How would you describe Opie's sense of humor to a non-listener?

3  2014-10-03 by ryanasimov

For just about anyone else on the show I can clearly picture their style of humor. I'm at a loss to describe anything distinct for Opie beyond, "He tries over-the-top insults and occasionally breaks things."


Rich kid that wants to fit in with the cool kids. They tolerate him so they can hang out in his moms pool and play his videogames.

Ha, perfect. The forced laughter at his gay little "I promise I won't break it" game, so uncomfortable.

The unfunniest guy in your frat is in his 50s, married with children, and doing a toned version of his behavior in 1981.

You know that guy who says things like, "That could be a cool catchphrase! That could go on a t-shirt! That would be a great band name!"

Opie is that, but he's in his 50s and married with children. DRINKIN ROAD SODAS AND DROPPIN HAMMERS ALL DAY LONG, BROTHERMAN!


A complete lack of intellectual curiosity.

As well as a complete lack of intellectual capacity.

How dare you?!? He likes to people watch and high art such as Little People, Big World.

I say "I think of a man; then I take away reasoning, and accountability."

I won't lie.. That movie wasnt bad for a chick flick.

I think it transcended your standard rom com. It's in my top 5 Nicholson.

I always got a good laugh when Jack tells the Jewish guy (Tony Shaloub I believe) in the diner "I think people who talk in metaphors oughta shampoo my crotch."

Ha ha. "I have JEWS at my table!" (That chick went on to be on House, if I remember correctly)

Whats'a matter? Appetites aren't as big as your noses?

"Simon, the fag...carol, the waitress"

Don't let the jam tits fool you. He's all man, brotherman.

Why is John Updike credited with originating that quote. That fuckin' thief...


Imagine, if you will, being told your first born child is stillborn.

That could make you chuckle sooner than Opie.

He probably spread his arms "picture this:"

He's that dork in the group people tolerate because he's a good guy and does you a favor when you need it. Like when you were young and only one guy in your group had a car. You tolerate him for a ride. Poorly tags everyone's jokes. Is a perpetual wannabe, whatever type of group he is near he will embarrassingly try to relate. Has no true self-image. Complete lack of confidence he tries to supplement with fake bravado and absurdley fake stories. Bad phony laugh. Only time he is funny is when he is overly cruel (and it is funny) because he is a dimwit and that's all he's got. And finally, gets intolerable after awhile when maybe he gets a girlfriend and an inkling of status and is dumb enough to easily delude himself into thinking he has any wit or talent and that anyone tolerates him for any other reason than to use him.

I like this.

How about a grown up Scut Farkus?

He's to the show what the appendix is to the body. It would hurt to remove, but you wouldn't notice much difference after a while.

And it will infect and kill the body if not removed when it goes bad.

He's the Guy fiery of dad humor.



He has no sense of humor. He just goes off what other people think.

Hired Anthony because fans liked him. Hired Jimmy because fans liked him. Talks about having an eye for comedy, but he only mentions comedians EVERYONE knows are funny (Louis CK, Jim Jefferies, etc). He's not watching up n' comers and spotting potential or future stardom.

Opie definitely has hipster tendencies. He constantly wants to be viewed as the guy in the know. Opie has trouble just existing. He is constantly worried with how others view him, and trying to give meaning to his life. This stems from his subconscious thoughts of low self worth, and pointlessness. He's overcompensating.

In his defense, Opie does work 4 hours a day with a 10 minute commute. He just doesn't have the time or money to check anything new out.

Couldn't his assistant, chef, maid, nanny and unemployed wife help him check things out?

"He tries over-the-top insults and occasionally breaks things."

He used to break things. His "Opie the Destroyer" character died when he had kids. Now he's just a boring 50 something father of two.

A 40 year old man with a sharktooth necklace


Grandpa pledging a fraternity

A generic aging fratboy who is probably autistic

I've really been honing in on my critiques of him thanks to this sub, listen to his voice, there's something very improperly developed about how he speaks from the middle of his mouth and sounds like he's saying basic vocabulary for the first time each time.

I'd say think of a big greasy bucket of cum. There, see how much you laughed thinking of that? That's how funny Opie is.

Extremely conventional. Not very funny at its funniest.

He think the bigger the asshole he is, the funnier the "bit." And the only reason it's gone this far is because he's lived an insular life, being able to be the asshole without suffering one iota of the repercussions.


It's like taking a joke and removing the punchline and then removing the set up, repeat something a couple of times and put some akwardness in there and we got some opie

A man out of place and out of time, whose supposed lack of self awareness can only be an ironic ploy, in an attempt to harken back to an earlier era of slap stick idiocy and frat boy douche chills.

As a former fratboy I take offense. We were mostly self aware douche bags.

Self-deprecating, but only when it's convenient for him.

I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. If they are ignorant of the Opster, let them remain so. If only we could all go back to a simpler time.

Like Big Bang Theory, but less high brow.

The guy who repeats the last 3 words of a funny joke one of his friends says and tries to make it sound like he's tagging it.

Beer can is on point

If that's the general consensus then we're all fucked.


listening to opie is like chewing on tinfoil

I can't honestly recommend the show to anyone. I can't brag that I listen to a cutting edge "funniest show ever" anymore

How would I describe his humor?

I wouldn't.

Pretend being really unfunny is actually just your own style of humor.

hes like every asshole in sales.

This guy was funny as shit 10 years ago. They used to fuck with people and this guys almost made Bernard Goetz shoot them all dead. Not to mention he threw poker chips at some needy cunt.

Called Ed Asner a bore to his face, and laughed about it.

Then he got married....

Whenever I talk to a non-listener about the show I go into a shame-spiral



Andy Kaufman is one of his heroes of comedy and he tries so hard to go for that uncomfortable laugh and moment.

Bullshit. Opie don't know shit about Kaufman humor. He doesn't eve mm get it, how could he possibly emulate it.

The thing about protracted, ironic, cringe humor is you can NEVER acknowledge it. The second you acknowledge it, you're an unfunny dunce. The audience is not "in on" the joke. It should never even know a joke is happening. THE AUDIENCE IS THE JOKE.

Saying "Thats the bit" and "tearing down the 4th wall" is deadly to Kaufmanesque fuck-with-the-audience humor so of course Opie talks about bits and reveals his process twice an hour every day.

Fez Whatley is the high king of this. I've heard he's a healthy and happily married straight man with children. Fuck, his dad might even still be alive. He's performed the biggest mindfuck in entertainment history on hundreds of thousands of people since the 1980s.

One of the best ever.

As a former fratboy I take offense. We were mostly self aware douche bags.