Can we get into a deep discussion analyzing why Brother Joe is failing so bad trying to get his new show going? lol

0  2014-10-05 by [deleted]

Its just disturbing how his indiegogo campaign to try and raise $10,000 has only got 11 bucks, a week and two days into it. I've never seen the likes of it. Sounds like they just completely resent how he's trying to do his own podcast. What's the psychology going on of why they hate this guy so bad?

The other day I had posted a comment wondering why and seems kind of like in Hollywood when a celeb tries to make their kid famous, everybody just completely resents it. Like that Will Smith's son's movie, After Earth (2013). That had a budget of $130M, yet only got $60M domestic. You don't really hear of celeb's kids doing well with the trying to get famous. It's like most celebs start out from the bottom, and their kids get a shortcut and nobody likes that.

Seems like a similar situation with this Brother Joe. You hear people use the word coattails about what he's doing well let's look-up the definition of that. "Riding coattails is a metaphor that refers to the way in which lower level or uninspiring celebrities can often reach stardom through their ties to another, more popular and successful celebrity". Yup, sounds like that's whats going on and seems like the fans completely resent it.

And it's not just here, that Pietaro guy tried plugging it on wackbag and got slammed bad. Then ya got fans of Ant's show, you'd think some of them would be sympathetic. But nope, 11 bucks on that campaign. Never seen the likes of somebody so despised, it seems. lol. Its just absolutely horrendous.

I tried checking out his show, oh maybe couple weeks back or something it was, when i first heard he was doing one. Checked some of it. I think what the problem is, there's just not really any funny. Its just all straight-laced and kinda boring or something.

So what does this guy do for a day job, does he just do that cover band stuff to pay the bills? Also, ya know.. cover bands eh. Meh.. Cover songs just got such a bad reputation. Checkout the track record of rock band you like from the 80's, for example. You know that when they came out with a cover song, that was pretty much it for them. Their imagination ran out and seriously that was about it when they ran out of new material and put out a cover song to try and get some sort of filler out there. Just the other day heard knockin' on heaven's door by guns & roses as i was going thru the stations. That was around the time they came out with that double album after appetite and wow that was about it for them eh. So yeah, cover songs just got a bad stigma attached to them cause it means your band did too many hard drugs and their creativity is finished.

That whole cover songs thing its like someone trying to show they're as good as them but naw.. do your own thing. Like this brother joe guy, he obviously plays the guitar, well where's your own stuff. Maybe people would respect that more. So ya got him doing that, where its copying someone else's stuff. Then ya got him trying to do a podcast copying Ant. I don't know.. it's just disturbing how he's completely disrespected, even with Ant's fans. Trying to analyze what's going on there cause wow never seen anybody just have contempt for anyone like that within the O&A fans.. lol.. Meanwhile ya gotta wonder how Ant feels about this, it's just not good the whole situation.

And then ya got, well Brother Joe had another episode there the other day where i got that screenshot from and naw.. i just don't have time to sit thru it to check it out. Just don't have time, man. I can't sit around checking out people's podcasts cause it blows a day and you get no progress so naw.. don't have time to check it out. I'd like to though to get some sound bite clips. lol.. But naw.. takes too much time joking around. Maybe somebody could do that. Go thru the show and get some sound bites like what i had done with that opie yay clapping. Do a thread with links to quick words of wisdom. lol.. Then people might get there's some kind of funny there, even if we're laughing at him. Fuck, its just so disgraceful his whole situation, thought i'd try and help him out somehow by at least trying to analyze what's going on instead of all this quiet contempt that's happening.

Maybe everybody can just mellow out about it and check it out and laugh instead. I don't know, i just don't have time to check it out though. Maybe you can uh, do that for us and let us know if there's anything interesting there with some sound clips. Or maybe if i got time i'll try and sit thru an episode and get some, if there's any. ugh. I don't know.. that whole situation is just so fuckin sad. lol. Good luck trying to rock the casbah with it, Pietaro. Sounds like a money loser that whole concept. Good ol Brother Joe just losin bad over there. lol.

TL;DR (Too long; didn't read): Maybe Opie can help him out by giving him mondays on the channel so he can take the day off! hahahaha

Might not be such a bad idea, would get some of Ant's fan's camp tuning back into Sirius. Then Jimmy could get some sleep on mondays after running around touring for the weekend. Jimmy's about to snap any day now. He needs some rest. Opie would be less bitchy cause he'd finally get enough time off. Plus it'd help this sad-sack Brother Joe's situation. We've also had enough of listening to Opie and Jimmy's no chemistry, so i'd listen to a Brother Joe taking calls on monday mornings. Ant would feel like less of a loser about him. Cause that whole orphaned brother situation is not good for his ratings. I think that'd be 4 birds with one stone, that move. Opie needs any sort of boost over there at the channel, that's for sure.


Because nobody cares about Anthony's attention-starved, coattail riding brother.

Now go get a life, you autist.



I want to punch the way you type right in the face.

Whoa what the fuck happened to your brain? I know how it feels to take 30 mg of adderall and spaz out on a forum, so you have my sympathy.

Haha 3am aderrall binge is the only acceptable explanation for this madness

my entire post history on this account is me spazzing on adderall. i'm not exaggerating or joking one bit. i sincerely doubt I've ever posted a comment here while not UTI. if you read some of my lengthier comments it's embarrassingly obvious. my longest one though is still a post-it note compared to this shit.

3 words into your post I realized you had your deep discussion amongst yourself

I was convinced the title of this thread was sarcasm...

He's just not entertaining, even he has admitted as much, lol. Which makes this pathetic "campaign" even more baffling.

Yeah, I thought we were supposed to throw out silly one-liners about about how Joe Sr is rolling in his grave realizing he gave his namesake to the wrong son...

Lol is this guy serious with this post? Whether serious or joking or trolling I still found it hilarious and read almost half of it

It's a solid mix of OP's cerebral injury in action and a devastating psychological analysis of Bro Joe.


Joe sucks and so do you

The way Ant would always describe him in stories, it seemed like Joe was the cool brother when they were kids. Why do I get the feeling that Joe is one of those guys that peaked in 11th grade?

He made it to 11th grade?

I'm not reading that wall of text, but I find it funny that he apparently couldn't even get a friend or family member to donate to his indiegogo. Shit, i could raise a 20 bucks from my mom if i had a kickstarter.


There are so many great podcasts done just by audio. He's done nothing to deserve a $10,000 green screen studio.

TL;DR (Too long; didn't read)

Even your TL;DR was too long. Brother Joe is not particularly interesting and continuously makes an ass out of himself.

Hes a boring douche

Watch out everybody! Joe is GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!


Im not going to read all that shit but joe sucks and a horrific accident on the long island expressway where he has to be pryed out of his vehicle would be the only just response from the universe for his radioshow.

I had no idea adderall did what the people who replied say it does. Good to know. So I guess this wasn't a complete waste.

Kind of funny too. Like the shrink in Office Space, "He helped Ann lose weight." "Peter she's anorexic." "I know, the guy's really good!"

In your own dumb amphetamine-addled way, youre right.

Have another red bull.

Phone crapped out


You're a fucking douche. Get a life or slit your wrists, but whatever you do don't make any more posts here.