.


Allah Akbar.