Just curious, anyone else here make a joke about Opie on the TACS subreddit and get banned?

9  2014-10-04 by [deleted]

Someone said "Opies wife won't let him travel that far" (out to Ant's place)

My stupid reply was just "That's not fair, she used to let Bam travel around the world regularly"

and then BAM

"you have been banned from posting to /r/theanthonycumiashow: The

Anthony Cumia Show.

note from the moderators:

"We don't do that here.""


Maybe they don't want a sub filled with a circle jerk of hatred like this one?

except there is a bunch of circle jerk hatred about Joe Derosa on the TASC sub.

It's selective who you can circle jerk your hatred for on there.


It is barely filled with anything now.

Don't you mean haters?


No he isn't, stupid.

Maybe, but this will ruin my plans to fill every subreddit on reddit with Opie hate, including /r/politics, /r/technology and /r/aww

Don't you fucking sully /r/aww, you bastard! That's a happy place filled with kitties, and I won't let Opie roon it!

It's cool though. Kittens think Opie sux too.

Maybe you should shut your fucking slut mouth pussy tit

I posted that I don't want to see any more black guests and that Bill Burr dates blacks because the bruises don't show when he beats them. No ban. Just direct your hatred toward minorities and those who lay with them and you'll be fine.

Holy fuck that's funny.

I saw that one and it was hilarious and you should have posted the original text cause it was great. And dully noted, next time I will talk about beating minorities and Joe Derosa and I will totally not mention Opie the destroyer who has just been doing FANTASTIC GREAT GOOD HEARABLE AUDIO AND AUDIBLE DRIVEN RADIO the past couple of months and almost never steam rolls Jimmy or drops Jimmy's Jokes faster than quantum physics entangled particles.

Yeah, I made a joke about fucking opies wife and children with a bottle of ketchup AND THOSE FASCISTS BANNED ME

That's censorship maaaaan!

The fucking Nazi bastards!


Ant posts there, right? Daddy wouldn't like that.

Yeah its the 3 mods thinking that 'ant wont like what is being said so he wont come back', even though he has said he doesnt give a shit about what is posted and finds some of it funny.

You're very naive if you think people don't care about buddying up to Ant and pleasing him when he posts on a forum that's about him and his show. No matter what he says about how he feels, his presence in a forum about his show is going to change the way that forum behaves to some extent.

By the way, one of the mods has a little "as mentioned on TACS" blurb by his username in the box that lists all the mods... but I'm sure that's just a joke, and in no way indicative of a need for recognition from Ant.

"Now THIS is uncensored" except any fan-site

The thing is I myself if the mod on that sub might tow the line between trying to do what I think might keep Ant happy and coming back and I think most people would be like me in that position also.

Also not to mention perks like Beavis Cumia being invited over for tweets and shit.

Like the other guy said you are naive if you don't think they are not trying to or at least considering their buddying up opportunity's with Ant if the occasion ever presents itself.

Tow the line? You retard.

They ban people because "His Highness" frequents it?

The man who got fired for his unpopular opinions has a subreddit dedicated to himself, where they censor unpopular opinions

His Highness Hollywood Ian Halprin?

Google it!



Why try to cause unnecessary drama? its stupid. nobody is getting fired from their jobs.

It's just silly to censor a joke that 1 specific person finds "in bad taste"

It goes against Anthony Cumia's radio career and personal beliefs. If someone is purposefully trolling everyday and really dragging the place down, ban them.

If someone makes an off-handed joke you don't like, you downvote them. The community will do the policing for you (this is the basic principle of Reddit)

anthony may not be the one moderating it, it could have been someone else. i'm just saying he may also approach it from the standpoint that this has pretty much become the anti opie reddit and he doesn't want any of that kind of shit to bleed over into his. i dunno the reasoning, but i wouldn't say its related to his career and beliefs. he didn't apologize for his rants, and he's made it very clear about his beliefs.

Anthony doesn't moderate it, a fan does.

I understand WHY they are banning people, I just don't agree with it

Yeah, community policing works out really well here.

I appreciate you volunteering for downvotes to prove my point

I actually get it and don't blame the mods. You can't have another copy of this subreddit. So it's all good as I am concerned but still was curious how many other might have been banned for anti-opie comments or jokes.

i agree. i'm all about anti opie jokes. i just think they probably don't want that kind of sentiment to get recognition as being funny or getting any kind of positive attention.

Tacs subreddit is full of pussies I hate it.

The mod is full of himself anyway.

Probably strokes it because Ant looks on his subreddit.

Banning is for ninnies and pooslingers.

I don't understand why every person that sends Opie a hate tweet; always C.C. Ant as well? Are they hoping Ant talks about them on TACS? And be like "This person sent me the funniest tweet ever about hating Opie"?

Why do these people think that Ant wants to see those hate tweets about Opie? He already said 10 times that he doesn't want to see them.

I'm not sticking up for Opie. I'm a card carrying Opie hater from way back. I love seeing hate tweets to Opie. I think alot of them are the funniest shit I see all day. I just don't understand wanting Ant to see them?

I agree why on earth do people think Anthony is going to join in on the Opie hate. They've clearly gone there separate ways but that doesn't mean there's not an underlying respect there. No matter what happens Opie and Anthony changed eachothers lives for the better and Opie pretty much discovered Anthony. That alone is worth a lifetime of gratitude. Ant was knocking tin before anyone of this. Why would Anthony ever shit on Opie when there's obviously no bad blood between them and until Anthony was fired they would have continued the show together. Anthony even said he would have re-signed. Some people take the Opie hate to delusional levels. Also why would Anthony stand by and let people shit all over opies wife and kids? It just doesn't make any sense.

this sub is 90% shit heads- ive decided to enjoy it for what it is

they ban people who bash BlowJoe ,even the Ant ballwashers were getting banned for shitting on Joe.I guess they don't want the joint to turn into this joint.


Why would you make cuckolding jokes about Opie in the sub of the two where he's less likely to see it? His name is on this one, it's a thing here, have at it and see how it fares.

Ant clearly thinks it's disrespectful to Opie, who he still regards highly as a colleague.

I don't see why this is so hard to figure out

Ant has nothing to do with the moderation on Reddit. He said so on his show. Any decisions made here are 100% by the moderators.

The Bam jokes are kind of shitty.

They are, but OPs was pretty fucking funny.


The old TACS reddit sucked. The guy running it was a total faggot. Insane how people think they are part of Ant's clique or something.


This is what happens when you call the forum cops, you get your posting rights violated or you all get shot. Word to Trayvon.

I carry Ice Tea and Skittles, these bitches can't fuk wit me.

Watermelon Fruit Punch, not Iced Tea.


It was actually Chicken Watermelon Grape Soda

Gay. It was probably the hole.

You guys sound upset.

To be honest I am very butthurt about it


And not even a warning? That was your first offense?

That's more than a little fucked up.

What you're seeing is just the Reddit Cycle. A subreddit will start off full of life and energy and see immense growth in a short amount of time, which leads to mods getting an overinflated opinion of themselves and dispensing rules based on their own personal thoughts and feelings. This in turn creates bad blood and friction with the regular forum-goers, which then escalates over time until finally a mod loses their shit and starts trying to liquidate all opposition in the most heavy-handed, aggressive way possible. Then an offshoot subreddit is formed by banned uers and the cycle starts anew, albeit with promises to never end up like the original subreddit.

I've seen this literally a dozen times on reddit. The only thing you can do is sit back and enjoy the inevitable meltdown.

So you are saying I should start a subreddit and be extra nice to new subscribers then when I have enough who are addicted to the sub I should fuck them over.

Okay give me a couple minutes to start one.

Leave it alone! Cumia is a super sensitive tin knocking loser

Good, enough of that shit.

Please don't use the s-word on this subreddit

Fucking awesome.

For YEARS we have been asked to NOT talk about her. Why did you have to go there?

Stupid reply indeed. Ban worthy.

She's kind of ugly!

Classy. Keep it up.

Top comment says it all.

You should probably get to banning all those people who say mean things Joe Derosa , The Todd Show , Jesse Ventura etc then.

Be honest you are being selective about who the subscribers can circle jerk their hatred about.


Sounds an awful lot like SiriusXM's logic on getting rid of show hosts.

The sub is private lol You dumb cunt